——--.. ANDREW BRACKENSICK/EmerakJ Jennifer Sutton, a visually impaired graduate student of English, uses a computer to help her read a philosophy text. Lab: New technology to be placed in areas ■ Continued from Page 1 available for those who are visu ally impaired. The lab's voice ac tivated computer offers some stu dents and faculty the opportunity to rely on their voices instead of their hands. Once students have learned to use the technology, Wentworth says it is important that main streaming occurs so students with disabilities feel comfortable using these computers in larger com puting labs, such as the one in the EMU, or the Information Tech nology Center in the Knight Li brary. are just being introduced to it, they expect the technology to be at the University so they can write papers and read texts required for classes, Bailey said. "Disregard the fact that there are laws to comply with,” he said. “We need to provide these ser vices to students with disabilities because they have paid their tu ition." The technology in the Adaptive Technology Lab is not that expen sive, according to Bailey, and it has the potential to make the Uni versity’s more than 500 students with disabilities more indepen dent. Introducing this technology into the main computer labs is one of James Bailey's goals. Bai ley, the adaptive technology ac cess advisor, trains people with disabilities to use the technology in the lab. Whether disabled students come to the University already using the technology at home, or Adding a soundcard and voice box to a computer costs between $1000 and $2000 dollars, and dic tation software runs about $800. "The fact that it can facilitate someone’s independence makes it worthwhile," a University counselor for students with dis abilities, Hillary Gerdes said. The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Monday through Friday during the school year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by ttw Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co Inc., at the University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon A member of the Associated Press, the Emerald op erates independently of the University with offices at Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the Emerald editorial board: signed columns represent the opinion of the columnist. The Emerald is private property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. Editor-In-Chief: Steven Asbury Associate Editors: Andrea DeYoung. Kristin Bailey Editorial Editor Tiffany Smith Sports Editor Mark McTyreCopy Editor Tracy Picha Photography Editor Andrew Brackensick On-Line Director Nicholas Stiffter General Manager Judy Riedl Advertising. Becky Merchant, director Production: Michele Ross, manager. Ingrid White, coordinator Laura Daniel Business: Kathy Carbone, supervisor. Judy Connolly. Laura Reeves Distribution: John Long, David Lee Classified: Tara Gaultney. manager. Newsroom.(541) 348-5611 Display Advertising.(541)34*3712 Business Office.(541) 348-5512 Classified Advertising.(541) 34*4343 _ W Good Golly! (Miss Molly) We're out of hangers!! (Lucky You) So... (we’re having a) 1/2 Price Sale (entire stock!!!!!) Wed-Sat ❖ Aug. 14,15,16,17 CORRECTION In the Aug. 13 issue of the Oregon Daily Emerald, a misspelling of a named oc curred in the article entitled, “Discovery channel spot lights UO professor.” The professor’s name is correctly spelled “Dr. William Ayres.” YOU CAN STILL. KEEP UP WITH UO LIFE AFTER YOU GRADUATE. i . .. ..v/.v. .-.v. >> o.d.e. on the world wide web! /”• , http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ode 'sllgy NO MATTER HOW FAR YOU TRAVEL, YOU’RE ALWAYS CLOSE TO CAMPUS. :> SlacS Movtgi Taoem& Beer ©arden • Kegs To Go • Live Music Four Nights a Week! • Now selling Henry’s & Michelob Hefe - $80 • Micro Brews on Tap including Guiness • Free Pool Sunday Days & Tuesday Evenings • Pool Tournament Monday Evening Signup at 6:30.Tourney starts at 7:00. • Enjoy a game of horseshoes in our beer garden • 25 kinds of imported beer I I 2657 Willamette • 344-0816 Any Yogurt*^ ("Except small N cones and tinies. Expires 8/29/96) Campus " SUBSHOP Mon.-Fri. lOam-llpm Sat. llam-9pm Sun. 12pm-9pm 1225 Alder 345-2434 No! valid with any other discounts or coupons. One coupon per customer. HOMEY HILL fiftRMS* HOUSE of RECORD&g 258 E,13tl^^Ks MARSHALL’S Photo Oils and Sets 25% OFF Introductory Sale John G. Marshall Company is the manufacturer of the most widely used photo oils, pencils and retouch colors. ACRYLIC GOUACHE ( 25% OFF Introductory Sale Eighty colors, including 10 metallic finishes, in pure water soluble acryla resin which dries to the same smooth mat finish as does the Holbein Designer Gouache in gum arabic. IMPELLIST.Water Colors 30% OFF Tubes & Sets One of the best quality water color products on the market. LOOK FOR OUR NEW 1 BOOK BINDING SECTION] art department UNIVERSITY O F O R fe C O N 895 East 13th Avenue Open: M-F 7:45-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 12-5 346-4331 http://www.uobookstore.com