OFF ALL PUMA • A1RWALK • Si MRU SNOWBOARD PRODUCTS «•*> < nu*ur, «.*•***• MM %%, H LAZAR'S BAZAR IC7'4f3t • Tw#l ♦KM OPEN 7 DAYS 1 1 I I i i i i n I J Taoem & )Bttr ©ardcn • Kegs To Go • live Music Four Nights a Week! • Now selling Henry's & Michelob Hefe - $80 • Micro Brews on Tap including Guiness • Free Pool Sunday Days & Tuesday Evenings • Pool Tournament Monday Evening Sfr«9 m 4 JO loumry com m 700 • Enjoy a game of horseshoes in our beer garden • 25 kinds of imported beer 26S7 Willamette • 344-0816 OCA abandons current ballot drive That Oregon Alliance inno«nc*d Thur*4a> that they will abandon then drive to gath er signature* for another ballot m«Muni asking voter* to writ* discrimination into the Oregon Constitution, according to a new* reieate from Basic Right* Oregon The decision t ame after the I' S Supreme Court ruling of /footer v fittmt The ruling •truck down a discriminatory ttxutur* {Amendment 21 panned in Colorado 'Th* dm »*lon of the OCA to atwndon this year * prodiscrim ination nwuut* t« a good sign.' •aid fcrtc Fishman. to chair of ftastc Right* Oregon Steering Committae. in a new* release "nut it's important to remember that tha U S Supreme Court'* decision in Romer didn't hap pen in a vacuum Numerous group* have been working in Oregon and nationally organic ing. litigating and educating people about basic legal rights " Basic Rights Oregon is an COMMUNITY organisation «mated in count** lb# actum#* of group# iuch *t th# IX‘.A and to wbal attampn to dmv bask right* ihmugh ih# electoral proc#** lane County urges residents to precycle tan* County ha* launched a n#w *Uh law* Stuff" campaign to encourage r**td#nu to go beyond recycling to A* p«t of its 'Un Laa* Stuff" campaign, th* county ha* **t«h It shed a nr» Was;# Pr*v«ntion Hotlin# IM7-40IMI Th# hotlin# give* < altar* tip* cm how to pre vent wad* at bom#, of Tic* and •chool Th# county also ha* t(tamed with KUCN/CLEAK to broadcast waste prevention tips on (be air. Strat#gie» for precycling UK lude UM reusable shopping bags. but in bulk or cnooae items with BiiniRMl packaging um dunbb, tuutidib pMwir. avoid oov iim um dup»Mblt« tuch a* paper plain* and nap kin*, and reduce I ha uu* of paper by purging address and tsame from direct mail litis and making double sided copies Eugene Celebration office offers services Hut Eugene CddmlHin turn mar office will open todav for information (unaming the 1906 Olebralion on Sept 20. 21 and 22. The new location is al 1 East Hmadway, on ih* comer of Broadway and Willamette •treat*. Applications for the parade, the run. Community Parkway, the marketplace, and Battle of the Bands are available at the summer office The office will be open Mon day through Friday from 9 a m to 5 p m For more information, call 6*7 $215 Soccer: Nine games played at home ■ Continued from Pig* 11 Howe «nd Hayward field* On its way lo • full schedule fan 1«»?, I ha thick* will play five Pacific-10 Conference loam* In ) ttOft. including a reason end li)H cwotaM ansi nil Oregon Slata tm Nov 10 If Sluffin had hi* way, th* Ducks* reason would Mart tomorrow "W* are looking forward to the fall, I with that we (could! fust last forward to August “Our schedule Is challenging but we have tom* unknown* on that* loo,’ Steffen Mid. -Right now I am thinking more about developing our program, and than wo will im what hap (Kin* from thara." Steffen will u»« the lima before I ha season atari* to travel to ramp* around tha country and look at pottibla future recruit* Ha will alao ba boating a camp from August 12 to IS. joining Steffen on tha thicks' staff Is former North Carolina Tar Heel Keri Sanchez, who Staffen coached while In Chapel Hill SOCCER SCHEDULE • $ UC-Jnana t p* ■ A f*aa«K 1pm ■ IP R<^m fownQ T*A ■ 2* Anton* Smm It am* • * Qont*0» t pm • o tw ti p« ■ 30 Okataftoma t p m • i pm* *Paene-te Coniaranc* pama k to your HEALTH F \ Stay Healthy Sumniei Term! j Student Health Center! Summer Hours 1 June 1 5: Urgent Care l 8:00 a m.>8:00 p m. / June 16: V I Urgent Care ' ; Noon-8 00 p.m. June 17-June 23: CLOSED June 24 - Sept. 6: j Monday - Friday only 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m l Sept. 7 -23: ’ CLOSED Have a Heart Healthy Summer! Free Cholesterol ^ ^ Screening QV for registered M UO students, ALL SUMMER LONG! Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. Health Ed Room 1 st floor of SHC Get your blood pressure checked while you're at it! 1 Checklist for a Safe Graduation Weekend J Remember the sunscreen (SPF 1 5) Serve mocktails at your party ^ i (Call 346-4456 for ideas!) f □ Serve food if you serve alcohol, Never drink on an empty stomachl □ Mix alcoholic drinks with juice rather than carbonated beverages. (Juices slow alcohol absorption carbonation speeds it up). □ Don't forget to DESIGNATE! h«tpi/d*.L^l»»4»o>e^on.rJu/UOSHC/ STUDENT HEALTH CENTER • IJTH & AGATE • 346-2770