INTERNET CUSSES Workshops will be held in the Knight Library starting October 2. Classes include Introduction to the World Wide Web, Beyond Just Surfing, Web Publishing, Introduction to Scanning, Finding a Job on the Internet, and more. For questions call 346-1818 or 346-3047. Look for a complete schedule in next Tuesday’s paper. Copies are also available at all reference desks and at Do you have any of these problems? Academic Affairs fit Public Safety Athletics WA Sexual Harassment Business Affairs fit Student Empowerment Discrimination fit University Records Faculty Misconduct fit University Employment Financial Aid fit University Housing Student Conduct Code Charges We’ll help stand up for your rights BISS Office of Student Advocacy Call 346-3722 or Stop by Room 334 EMU Open Mon-Fri 9-5p.m. Changes: Vending machines to dispense healthier fare ■ Continued from Page 1A the EMU. He said the market re search was done in anticipation of the remodelling of the EMU. As in all University construction pro jects, the users of the building were heavily involved in the plan ning process. One message that was loud and clear was that people want the food in the EMU improved. Though the remodelling isn’t go ing to begin until the end of the 1996-97 school year, Miller said the food can be improved imme diately. Both the type of food and where it can be found will be changed. “We anticipate that for con struction the architect will tell us to close certain areas, so this fall we are testing where the students and the community are comfort able going for food in this build ing,” Miller said. “So you will see a change in the concept of the Sky light Cafe. It will not be strictly Asian food. Probably very heavy pasta. And you might see the bar becue, instead of being outside of the Fishbowl, on the upstairs ter race with beer and [brautwurst].” There will also be changes in Fishbowl food, but Miller said he isn’t yet sure what it will be or who will provide the new food — EMU food service or an outside vendor. “We know we need a very healthy-choice food service,” he said. “We need Italian. We need a deli. We need quick serve and gourmet coffee. We need a conve nience store. If we cannot run them profitably, we are going to ask for permission to lease that out.” Miller said he is working out the logistics and will know soon if food services can feed the hungry hoards while making a profit. ANDREW BRACKENSICK/Emerald Maria Takaniya speaks with someone in the EMU Fishbowl. The EMU will have a greater variety of foods to offer students this fall such as pas ta, burgers and a coffee shop. Changes will be welcomed by Brian Mardolin, a research assis tant who was eating a sandwich in the Fishbowl. He said he eats lunch in the EMU two or three times a week, but would like to do it more often. “1 wish I could get a nutritious lunch here because I work right across the street,” he said. “Can’t do it now.” For food available at the push of a button, four new vending ma chine sites will offer new items in the EMU. The market research showed that people want food available whenever they are in the building. Miller says vending ma chines are the answer. “Vending machines fiave evolved to provide better food,” he said. “They aren’t what you think. The new machines will disburse fresh, healthy food, both hot and cold entrees. And gourmet coffee. ” There are already new ma chines outside the Copy Center with juice and Starbucks’ Frap puccino, but no food yet. Miller said Pepsi is still the number one vending choice for people. But that may change as fall term be gins, and students start hanging out in the building after the Fish bowl is closed. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Educational and Support Services Program Because we care about the success of all members of our community. Welcome Social & Open House Suite 364 Oregon Hall 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. • Wednesday, October 2 UPCOMING EVENTS V Weekly Drop-in Groups, Starting Oct. 7 Mondays 3:30-5 5 - 6:30 Wednesdays 3:30 - 5 Thursdays 3:30 - 5 Gay and Bisexual Men Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Lesbian and Bisexual Women Bisexual Men and Women All groups meet at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid Street V National Coming Out Day, October 11 Two Spirit People: Perspectives on the Intersection of Native American Sexuality, Gender Identity, and Spirituality - Gerlinger Lounge, 3:00 p.m. V OUTLIST ’96: COME Out LOUD AND PROUD! Take a bold step this National Coming Out Day by having your name appear in the “Outlist.” Sign up sheets are available at the LGBA office (319 EMU), or 364 Oregon Hall. * V InterSEXions Symposium, October 16,17 & 18 Families—Moving Beyond Politics: A celebration of the historical diversity and durability of the family. Keynote Speaker: David Mixner. Watch for further details. Work Study positions available for staff assistants. Check out our web page: For more information contact Stephanie Carnahan, Director, LGBT Educational