Authentic Mexican Food Congratulations To Our Friends Class of 19961 The Minion U your place for Fun Time* and Good Food! ** Healthy Heart Menu ★ Catering ★ Parties ★ juuu r uut rr.T'rl JVIIfSfsIOJV MEXICAN RESTAURANT ***** K HHOAflWAV • tiNti H’i'/ti Save money, score free accessories -as fiLH M 60 cx M 56 AT® w/Shock $369 00 C-30 Ooss/tuk® <1995. rog $269) $225 00 Ptjtmgh P500 fdst touring 1995 $599 00 FREE W/B ft PAUL'S TEE SHIRT W/ RALEIGH BIKE PAUL S BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE 2480 Alcl&t • 342-6155 152W5TH • 344 4105 for your BOOKS! Mam Store June $ - t4 Well pay you 60% of the new, Regular Store Hours student pnce for books we need for summer 8, fall term 961 9:30 a >3:30 p Fri 8:30a-4:09p And • • • FREE JOLLY RANCHER CANDY! You can w in ^20 Cash ©&«*4tra n 9c©w% Co ) IF you’re selling books where the alarm clock rings. Calculator Buyback* ft 1*XAS iMSTKUMLKTS Models TI-81.TI-82, 8TI-85 ONLY! UNIVERSITY Or OREGON Computerized Scanning! TrflcuUor Bbitwck n »mfc tk Bod Bwybock Kw W^Ki^i *#»d Cobir l»br»» fjspkdW Site prepared for new downtown LTD station ■ PHASE ONE Demolition has begun, bm budding will no? start unbi July 1 By MiHmi UtMlm Kven though the building* are destroyed wh«# the new Lane Transit District Station will lx* built downtown. consirut Don of the station ha* not yet begun LTD will start Phaa# One of the const rut tion of the now Rugen# Station by |uiv 1 The Unit phase i* the dost ru< Dew of the parking lot* near the site During thi* time, utility work and toil tout mg will alto be done The demolition of the Hammer building however, it being done by the owner, not LTD, taid Dan Tuft. LTD planning and .level optnani manager PW# Two is the physical Mm strut Don and budding of the sta Don. which it Mthotluied to begin in November. Tun said The third phase is adding furniture and equipment to the tile LTD has included enough lime in the schedule for change* that may occur By January IfiMk wijon lhn pro ject is finished. the new station will accommodate 20 buses at on# time The southwest comer of the building will contain restrooms, changing rooms for employees, office* lor janitorial st*n. general offices and confer «*.» room* Tha « uttumi'i MKttc# oralvt will ijMin two stories within th* snot beast owmar of tb* structure It will contain «two story lobby with room fnr 1001 esaiom Th* couth half of th* building will lx Hi** public ns* mom* and ink* matkm cmmtm “Thi* it a v»ry. vary iniiiml ing project (mm « lot of different angle*," Tutt said "It ha* been a tremendous challenge There i* an amaxing amount of detail that goes into tht* project that the (community | will never see “ Along with the buildings there will be several gateways. shelters and entrant es along the site Them will also be a plana with two mam features a dock tower anti * huge Ire.* A public art com ponent will be added later cm "It will be a very good facility and quite a handsome place," Tutt *aid. The station will have signs detailed information about the bus *v stern, and the partially endow’d area will have a wx-un ty system In addition the station will be equipped with mediant o*l system* to make It accessible for those who are differently abt*d Since this building will need to last for at least 20 30 years. LTD i* looking to the future by leaving room to add upcoming technology such a* Internet ter mittals (J7 YU l0**°S w**9r>l <**»"'« have to fflt«n downing the W#s« dwi shake U (Hit Or worse yet starving youiset! II meant effectively burning V€46€On> mof* calories than you consume Thai* why Iho individually /Ac designed nutrition and exercise programs al Gold's Gym c/ic/ y/iizdc . wont leave you hungry Except tori OPEN 24 HOURS 3rd A Lawrence St. Oowntown Eugene • Call: 646-GOLD AUamaaealOsU'sayaibewpMk ** STUDENT SUMMER SPECIAL! 3 MONTHS FOR maason tmt No •Omar 3rd and 99 r*g $120 Si. Downtown Eugene • 606-OOtD