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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1996)
Bh.INMV, WOODWORKING Tobf HwwmI • Pm < rfrnwrfl U)lrtuli/r your ideas in the- wumisfiop (nratc a pnrjeci while learning j* met t«ml use ami safety Inettrurtg *n will oner jwojot design wood properties turn! ami power loot* ami fmnrry Allow for extra shop Owe ami cost of yow 21 Ik me* of mum* non Memfjet ship required Two motion* iiflrinl 1 man, JuH l Aug 12 liwmHKK t.rcrnwell 6-00-9 00pm »l member* $4$ 2 Tur», July 2* Aug 13 bMUdev Bwood hOftldlpm *2 mcmtwr* $43 Wood Lathi Wayne Abhonl/io Vartou* wood lathe tevhimim-* will he «kmnn •mated «»n ihr rvr» lathe tenter turning Malde legs, candle h< «klcr* > and lair plate turning 5,*'wh *ml plates* I>tvu**n>n on drugn ami finishing intruded $ hour* of institution Sun, July 21 ♦ 2k *1 memfier* $20 1 MK-HjOpo) *i mmmrmlicts $24 Bftbany Utkin# <t turn an thy Utthy veneering TKhniqiid than Hirthc IntiH Jir u.«*l [(jiirtm ami m<K figure matthmg i an l»r aehteved wah this* am tent prints using the modem vacuum press method Earn student will make a small during daw hours 7 Itour* of mu ruction Membership nqulRd Mon, July I A Turn, July 2 ti OCMMfiipm •*> wtrobw Sis Ijght Table Making t*al (iitruwrll Make (Ik- ultimate light table incorporating '**■» May line ami Ikmitiu fit Arch gesture *tufiho *k~*k* \\ *ni ami funhv.m-jn«»Hkxl Students pun Iuh' {heir glass. lights ami Hoko 9 hours at instruction Memliership required (IV neat entrance on 13th street) Sal. July 13 10am’500|>m Sal. July 20 10am 2 OOpm *6 memliers $38 bike repair Whole Bike Health Turn Agterherg stranded In a broken htke' New again’ Learn to overhaul hearing nets, adjust gears ami Ivakes ami true your w beets It t> povatitc to overhaul your btcyde in the six weeks of diuw linng your bicycle to cat h claw Allow $A jo for replacement hearings. Iirakc cable* or lubes IS hours of invinmion Toes. July 2 Aug 6 *7 members $36 ' 0l>-9 30ptn *8 non-members $•*> -i ceramics BK»INMN€, ( I JtAMK s Andre® INPiktu • frank < mw Tin* workshop i* everything you nerd for a thorough grounding «n rmnda Wheel throw tng hamfUjiidtng and glaring technique* will In* towered. with mdlvtduali/rd inMnniton for Ivgtnm-t* and thtne with prevtou* enperieme i lay <2S flic) ami glaze* ptiimkd JH hour* of tn«n*i*on Mc-m» .ership teifuwrd Three section* 1 Mon July I Aug A InurvK tor Ihl'alnu h 1ft 9 'ojnti *9 memlwt* $42 2 Tue*. July 2 Aug 6 I nun* tor (knar 6 «»v ytlpm *10 mrinliet* Si2 VWedJMy ' Aug"' Inurmior <**ur A Of>-6 oopm *11 mctnlvr* $42 HA.NDBI llI)IN<,/*k l Iirn RF I rank IxKir I Xpft-** your imagination through day Learn am rent method* at urMnHtion tntl and dab Imtkbng, carving, additive ami subtractive tr» hmque* Clay 125 1Ih> and glaze* provided IS hours of iiwmooti MrmU-tOnp required Mon. July I 29 C410-b00pin *12 mmdtemlAK Will 11 THROWING Andrea I >1 Palma Thi* workshop it far *tudrni* intrrr-Uc-d in gaining prufkw-ncy on the potter"* w1**4 through demonstration anti individual irnmniton Glazing and other dntwftvr technique* will he covered Previous wheel throwing otpcwKt nnrwtn Mcmfrership required IH hour* of trutmction Tue*. July 2 Aug 6 MMhh OOpm *1$ memliet* $42 Ram Firing Andre* IMPalma I rank (xwar Tin* spec ul firing » for intermediate ami ad* jmwl student* interested tn rxpminmtmg with raku technique* Bring 5-6pieces of htsqucd pottery or sculpture to fur in this flamboyant proves* Glilk** atnl hong provided Bring a di*h to share for potiuck turn h 6 hour* at imiruttKm Mfmhtriffip required Two section* 1 Sun. July 21 Instructor Ccmmu 11 Of*am 500pm *11 mrmlieni $2*) 2 Sun. July 2H Iminrui* MiPalnu !HJCMm5d0pm *15 members $20 sculpture Wbmi t/rnmiag Pokihait Sculpture Ire Imoixn l X*\ clop an undemanding at form and modeling skills as you explore ihr process a# sculpting your self portrait »n day, making a mow and prudot tng a i um Material* jhos ided 21 hours of imtnKtkm Tik-s, July 2 Aug 13 *16 DMtnbm St9 <MXMM)0pnt *1? non member* S^3 fiber arts Hmtbmrand Pat, u«>rktiif( with u<*J Spinning Jran liula spin designer yams using natural anti syntheti cally dyed wool and fiber sun on thr dmp spindle and move rapidly to tin- spinning wheel Inc an of natural and synthetic dyeing will hr discussed Materials provided IU hours off insmtiDon Mctnhfrship required Mon. July H-Aug 5 60(MiOOpm *18 mcmliers $ 50 Speed Qiuting Kinky ttrsmn Takahashi (dassK quilt patterns ami modular piecing techniques combine to pntducr a traditional quih qukkiy Hu- fust«lass w ill include discusskms nl patterns. color, ami latme requirements < kitsuk sewing tune nu> Ik- nrers*ary 15 hours of mum. turn Membership required Toes. July 9-Aug 15 600-8 50prn *|9 members $56 Kivduohk Emily Hrllrhuinrr Practice ihr traditional and i untemj* mury leading in hnrjuc* of Peyote Mitch, Comanche wcj\r. lair Mitch and lr* *m (grading Im tide* a brad kwm for you to keep 12 5 hours of instruction Mcmbcrdttp required. Mon, July 8-Aug 5 6 KmDpn *20 members 150 What's a Q$ilu>? Jennifer Firming Qiuh * l’»lka!i * Ckn!k> Sew a comforter that ™W* miu m own junket, making a jwlkiw Fun and efficient, great far travelling, gilts picnics or |um ioddly comfort See ing experience helpful 8 hours of tiwnwion Membership required Sun, July 2! ♦ 2k 1 JO S input *21 members $25 Hanging Storage Basket Donna < rinpln Hanging luskets like these were talk'd kmoi baskets hung on the side of a loom to h<4d thread bobbin* tt'dl weave splint into an ail purpose lunging storage luskct measuruig ajww* .smutch 5*15x15 inches Matrnals p«» sided. 5 hours of instruction Wed. July 10 ♦ I? *22 bOO* SOpm *25 members $ 50 non mrmher*$.M jewelry Beginning Jewelry Tfcunk^ ks Jim {tailing This beginning c lass will explore a variety of Itdmiqws in winch one or more pnigu* will W completed Emplusi* will lie on faiwKatton with some exploration of caniiiu liemonstratiom include culling, filing. ^okirnng. design, design transfer. marriage of metal*. findings, ami cold connection* 18 tv mm of im»nKiK>n Mcmlvr ship required Tue*. July 9-Aug 15 600-900pm *2-1 members SiS Enameling Jai Roberta l ake a 'tn>n introductory workshop in itw art at "true* glass enameling trim hand* m tech tuque* at traditional erumeling on copper leu sample strip* will be completed Prior torch work is lielpfu! 4 hours of instruction Sun, July ? *25 members 518 1 V) S 50pm *26 rtf m-member* $22 hU whuft (inti fur jcuHrymaktUK (hainmakim, Jal Hobrrb student* will be introduced lo a variety of chain nuking technique* involving w ire manipulation with linger'. and pln-is Samples *m!I (*- com pleted within workshop time No previous experience needed 3 hours of instruction sun |uh 11 »r nxmlers »|3 1 30-3 30pm »2H non members ||9 CASTING Jim Hailing Tiu* three day tntn duetion to c asting w ill I a-gin with casting found organic objects and move into various inodrltnaking technique* and k»t w.ijc casting Students will be alik- to c.ot at k-au two piece* lie prepared to learn while you plav 10 5 hours of instruction Membership required Sun, July 14-28 1 to 3 00pm * 29 members $32 paints, pens h papers Drawing lee I mown The* t»«n draw ing iti» n ill fum <m principle* ♦if pervepmm 4ml her* die* contribute to the ahdky to see ami draw. Oaneeni* of piTtpollw ami btiimir will lie expherd SUrtult provided IS hour* of instruction \|on fuh I Vug S »V) mrttiln' $2*> 6 SO-d-QOpm • Si mm members 5 is T-shirt SlI KM hi i n IHanr Hoffman Tlu* short vw! wkshop »ill cow the Iu*k* of nmole, one or two rotor T-shut stlks*rcenmg Well cover MctKlb, phr *< > rnuiloim and xrccn tng Allow SIS if you WM 4 new wrrrn fdnut don and ink* provided ? S hours of instruction Membership reejmred Wed. July 5*1? 2 5> S 00pm * \> member* 5 i > Watt k( oior Painting Hmd Rindatl HWrr ihe elusive qualities of v. ju.-n • 4. <r In trarmnn live- keys to the* metlmm Explore color value ami t > >mj*wtiion through enfoyabtr ever ct»c» i xfienment with various in hittqucx to curt your styk* Beginner through advanced skill levels nek emir Some mulcmtv (mnided IS hours of imiru. ts. m Tucsjuly 2 Aug 6 memU-rs itS 6 5) 'HDjhs »H ntw iieinlei* il'i COLLAGE Nmh> Httban/ *VH (uim dr the milage pern***, the man stnictinn of images, ctifc* ami conttiti^ ami the use ««• your |»-iv«ul pntcjKHim to create ami commumciite Materials provided, although you may want to hrtng xnm- favorite images or magazines to share ’I hesirs of iristni* don July 2i \ug ' nHitilefi 322 hOOMOOpm *V> non members $20 glass Stained Glass Melinda iMrnmrlg 1 h-vgn am! fabricate a stained glass panel tn itie Tiffany copperfod method I>rcnoosiratit #*> of various techniques moss j»r < *per toe of tools ami safety pres autx ms AH* *w extra money lor glass IM hours of instruction Memlwrshtp required vi*«, )uly t Aug 3 6 0t> 9 OOjtm *3? members $40 Imho to Glass Ft sing I Mr met rl us (xm/alrj Kcdiscnvrr thoamtent igvjaun antorm of glass fusing We sc til cover primary fusing tes Unique, ami create a few small fused pieces Tools and glass provided $ hours of instruction sun, July 21 ♦ 2H » \H memlters $1<» i 30400pm #39 mm-memhers $20 Flint Knapping C rwig Ratal This claw is an introduction to Mom* working tec hmuues Learn how to form raw obsidian into kmfc busies axe heads, ami arrow points using antler am) stone hammers and flakers 9 hours of instruction Thurs. Juty 11 2$ *40 mrmlirrs $2H 6 OfMiOOpm *41 non inembers $.32 photography Beginning Photography Ttiwi lh*i)falum»kl • Tracy Mm l wui team to uv your umttii, develop IkSU film, *nd nuke IWT untut i |wmi< .iml rnbiitr mcm% < omptwimm, the unim, and dark r«*«nt levhciMpnim *ili In* uivrtnl linttK your empty 54mm tamm to iUw Film, dtrmiuli 4«Kl vmve jujirt pmvtdrd |M hours of tmirvh •ion Membmh^ tr^tuvd Two wucm* I M* m July I Auk ' ImtfUtn* Dworakowdu i 5t» 4 v»p.»i *42 member* $ wt ITue!*, July - Auk 6 ImirtKiss Matt wan faO(V(}OOpm *45 mt'inbm 5-tH Alternative Photo pko< .eases Jktri Mri/i li I alternative* to Iks'* priming with I'h *>graphy % nltket purarKyanhtyM arnl Van iH-ke Make liglu 'emtitvr crnuWmv hand out |itt(ien, ami enlarge negative* Pinhole pi*tfographv will t*' introduced Darkroom experience trtjuiml Some nuteruh provided I2 ntHirs of KMitwllun Vlcmlirrdup required Siin. July 7 2H I KM kipm tnrmlw $40 Piurro CoijLAr.i Tracy Mat t wan 'ifct eking with your photograph*. we wilt explore how meanings ami acsdietics change l*y using muted media nutctuU ( colored [etH »1». plx*o rub, paint, eti »in tollage |o hi Him of instruction Mon |uly IS auk 5 *44 members $2* kJWMWpm *46 mn mrmhm $52 INTKOOM HON TO COLOR PRINTING Dav kl levy Tnsince vivid color prints from color negative* Thi* iti» iiiverv color cotmikm, density control ami v am ho darkroom prutedure* for achieving a luul print Poor darkroom ecprri encr r> reoutrvd Bring color negative* to the firu i Ian Some fujier ami chemistry provided |H hour* of instruction Mrmlx-r*hip required Mon. July » Aug 12 fcOtTVOOpm M7 memticr* $44 Anna, re focusing