Good for sedan- typ e people. Coupe from $8,695 Sedan from $9,645 GET TO K N O \V m e 1 r o M.S.R.P includes dealer **«See your dealer lo *$9,095 M.S. R. P of Mtftro LSi Coupe a.s shown. $10,045 M.5.K.. P of Metro I^Si .Sedan as shown. [.rep are) .hatination <, Tax, Wn« ami u|M>onal «ju.p,nent wMilional. f Metro Coop.- EPA «t. MPG 44 riy/49 Wy with atamlarrl 1.0 lit™ mjim- ami .lapm) manual tntpsmiwion. a pr.ujra,n detail*. Chevrolet ami Gao am mgistrml trademark. Metro i. a trademark of the GM Corp. ©1996 GM Corp All Right.. Reae.vml. Buckk up, Amerind !■''