von Klein Property Management CAMPUS RENTALS Largest Selection - Personal Service ft Summer Rates ft Fall Reservations Alderwood Manor 1884-1860 Alder 686- 0743 Blackstone Manor 1750 Alder 687- 0684 College Side 737 E. 16™ 431-1264 Courtyard Terrace 2515 Frontier 683-7169 Fir Crest 630 E. 14™ 485-6819 i mM t Flintridge 500 E. 18™ 687-5996 Garden Terrace 1893 Garden Ave. 341-4569 Holly Court 1930 Onyx 485-7776 Lake Crest 1390 Mill 344-1919 Maple Arms 1301 Fern -1345 Fern 683-1465 No/ama 525-541 E. 19™ 687-5996 Patterson Manor 611 E11™/1085 Patterson 485-7776 Talisman 888 E. 18™ 342-7373 University Manor 737 E. 15™ 465-9183 944-946 E. 19™ 485-7776 1365 Ferry 683-1465 1884 Garden Ave. 485-7776 1340 Mill 344-1919 ' on Klein Property M.vnagejment 485-7776 • 1301 Ferry MOVING GUIDE Greek living enhances college life SamrUm mdfrahrmi tin arr mart than pud a fwutr amt a mom to Unr in TV Cm* mum m iV !'«i «rrwi of OKftM fa* flnhanrrd tv ilm d fhootamfe WUII nukr nm frvndv Ml t warod amdrotfeaV? *'t» I Vronw (tin * number1 WW I br sbir to get tmohwd* *«8 I bud dirt people •ho ur mtrrrurd m the umr dmgt I am* tin 1 hour •to* ■ aV totanwd’ TV* (oacrrm art coonog twpit Off* to lerl Uhr IV* bekwt and m on tKnpH erne *u brty Ar oqeutaam run «w**hh It H in rtpericocr Out t* not ooh too, bo! hrljn Madrnn to gro* prnuaaih farh tomnr h* tow *»n mom md board abUgatfcMH Spetifk ctMti art aratbMr during IFC aad ffCnnli Moo Mxrmon ntjturr thr chifarr» br fal Mort rrintv tot uwmhm from thrtt hotmnt obllgattotw Mori frurratun nrqutrr a minimum right trrm homing (offisuunrw If vou »rr tmrmtrd a rushing a fratomm or MfortQr or haw any qucri**t\ aboot rush or grrcV itir to geo rral tall (VtllVtb ll*> faonar 00 Crwmi Uft Office Looking for housing? Puli out this section to help assist your search for roommates, apartments, 6r houses _Co ahead. Enjoy vwm Summert KENTALS— til New lutings daffy tit Houset/Duplexes/ Apartment* til Eujene/SjwingfieJd surrounding area* • Rental Handbook RELOCATION Short term/ ■, longterm ^«"»«sh«d/ ■ * Unfurnished &. Lane County's ^ ONLY RENTAL relocation service -ROOMMATES ^ Quality listings/ Quality people ♦ Personality & Lifestyle Hatching f Roommate Guarantee You handle the packing, We’ll handle the details. From Rentals to Roommates, we can meet your housing needs. HOUSING RESOURCES Rental Resources • Relocation Services Network • Roommate Resources • Roomates for Seniors 240 E. 15th Ave. • 334-0231 24 hr. information line 485-0383 HOUSINGOR@AOL.COM Not a real estate office