Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 10, 1996, Page 6A, Image 6

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    End off the year blow out
Graduation & Finals week
special at..
mention the “finals Week Special” and
receive a 16 Inch Giant BARBECUED
pizza for half price!*
$1QP° Barbecued
SS°° Beppcrotd
SJHx) Cheese
'* Urn.. 1 f,, IM,, w «tok
*"’ ***** **•' *~< *• **«U*M« t» . h«««l um, Mar Prim
* '** **”'*' •'* I'4-* • *•'(» Mr «M*> <m 4t
Oflrr (Ml J«*r I*. I MM
Everybody's Favorite Fie!
Money: Summer job
wages won’t pay bills
• Continued from Png* 1A
another 25 hour* a week as a
waitress during the school year
•She get* no financial help from
her parent*
To warn enough far school and
living ripen****. Merry weather
•aid she spends time working
when she could be studying
Rasti ally my entire weekend is
•hot I can't do homework until
the end of the weekend, and by
th«-n I'm exhausted “
Students are alto taking out
more loans than ever. Kemy
said Half of all state system stu
dent* will leave school with an
average of $20,000 in student
Merry weather **pw :ts to leave
school with around 112.000 in
loans “I realize that's actually
not that much, compared to
other people," she said "But
when I think about it. it seems
like a huge amount of money. I
We otter American
(open Sunday too!)
A*k about our daily apaclaia!
m a«nw bt+mktatt anyUma’
%?t'C€ & *Tf4%^Uc
CHoum. Ba*>» & Tofu w
Stir-Fry Vegytes
** S ? M*.« »w . g **»,;> «v
Try our Homestyle
now serve beer A wine
«oma* rooo wouats w s i».» aw
M3-1S42 • t689WHl»mett#
(wnm ot A WtHamatta)
Wa taka rttervations tor
partita up to 25
/ 4mm people who are in
debt by $J0.000, and to me
that 's like amitontntf of the
real of your life
— Damians Msrrywctfher
fwfory major
can‘1 believe I’m going to b* in
thmivand* of dollar* m
“I know people who are in
debt by $.10,000. and to m.
that'* like auctioning off the ri>>'
of your life That mean* no fr<-<*
tlom be<*ii*e you have to go to
work right awav to pay off your
loan*. It really reduces your
options "
"The whole point is that stu
dent* work hard." said Ramy
"But financial realities have put
people at a disadvantage *
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shares bn Singapore Airlines arc,
• Round Tnp and rnusi depart i
Z August 18-31.1996
Portland To:
.Frankfurt - $930 00
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of an Asthma Medication.
for adults ! 8 years and over
m good general health
• Asthma diagnosis for at least I yr
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Robert F. Jones, M.D.
Kraig W. Jacobson, M.D.