Definition: INTERNET \in-ter-net\ n [ME web fr.] 1: A way to communicate with other students while giving the appearance of doing something productive. Red Light District (Sex): LINT (Music) CHAT: (Meaningless Conversation) Scholarships: (Money) an ONLINE student community (...this one is worth waiting for!) 720 East 13th Ave. Upstairs in the University Center Building 8:30-7:00 Mon.- Fri. 10:00-5:30 Sat. 1 2:00-5:30 Sun. St Thomas More University Parish The Newman Center Celebrating 80 years of service to students & faculty of U of O 1850 Emerald Street Eugene, Oregon 97403 • 343-7021 e-mail • web site SPECIAL HAPPENINGS: Sunday, September 29th SPECIAL WELCOME for all NEW and TRANSFER STUDENTS following the Sunday 7:30 Mass. Join us in a get acquainted “ice cream/smoothie” social. All welcome. Wednesday, October 2nd Our First of the year - Wednesday 9:00 p.m. Mass and social. This is what you are looking for to make this year the very BEST! Sunday, October 6th WELCOME SUNDAY to begin the new school year. Welcome festivities begin with a superb supper at 5:45 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. we will open the year with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. Everyone is invited. Friday, October 11 th Mass for the Gay/Lesbian Community members at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, October 13 RITE OF Cl 1R1STIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. Open to all who desire to know more about the Catholic Faith and to those who would like to be a member of the Catholic Church. November 1-3 FALL RETREAT for students at McKenzie Bridge. SCHEDULE OF THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00PM Sunday: 9:00AM, 11:00AM & 7:30PM Student Mass Monday-Friday: 5:00PM Mass Wednesdays: Student Mass & Social at 9:00 PM Fridays: 7:30PM Mass for Gay/Lesbian Community members Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:30PM or by appointment STAFF Fr. Jose Pimentel, O.P., Pastor Sr. Janet Ryan, S.N.J.M., Associate Pam Homer, Secretary Carlotta Hoffart, Peer Minister John Watson, Manager of Chelsea House- Newman Center Catholic Co-Op Ross Stock, Manager Come & Get Involved in the Catholic Newman Community You can road the Emerald from anywhere in the ujorLd. O.D.E. on the uuorld uuide web: http: / / darkuj ing. uoregon. edu/—ode It's just like really being here, but without all the rain -5 CHAD PATTESON/Emerald Rabbi Hanan Sills leads Jewish Student Union and Hillel members in the harvest festival decoration of the Sukkah in the EMU courtyard. Students celebrate Sukkot by building traditional booth ■ HOLIDAY: Jewish harvest festival remembers the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt By Angle Suchy Student Activities Reporter To the Jewish population, corn stalks, gourds, pumpkins and dried corn represent more than the annual campus recognition of the Sukkot holiday. “Commemorating a holiday that is important to many stu dents lets the entire campus know that diversity exists within the campus environment,” Jewish Student Union director Micah Citrin said. “There is definitely a multicultural and pluralistic envi ronment on this campus.” The JSU and Hillel collaborated to assemble and decorate a wood framed Sukkah booth in the EMU courtyard. After a short service, members of the groups spent Fri day night in the Sukkah to cele brate the harvest festival, which takes place 15 days after the start of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana. “We will probably be hanging out in the Sukkah for the night rather than sleeping,” Hillel Presi dent Jennifer Dalton said. “Just being in the booth marks tradi tion.” As JSU literature states, the booth was constructed in remem brance of the Israelites who were freed from their enslavement in Egypt. The Israelites wandered in desert land, living in Sukkahs be fore reaching Israel. An informa tion sheet is posted on the Sukkah that gives details of the nine-day holiday. Other similarities between the booth and early Sukkahs include the dried stalk roof and the dried vegetables that symbolize grati tude for the harvest. “The Sukkot holiday is a har vest festival, after all,” Citrin said. I add impact with BIG COLOR from photo or computer file 36" by any length 1265 Willamette 344-3555 fax 344-0870