A t least there’s one book you ivon’t be spending a fortune on this semester. When you open a Student Checking Account from U.S. Bank, you get free checking for six months, fifty free checks, a free ATM/debit card, and a free 30-day trial of ON-Line Banking. Think your triple-digit physics textbook can top that? /<> open a U.S. Bank Student Checking Account, call l-HOO-US BANKS, or visit your nearest branch. |usJbank Without you, there's no us: ODE Classifieds... Worth Looking Into! Welcome Back „ UofO^ VE Service All Brands 'BIKE1 BARN I \AA O-pen 7 days^$ ' aiveek ( >165 Coburg Road~~) Sell your CLOTHES TO US I We pay cash EVERY DAY. SECOND THOUGHTS New & Resale Closing for Men & Women • 98 E. ntfi (at Oaf?) • 683-6501 • Open Mon - Sat 10 - 6, Swn 12 - 5 ■ Free Parking • Paging Casfi for Clotfies Call 346-4343 to place your ad today CAMPUS SECURITY SURVEY II you have had a good or bad experience with campus security please call Jett at 744-7225. UO Singles. 1 -800-442-7080 x 111 Toll-free At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! Pro/Edit Editing • Writing Assistance • Typing Graphics/Text Scanning • Resumes 741-7553 115 GARAGE/MOVING SALES SATURDAY 1PM NO EARLIES! Computer chair/desk, file cabinet, typing table, both metal on wheels; lamps, ironing board, popcorn pop per, twin and narrow TRUNDLE bed, swivle rocker, misc. LEE’S, 501 Divi sion Ave. #43. 461-6975. LARGE SOFA, dinning table, chairs, end tables, book cases, lamps. Fine condition, priced right. 689-9240 Bedroom set: double size head board and frame, mirrored dresser, chest, night stand. $275 747-0504 Super single water bed $150, Queen size waterbed S50, weight bench $20, coffee table, $10. Call alter 3pm (leave message) 746-4127 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES Futon frames. Folding couch-style. Built with recycled wood. $79-139. shelves, tables, & more. 726-4912. DRAFTING TABLE Bought new. Metal trame, adjustable, price $100. 345-6911 CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT $14.95. View all premium and pay per view channels. 1-800-752-1389 Buy, sell, trade, i we’ve made 1 an art of it! I The Clothes Horse' 720 E. 13th 345-5099 Nordica GPX (yellow/green) mens ski boots size 25.5 $85, New Marker ski racing jacket mens medium $75. 465-9635 89 Chevy Beretta GT coupe, black, 83,000 miles, new alternator, battery and speakers. Sunroof, A/C, cruise control, tilt wheel, power windows/door locks. $3,700/obo. Call 345-2422 or pager 710-3473. '79 Audi 5000S, good condition, great MPG, sun roof. $995. 688 0173. (Also have 79 Audi parts car) 'B1 Toyota Corolla hatch-back 4-door. Good tires, runs well, A/C, economical and dependable. $1200 OBO, 744-7911. 1984 Dodge Charger 2.2L. New set of tires. Great condition, everything works. $750. 345-6911. 1979 Mercedes 280SE. 138000 Miles. Looks great! Excellent trans portation. Make offer. 686-0736 '88 SUBARU WAGON 4X4 $3,600 342-4947 '81 Plymouth Champ 5-spd, 2nd owner. 100,000miles, good shape, dependable. $1100/obo. 344-2074. 155 BICYCLES Nishiki 5 speed women's bike. Fenders and dress guard. $40. Ed 689-9477. 3 good commuter bikes ranging from $85-$225. 687-0339. 160 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS One Great Computer Deal, Mac Powerbook 165, 12mb, system 7.5, 14.4 fax/modem, StyleWriter II print er, lots of software 484-1635. 28.8 Supra FAX modem for Mac. Cables, software, manuals incl. Great condition, only $175. 346 7451 Mac Powerbook 5300 CS 16 megs/ 500, 28.8 modem, color printer 4 spot CD Rom, speakers case & soft ware, $3,250 (503) 261-8846 Greg. 160 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS IBM PS/1 computer 486SX, 25mhz, 170mb HD, 4mb memory. Includes lots ot extras. $549. 343-3955. Smith Corona PWP 3000 word pro cessor w/operating manual and 12 memory storage disks, tutorial/ad dress merge disk, financial & budget spreadsheet program disk w/manu al. perfect condition. $200, 343-6208 165 TV/SQUND EQUIPMENT CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 19" Zenith color television. Excellent condition. 3 years old. $200. 726-4828. 180 SPORTS EQUIPMENT SOLOFLEX excellent condition with attach ments. S450/obo. 343-1731. 195 OPPORTUNITIES Earn cash stuffing envelopes. All materials provided. Send SASE to PO Box 624, Olathe, KS 66051. DEPRESSED? You can earn $15 by participating in our screening procedure, and possi bly another $20 if you qualify for re search on emotion. In the brain Elec trophysiology Lab, located in the Psychology Dept, of the U of O, we are studying how the electrical activi ty of the brain changes w/different emotional states. If we find after the screening procedure that you quali fy, your brain will be recorded as you play a computer video game. If you are now feeling depressed, call Kate Harkness (346-4964) to set up a time for a screening. All data is cod ed by number to maintain confidenti ality. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. ltUV(E(R EEWAKi The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond al your own risk. Make a difference! Volunteer at Sexual Assault Support Services. 3 week Volunteer Training for crisis lines starts Oct. 7! Call 484-9791 FACILITATORS for WST 101 (In tro) and WST 399 (self defense) wanted to lead discussion groups fall term. Earn upper-division or grad credit. Prerequisite WST 101 or 399 or substantial women's studies background. Apply now at Women's Studies Program 315 Hendricks, 346-5529 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Teacher's Aides for the Vivian Olum Child Development Center. Part-time positions in main streamed early childhood program serving children from 3 mos through school age. Flexible work hours between 7:30am and 6pm. Start at $5.05/hr. Call Jane at 346 2640 or Casie at 346-0711. integrated Research has a federal work study position available. $6/hr. Assisting with large mail surveys & other research duties. Off campus. Contact Colette at 683-9278. Now hiring work study Qualified student as user support person for computer software. Desire Mac or Unix experience. S7.00 per hour, flexible hrs. Application at 320 Chap man Hall. Call Janice, X6-2514. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Now hiring work-study Qualified students as office assistants to type, file, and general office duties. $6.00/ hr. Learn word processing skills. Flexible hours. Application at 320 Chapman Hall. See Janice, X6-2514. The ASUO Women's Center is hiring several work study office as sistants for 1996-97 Applicants must have a personal commitment to creating a welcoming, supportive environment for all women. For more info and a full job description please stop by Suite, EMU. Dead line for applications is 6pm, Oct. 3rd, 1996. ADA/EOE/AA employer Work study Qualified COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST NEED ED: provide software and hardware support for internal network. Must have exp. & work well w/people. $11.00/hr, flexible hrs. Application at 320 Chapman Hall. Janice, X6-2514.