_ A&r«4«»yt ’“/Vn .. Graduation from college requires sense of closure WM* at* the Iwllnons ' Whnt» ate ibe mkI) *r* with plate* of cxnUwT Why don't I get to W** school * wtmk early? When I graduated (nun high school five year* «&», grade* Him preparation* i»4 iim iIm u hcml The tumurs would alwav' he late In rU« and they would ilwtvi leave marly We would bring fnod i» elm and iH« ina hm brought um < unites or dougbrnttf The (union were in nr* and < ouidn'l *t> U proof they have sucxeed ed in college For me. walking across the stage in my gradua tion t ap and gown will he my ceremony demonstrating my sot ce»» to myself, my family, my friends and my teac hers ShartY Homty i* community editor fat Ihtr flmerald Womack writes tinal column before venturing into world I know for some of you it 'a been nice not •owing my col umn in the paper this year And, to a very small extent. I have to admit if* been ntca not seeing angry letters stuffed in my bo* every time I walk into the office. But you'll find this column a little lighter than in the past So I hope I don't cause any of you liberals on campus to make a fog up to the fc'mera/d, but you might want to just for old times‘s sake. After all. I'm graduating After two years that flew by faster than moat of thane annoying skate bourdon. I'm off to a town yet to be deter mined. I admit that I'm going to miss the place a little bit And. if nothing else, for the Ducks (.rowing up in Portland. I had about as much respect for the Ducks as Rick Neuheisel has for class But I was forced to change my mind. With two consecutive bowl births by the football teem and a trip to the Big Dunce by (keen's Ceng, no one could tun love the team* I'll never forget the way Jerry Allen's voice cleared the stratosphere as Kenny Wheaton scored. I'll never forget the excitement I had when I made that ftnd step into the open air of the Rose Bow! 1*11 never forget the rush I felt as Washington choked on its second fluid goal try. and 1 rushed the field last November in Seattle. But I'll remember more than 96 GRAO }u»i »portt «t I ha l litimti • I'll nmnrt group* during which wv would argu* m thoughtha plight at tb sr«<« world was in nut Harms I'll wvnr forget ihs (nd at Taco Tint*. where I developed a distill«* ttit tacoa am! burrito* And I'll never forget those lain night» in th# library when that woman would tome un over the P A. system and deaf m two thirds of Use (touple on the third Roar But I think there is room fur unprovemeiil anywhere, and this campus is no exception So before I leave, here's my little point for the day You knew I had to have one Remember that people may disagree with you Often time*. mi this campus, that mean* they're no the intellectual right. If you perceive what they say as disgusting, bigoted or laugh able. it does not matter They have the right to believe it. Never taf-e it away — be they Republicans, conservatives or Christian* That is the very essence of a university, and it's something we can never forget Cod tiles* and take car* bruin Womat k it a community reporter for thr Emerald The Coolest Place In Eugene Oairg Queen brazier. < jmjHis Dairy Queen • 706 E I *lh fGraduationTspecials" at Michael's Futons & Frames FREE! Covers for Combos Buy any CONVERTIBLE FUTON & FRAME and get a FREE cover! Buy any BEDFRAME and FUTON and receive FREE Futon Sheets! ALL TABLES 25% OFF WITH COMBO PURCHASE! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - Michael’s Futons & Frames f *t i**««£» %* r ****** t* t «»t • mh % * » **« c#**tN* tvm writ* /*/ im You'll always he a DUCK. U-Lane-O Offers AI! Ducks: • 24-hour Account Access: by Phone, ATM, PC • High Savings Rates • Low Loan Rates • Fast and Friendly Financial Service Congratulations on your successful college career! Your friends at U-Lane-O remind you: Once you’re a member of the unh/ermitym credit Union, you eon aiwuys he a memheri If you have not yet opened an account, join how We want to help you waddle off to success in your next adventure —wherever that may be* U-Lane-O Credit Union the Umvernty's Credit Umm sinar 1956 _(*>41)61*7-2347 « 1-800-165-1111 » www.ulaneocu.org Don't let anyone tell you Different.