Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 07, 1996, Page 6B, Image 18

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    •durring &uppfle
•VM#o 4 Audio
1/4 Mile South
Qepoo Say
#46&fHw*!0l* ~
50* OFF 4
any V* sub ^
expire* fi/14/96
Come in and
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1225 ALDER • 345-2434
Mon Fn 10am 11 pm • Sat 11am 9pm • Sun Noon 9pm
“Spring Into Summer”
Parking Lot Sale!
I new balance A9
This weekend only, see
and SAVE on all (he latest
water sports equipment by
H.O., Sevylorano more...
check out the newest
waterskis, kneeboards,
inflatable boats, wetsuits,
tubes and toys!
SAVE on camping,
backpacking and hiking
gear... meet the Eureka
rep and see the latest in
** tents, backpacks, sleeping
twgs and more!
There’ll also be close-out
specials on shoes and
clothing by Nike, Asics,
New balance and others!
fi*r ttmti ** -f '"i f"%
Rent • awM «rtm • frtend and iptnd a reiaiing sunny efiemoon saying goodbye to the Mill Race
Grads should take time with farewells
mrt wumtimunmm
Bo »uro to My (orowofl to m* ptonoor tUtu* - a
compu* tinOmart mot ttudMtt wtU novor tofpot
By Nicote Krueger
(rmnantrm* (ma
»H, this is it. You're about to embark
upon that mysterious journey through
W V what they call the "real world." How
does it feel?
Knowing the general cynicism of people who
have spent four years or more in college, you're
probably saving, "It bed* great!" But if you take a
minute to really look deep down inside yourself,
you might r»N»li*e that a teeny-tiny part of you is
actually going to miss "Fair Oregon."
After all. you've spent a lot of time here
You've studied, cried, pulled your hair out and
probably even bad a few good times beneath the
incredible variety of trees on campus You've slept
tn it* classrooms, partied in its dorm rooms and
shaken out your umbrella on its sidewalks
How do you say goodbye to a place that ha*
become such an integral part of your life?
For starters, go up and look at the pioneer slat
ues (If you're really feeling sentimental, give them
a hug } Kern edit M<r the time when you saw the Pio
neer Father enshrouded in while canvas, and
when you first saw both the Pioneer Mother and
Father on vour first campus tour.
Visit the art and net oral history museums If
Turn to GOOOBYE Page 126
|)ir month
No Initiation Ice
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I>OW lltoW II I l|ot |U
Call: 686-GOLD
V I kiWM >4 1.1*1 > ».»* ! mnpiivi v, In