your quick guide to news from around the world Still no evidence of bomb in TWA crash 1EAST MORICHES, N.Y.— In vestigators shifted their focus from the cargo hold to carry-on bags as they looked for evidence Monday that a bomb brought down TWA Flight 800. Experts are examining the wreckage from the part of the jet where the right wing connects with the fuselage — a section near the front end of the coach section and the galley, sources speaking on condition of anonymity said. Investigators are looking into the possibility that was a bomb was hidden in something such as a food cart or a bag stowed under a seat, one source said. The recovery of the last of the four luggage bins Sunday shifted investigators’ attention to the area above the cargo hold. Scare for NATO troops in Bosnia 2SARAJEVO — Donning flak jackets and helmets, NATO troops went on alert across Bosnia on Monday in response to Bosnian Serb violations of the peace accord and signs that Iran ian militants planned to bomb them. The NATO-led peace force or dered troops, U.N. police moni tors and civil affairs workers in Bosnian Serb-controlled northern and eastern Bosnia to go to the largest nearby base and urged all foreign civilians to leave Serb ter ritory immediately. A NATO statement said the or ders came because the Serbs re fused to allow the inspection of a weapons site on Saturday. A NATO source said fugitive Bosn ian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic was believed to be inside. Violence avoided in Northern Ireland 3BELLAGHY — Negotiators de fused a showdown in this mostly Catholic village Monday, raising hopes that a summer of confrontations between Protes tant parades and Catholic protests has come to an end. Riot police lined a village road Monday as about 400 Protestants marched up a hill to a line of Catholics blocking the street, arms linked. Stopped short 300 yards from their fraternal hall, the Protestants — as agreed — simply made a U tum back down the hill, returning to the Episcopal church where they have stood since Sunday. “This is a victory for common sense,” Catholic protest leader Paul Smith said of the painstak ingly arranged deal that let both marchers and opponents save face. %!**« ■’ipeHne GET THE REAL DEAL One Item Pizza Plus Tricky Stix \4Plzza \ HHII \ fr*» JMIvrj J RMK Quick Service and a Fair Price™ Eugene Hotline I SI ■ iSI ]H 824 Charnelton Street b Dark French Roast b Certified Organic b Italian Decaffeinated b Espresso Roast EMU Food Service is now taking applications for fall term. A variety of jobs are available at various locations with flexible scheduling. Applications available at the Food Service Office in the kitchen behind Little Caesars. Available at these two locations: Cam. Conven _ Store. YOUR PATRONAGE SUSTAINS US. USE OUR SERVICES. TELL US HOW TO PROVIDE SERVICES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS. YOUR FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE.