Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1996, SPECIAL EDITION, SECTION D, Page 18D, Image 90

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Clubs: There’s a hot spot
for everyone in Eugene
■ Continued from Page 1D
in the lineup, while open-mike
poetry and a general open-mike
happen every Monday and Tues
day. Cushy couches and a rela
tively large number of tables make
for a relaxed study spot on week
Good Times 375 E. 7th
Reggae, blues, funk, jazz and
rock: Good Times is the venue
that’s most likely to host all of
these in one week. If you’re 21 or
over, and are looking for some en
tertainment where everyone in
the place is toe-tapping to the
beat, check out a band here, any
night of the week.
Icky’s Teahouse 304 Blair
Icky’s is unofficially designated
as Eugene’s punk venue. It hosts
lesser-known punk bands as they
pass through town as well as local
aspiring punk groups. Icky’s slid
ing-scale admission to shows and
small bungalow of a venue make
it one of the most unique in Eu
gene. Most shows are all-ages and
remember: if you can’t take the
heat, stay out of the mosh pit.
Java Joe’s Jazz Room
2692 Willamette
Don t let the name tool you-on
Friday and Saturday nights, Java
Joe’s has hosted anyone from a
surf music band to a local folk
duo. The setting is laid back and
an acoustically sound setup pro
vides a mellow atmosphere to see
some local talent.
John Henry’s 136 E. 11th
A club review wouldn’t be a
club review without mentioning
Eugene’s hot alterna-spot, John
Henry’s. Hosting popular Port
land bands such as Hazel, Kpants,
The American Girls and a dozen
others, this spot draws in a crowd
of University students on any giv
en night. Alternative acts from all
over the country perform here, al
ways putting on a good show in a
town that can charge just seven
dollars admission to see an out
standing alternative band such as
Perry’s 959 Pearl
If you just wanna dance, Perry’s
enticing checkered dance floor,
strobe light and classic dance
songs spanning the last three
decades will do the trick. Mon
day is men-only night and
Wednesday is women-only night
at this gay-friendly hangout.
Rainy Day Cafe 50 E. 11th
Here is a cool spot to see local
folk acts in a relaxed, social set
ting. Open mike and occasional
jazz entertainment also character
ize this 21 and up cafe.
Sam Bond’s Garage
407 Blair Blvd.
This is the place where respect
ed local folk acts such as Peter
Wilde and Laura Kemp perform
often. If you’re curious to know
what creative folk music is com
ing out of Eugene, this is the place
to see a show.
Vet’s Club 1626 Willamette
No one I know has actually
gone to the Vet’s Club on a Friday
or Saturday night because they
have heard of the act playing
there. Instead they go because
they know there is rarely a cover
charge, and drinks are relatively
Wild Duck 169 W. 6th
Eugene’s newest club addition
is drawing acts that previously
didn’t schedule a stop in this
town, and the good acoustics and
relatively cheap ticket prices
prove that this is the kind of
venue for which Eugene was
WOW Hall 291 W. 8th
Known as Eugene’s cultural
mecca, the WOW is an all-ages
venue that hosts everything form
African Dance Night to Industrial
Bands. It is Eugene’s sole venue
for raves, though anyone from a
town bigger than Eugene snickers
at the thought. The WOW’s di
verse acts are usually worth the
price of admission, as long as you
don’t mind rubbing elbows with
the local high schoolers. And if
you’re over 21, you can escape to
the bar downstairs.
On Campus
EMU Ballroom-The UO Cultur
al Form does an outstanding job
of attracting bands to the UO
Campus. Acts such as Ani
DiFranco, Pavement, Belly and
The Presidents of the United
States of America performed here
last year. These shows are always
all-ages and if you still can’t afford
the student discounted ticket
price, the Cultural form welcomes
security volunteers, who get to
watch the show for free. Just sign
up in advance at the Cultural
Form Office in the EMU.
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