rum Oregon Daily E m c ft a l d IS NOW AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE http*/ / -ode i - ' N. ^fcWilmim-"rr^ v»aUww 5mm"r tmtrmtr £ «p(o Kmxmum w “*683-3464 f WCOAWOmjH ■iwmr* mnm pvaJU j JiSwrnrcrrrr NEW DISCOVERY, OPTIONS, AND CHANGE DIRECTIONS EDPM 407 507 “New Direction*” U 19:00 21:20 Date*: November 5, 12,19 1996 201 Condon Edel Davenport CRN 12339/12355 1 credit, P/N or Audit t'atnnHf 4Pi'ii<ii n r«n IMM Have you considered changing the direction of your life, wondered whether behaviors and or coping strategies you have acquired are enhancing or diminishing your daily experiences or long term goals? Have you been interested in finding options for creating healthy relationship dynamics, achieving and maintaining a sense of well-being? A seminar designed to raiae awareness and provhle skills to change behavior patterns that do not work for yon. For more information, call Kdel Davenport, counselor, at 346-3227, or I .aura Blake Jones, associate dean of student life, at 346 1133 tm Mrf Dmwmmmn M1M la? % (k«*rr M for your BOOKS! m it ■ . 'it ■ Well pay you 60% of the new. student price for books we need For summer & fall term ‘96! And... FREE JOLLY RANCHER CANDY! YouC3nwin $20 Cosh owhh bj b»ch c«j IP you re selling books where the alarm clock rings. Calculator Buyback* IfcXAi Models TI-8I.TI-82, &TI-85 ONLY! UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Computerized Scanning! TUkwiaer Buybcfc * Jp«m »«f tfcr Book Bwj6«ck Kirtt but Mjw^l me CM* <*»w «{*»<*&} UMass, prosecutor look into Camby’s allegations ■ MVESTteATlOttS Campy's friend has admitted to accepting gifts from an agent AMHERST Mw (A Pi - The UniwnHy of Massachusetts and • Conwtlkul pwwcutoi today geared op separate inquiries •lemming from All Ammo sn Manus Camby's reported admission that he adapted tmwopw gifts as a player. The report* have deeply shak an the high profile basketball program that held Ih* No I ranging for most of last season On# sports administrator on campus today voiced frustration with the <ampus' power to push forward its investigation "W# have no subpoena power, snd that s on* of the things that will hinder the inves tigation,” said Jeff O'Malley, who monitors NC.AA compli ance few the esunpus "You could go km* king on doors, snd if the person doesn't want to talk to you. you can't do anything about it. The university would likely escape regular season sanctions unless it is shown ihsl school officials knew about improper gifts But. the Nt 1AA could erase the team's potiimmn touma ment record and lake back ■bared playoff revenue If an Ineligible player was used, according to Bill S*un, an NCAA Manor In Overland Park, ban Meanwhile. Connecticut'* top prosecutor wa* looking into whether a would-be *port» agent in Hanford committed extortion in a failed effort to attract Canihy at a client. {thief Mate'* attorney John M Bailey Mid Tueaday that the preliminary investigation will focus on lawyer agent Wesley S. Spears. In an interview with his hometown {taper. Thr Hartford Con rant, the (t-foot-11 Camby tearfully admitted accepting jewelry worth $5,300 from Spears But. he said the jewelry was given to him by two friend*, who only later told him Spears had paid for it t-smby returned to Hartford on Tuesday night from Rose moot, ill where he had an NBA physn at He wu met by a t»wd of npodtn d the Hurt ford airpswl but be refused inn Mat Meanwhile. hit friend Timm Murrey who admitted accepting gift* from an agent and patting I Hem on to (amby. told a Hart ford television ittllna Cambv should not be blamed "Marcus had no knowledge of what had happened.** Murray told WFSB TV Mainly it was all on me " UMaaa basketball coach John Calipari said that unscrupulous rts try In compromise lop mi by using their friends or family members, then blackmail the player into accepting their representation “What they do is (hey set up your friends, they set up your family and then they say. if you don't go for me. I'm going to I be newspapers Ami Man us didn't go with the guy." Galipari told Boston's WED-AM. In the interview, Camby also said he took "a couple thou sand” from Signature Sports agent John l.ounsburv in the summer of J995. Lounsbury called the allegation "ludicrous” but refused to elaborate Spiers’ lawyer, Alphonso Tin dall Jr,, Mid in The Net* York Times the blackmail charge is "utterly ridiculous and false " The lawyer said Camhy encouraged his client to become an agent, and Spears now intends to sue the player Spears has declined comment Massachusetts athletic direc tor Bob Marcus said sports administrators had no reason to think Camhy was taking gifts “I think thia represents the relentless pressure and pursuit of certain players." said Marcus, who also blamed the problem on a "disgruntled" agent who wanted to sign Camby. Cantby. a player of the year who led Massachusetts to the NCAA semifinal in March, is giving up his senior year and entering the June 26 NBA draft He is protected as one of the first three picks According to NCAA enforce men! officials, illegal player agent contacts are rising From ttMts to t*HM, there were nine reported incidents In t‘Ml*i. them were 11. A ROBINSON THEATRE PRODUCTION UPS TOGETHER TEETH APART by Terrence McNally May 24. 25. 30. 31. June 1,7, 8 8 PM Brurftl Smmde% fmmr J 7 PM Hit Ailumrtr The Heme* Quilt Profit, t Bo* Office- 346-4191 (•part «**•*■*> mm *V» W»i» Amsterdam $349 Pmb (vu London) Hong Kong Bangkok Quito Sydnky $366* $335 $407* $430* $506* Europe by Train ««Ov$ 1 4/0 AY Voun* 2 wo*»th» Pius...Wo«*/Study & VCHUNTltS OtVOSTUNifHS Hosm MtwatssMjfs Aovintusi Tr/wu CoiUKlI Travtl ^ 7t5 S W Mc—OH Pomuwc. OR 97205 (503) 228-1900 Ewl- (SOS) 275-MS0 o» (MnfrMOUNOU luutMvut nsuo o*-n«t-M»ofV