Mobility: Students can bike and ride around Eugene ■ Continued from Page 14C 4239 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 33 Lane ESD Planetarium, 687-STAR Take 79 or take 2, 23, 28 or 81 and transfer to 13 Oregon Rivers Museum, 741-3275 Take 11,18 or 19 Shelton-McMurphey-Johnson House, 484-0808 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 40, 50,52, or 95 Springfield Museum, 726-2300 Take 11,18 or 19 Willamette Science and Technology Center (WISTEC), 484-9027 Take 79 or take 2, 23, 28 or 81 and transfer to 13 Ride and Bike 91 McKenzie Bridge 92 Lowell 93 Veneta 95 Junction City 96 Coburg Take 2, 23, 28 or 81 and transfer to one of the above routes Shopping Fifth Street Public Market, 484-0383 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 1 Gateway Mall, 747-3123 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 10 or 12 Valley River Center, 683-5513 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 60, 63,64,65 or 66 Theaters Actors Cabaret, 683,4368 Take 2,23,28 or 81 Community Center for the Performing Arts, WOW Hall, 687-2746 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 41, 44,45,51,53C, 63,65 or 66 Hult Center Cuthbert Amphitheatre, 687-5000 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 13 Hult Center for the Performing Arts, 687-5000 Take 2,23,28 or 81 and transfer to 95 Clinic prepares women to deal with auto repairs and purchases A series of classes will help women gain an understanding of key systems and the confidence and knowledge necessary to deal with the world of automobile purchase and repair. The “Women’s Auto Clinic” will be held Thursday nights from Sept. 12 through Oct. 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Participants may attend any combination of the classes they wish. The classes are free, but any do nations will benefit Women space. Call Artisan Automotive for a reservation at 485-1881. MS “Return to Work” seminar slated The National Multiple Sclero sis Society, Oregon Chapter, is sponsoring a “Return to Work” seminar workshop for people who have MS and are consider ing a return to work. This half day educational discussion will take place Sept. 28 from 10 a. m. to 2 p.m. in Eugene. Experts from the state Voca tional Rehabilitation Department, Oregon Disability Commission and an occupational therapist will be on hand to answer ques tions and explain what resources and programs are available. Top ics of discussion will include the Trail Work programs, The Plan For Achieving Self Support, The Americans with Disabilities Act, adapting your environment and more. For more information or to register, call the Oregon Chapter at (503) 223-9511 or 1-800-344 4867. New park to be built in NW Eugene Construction of a new neigh borhood park in northwest Eu gene is expected to get underway in late August. Mangan Park is located north of Barger Drive, east of Beltline and west of Highway 99. In re sponse to requests from area neighbors and the Active Bethel Citizens neighborhood group, the Eugene Public Works Department last fall prepared a development plan that includes a central play field and areas for a playground, basketball courts, picnic tables, drinking fountains and paved paths. The first step in constructing the improvements will be the re moval of approximately 3,500 cubic yards of soil piled on the park during subdivision con struction. EXCERPTS FROM: „ “An Interview with Richard • . . recycling is for hippies-I didn't recycle when 1 was a kid and I've turned out just fine ... doesmyhairlook ok y • •• • I’m a very, very busy person, you know. Anyway, this is America... we’ll always have enough. Hey, I really don’t have time for this ... “ i drive my car everywhere .mm. I Show your student I.D. and ride anywhere the bus goes. 1 i / • 10 minute service to and from campus. \ . Bus stops*in the heart of the University. |jp It’s cheaper than driving, p^t’s better for the trees. /Tyou don’t have to park it! For mope information call Lane Transit District 687-5558 (VOICE) 687-4265 (TTY ) We’re going your way! jj