Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 10, 1996, Page 12A, Image 12

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Finals: Chicago led by
more than 20 points in
the first quarter
■ Continued from Page tl
the moved W*»l
They »tarted I be nun* pfeciee
and nearly perfect. taking * 7-0
feed no « lafty hook bv long lev.
a *lde jumper by huk<* and* )
pointer by Iordan before the
game wu Iwn minute* gone
|u»t two minuta* tatar. the
load w*i up to 13-2 on a jumper
from th* tana by Jordan, and
after ftvp »tr«ighl point* by
kukoc and a foul *bot by Pip
pen. tt wm JW with S 07 left
And the Bull* didn't let up
bungle v had ccmteeutiv*
*hot* uuide. Jordan hit a jumper
and a 3 pointer and then made a
•teal. Minn Pippan for a fast
break dunk that wa* followed by
yet another, thi* one by Rodman
off an awUt by Pippan. for a 34
12 load
It was 3416 after on# period,
two point* off record load of 20
by the 1970 Lo* Angelo* taker*
The *econd quarter belonged
to Jordan, who took over tba
•how with a dUplay uniquely
hi* He made four foul ahot*. hit
a high arching fadeaway from >4
feet, buried a wide open jumper
from the #ide and *wi*hed a 3
pointer from straightaway for a
&S-3S lead
Mt* nest shot we* another
ion* jumper with hu foot on the
3-point line, again nothing Hot
net. and then bounced around
on one foot and did a ton of
backpedal strut downowit The
IS point bunt ended with a pair
of free throw*, and Ptppen
•cored the last two points oft be
half on a pretty driving bank
•hoi from m feat away.
It made the wore ft2-3ft. and a
•mattering of boo* ware heard as
the Srnua sulked off the court.
tongley MOrad the first basket
of the second half, and Seettle
responded with a 1ft-2 run to
draw to ftft-M
"I thought we were going to
give it away in the third." Iordan
Steve Kerr ended the run with
a 3 pointer and Chicago opened
the fourth quarter with a ft-0 run
ending with a three-point play
by Iordan
'Yes! Yes!" Pippen said from
the bench
The threat was ov : and so.
pretty much, was the game
And the series
Fi n d su m m er get a wags
in the ODE classifieds
1995 Discrimination Grievance Statistics
Under the disc rtmmation and voual harassment grievance procedures
contained in Oregon Administrative Rule 57l«03-O25(8Ka). the Office of
Affmm’ivc Action & Equal Opportunity is required to issue a statistical
report of the number and kinds of discrimination and sexual harassment
complaints received and how they were resolved- The following tables
summarise this information for total discrtmmaiton grievances and for
sexual harassment grievance* received by the office in 1995. For
confidential information regarding discrimination and sexual harassment
grievance procedures or to obtain a discrimination grievance procedures
pamphlet, please contact the Office of Affirmative Actum & Equal
(Opportunity, 474 Oregon Hall. 546-3123, Kenneth F. Ixhrman, III,
Director. Mark Zunich. Human Rights Investigator.
Total Discrimination Grievance*
fiksl wiiMhr Office Affirmance Acnon A tsjual Opponumn
Iwun I.IW IVsemhr* t|. IW5
6 TVo dUM or di lability dttcrunlnaiton. two daunt of tetuai himutm, twc
claim* of gender dmnmtnaiHin. tine cUhb of m u! ditcrunmaitun. end am
chum of wiuil oriental ton iltwnmmiiin
Informal .... ttnwht
17 Tenclaim* of tctual haraumrot two claim* of metal dttmmtnaiKm. two
dawn* of gender diternmnaiioo, two daunt of tctual onrnutHW
ditef limitation, one daun of national origin dtttnrmnation, and one dawn of
________ tetal ration
ttumfict >if damn doc* at* caortpind to awth column became tome rate i<mm mutter < taunt
Sexual liaravMttrnl (irkvutm
filed with the Office of Affirmative Action A 1-qual Opportunity
January I. 199$ Decemhet Jl. 1995
format Knahi
2 One finding of tetuai haraument rrcuNmg in tancoon*. and one claim in
which tctual harattment was not found.
10 Two daunt trtoltcd informally to the tainfac non of the gnrt ant. two claim*
with unction* imputed ai the department level, two rtaunt revolted by
mediation, two ctatm* with no action rrq netted. one claim rc wilting m tetuai
haiavtment training he unit, and one claim with mpoodrnt cottmckd
_concerning bchavua__
Soar Sctual hatatamew gncvancct are aho nrhufcd m the anal dticnmmcnun gnoancet taMc
taatt%\nm\uu i\nmttstn>s * humus*. ms* muisums cm stMUU. mttssutsr
t MM*MT\ Of OftM.ON
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hud far By VO Office Of Affl'tuuiee Actum