Emerald Call 346-4343 to place your ad today 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS Forgot to order a freshman record? You can still buy one at the Greek Life Office, Suite 7 EMU. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity seeks creative leaders to help us grow, men who want to be a part of something new and different. Inter ested? Damon at 346-9501. 100 PERSONALS "You're going the wrong way" You said as you walked up behind me. "Alum get no perks... UCLA/OR sold out, and I'm soaked", said I. (I'm thinking isn’t she supposed to avoid men at night?’) You're cardio thera py restored lives as I saw kids die teaching in L.A. We laughed, related 'til 1340 19th alley. Will I ever see this angel of a friend, Lord? Praying for your reply here or call 342-9522. —the wet guy in awe Looking for some excitement? Read the Campus Events column! Classifieds346-4343 100 PERSONALS 100 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS! Biz tfones and Di ent $of>nson Liz, a business major from Astoria, and Kent, a law student from Canada, were married July 4,1996 in Calcutta, India. - Pface your - WEDDING/ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT in the Bridal Guide. Friday, February 14. Call 346-4343 for more info. Deadline: February 10, 1 pm Not all who are... want to be. There is a way out of homosexuality. Call or write Freedom Fellowship, PO Box 70112, Eugene, OR 97401, or phone 343-7066 100 PERSONALS Place your WEDDING/ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT in the Bridal Guide. Friday, February 14. Call 346-4343 or fill out this form and stop by Suite 300, EMU Deadline: MONDAY February 10, 1 pm 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS 100 PERSONALS UO Singles. 1 -800-442-7080 x 111 Toll-free Jessica Wondering how you are doing. Give me a call. Rob 343-1565. 105 LOST & FOUND Found women's watch. Give me a call and a description and I'll give you your watch. Vaidila 345-1139. LOST: chrome key ring with 6 keys. Lost on bike path between Duck's Village & University. 302-9475 110 TYPING At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! FLYING FINGER TYPING SERVICE. Accurate, professional, and FAST turnover! $1.75/page, up. 484-9038. Pro/Edit Editing • Writing Assistance • Typing Graphics/Text Scanning • Resumes 741-7553 130 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $$Give Me Five!$$ Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Student/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds ^ CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT $14.95. View all premium and pay per view channels. 1-800-752-1389. Sunday is Warhammer Day at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 100 PERSONALS 145 CARS/TRUCKS Superior 5 Star Aluminum Rims and 50 Series Toyo Proxies. Barely used. $800/obO. 746-4786. 1987 Dodge Aries K 4-door Great condition. $1550/obo. Contact Dan 334-0443 '83 Toyota Corolla. New stereo, well maintained. 170,000 miles. $1350.485-6508. 150 MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS '82 Yamaha Maxim 650 Runs and looks great! New tires, maroon. In cludes cover. $1200/obo 338-0808 160 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Sega Satum + 3 games, 3 controllers. In box. $175. Andrew 343-8884 Power Book 100 w/ carrying case. Good condition! Has word process ing software. $350/obo. 484-6214. 486 DX/2 50.12MB Ram. 670MB HD. Monitor and modem. $600/obo. Call Dan 334-0443. Mac Performa 636 CD, 8/250, color monitor, keyboard, some software. $900/obo. 484-4343. 166+, 32mb RAM, 10x CD ROM, 33.6 modem, 2mb graphic card, 2 gig HD, Ids of software . $2299/obo. Call Shayne 344-2908 Webfoot Consulting for the Macintosh 485-5727 winging understanding Between you and rout Macmrosn • Help with selection, purchase & installation of computers & software • Connecting to & understanding the Internet • Troubleshooting & upgrades • Data recovery & disk repair • Tutoring for hardware & software IBM 386, 25MHz, 170MbHD, 4Mt> RAM, 14.4 modem, color monitor, keyboard, WP software. $375/obo. 688-1786. 165 TV/SOUND EQUIPMENT CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 100 PERSONALS Oregon y)ai/y