Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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Jurw 3. 1906
■ NCAA MEN: The Oregon
decathlete almost
captured Oregon s only
individual championship
By Pete Schneider
In track and fluid'* mini gru
eling dbowcaN of athletic talent.
Ray Livingston ex per mn<sad the
thrill of victory and the agnnv of
defend on Saturday
The Dragon senior experi
enced both emotion* during the
decathlon competition at the
IfHKi NCAA Track and Field
Championship* After nine
events and leading the 1 ft man
Held by 142 point*. Livingston
was in the driver's seat to win
the 1 (Levant contest going into
the final event the !.500 meter
Livingston only had to finish
tha race within 22 seconds of
then second place Rnas Bom ben
of California, but a cramp in his
b*ft leg faiad him to a S iainuit.
13 *2 second finish — 4? sec
ond* behind fkutthen
The 10.268 tn iliondtiH:* ai
Hayward Field saw that thane
waa something wrong when Uv
mgston began running the 1.500
and quit kly Mad to the hm k of
lha pack Even wilh mini of
Track Town on it* f»H. cheering
him on loudly,Livingston fin
ished dead last in the race and
ended up fourth in the final
decathlon standings
”1 just i ram(>ed up.* Liv
ingston said He could only
smite and shrug his shoulders
after the national decathlon title
slipped through his fingers “I
was basically running the last
part of the race on one leg I'm
happy because I feel like I left it
all out on tha track today, and I
still feel like this was my best
track experience so far. *
Livingston finished with a
Turn to NCAA MEN Page 12
***’►*« vmmxmmmmm
Sophomoc* Uikm* Gluaac ftniaft** »Uth tn tn* 3.000 mum run on Pri
(tey. Gluaac'a p*f tor mane* wm tn* Duck* boot at tn* moot
****** MIOfMCMMI
Senior Ray LMngiton couldn't hold on to the decathlon tm* on Saturday, but aet a moot docathton record
<n tho poto vault with a 17-08 performance
Glusac top Duck at NCAA meet
■ WuMtN The Oregon
distance runner finished
sixth in the 3 000meler
run on Wednesday
By Andraa D# Young
Aw/atimr* Sport# tbMs*
The J<m NCAA Track and
Fluid Ch*mplun«hi|n ir» now
inked into the history book*,
and the nunn of 14 Oregon
women are written in as being
pert of the meet
Although only two Duck*
ended up on the award* podium
throughout the weekend, the
team qualified the Urgest num
her of athlete* In the nation
Sophomore Milena GIumc was
very Impressed with Oregon's
I think. the l>ui k* have ttonn
great." die Mid “I'm *u proud of
everybody and what they haw
done Everyone out h«t« la a
winner The owrall empha*)*
out hate it on who wuu l think
ifa groat that *o many Oregon
athlete* wore oven here “
With *o much attention
tor. tired on how the Dock* per
formed, it wa* eaay to re# why
the meet wt».» not |«en .etved m .1
good tine for the Oregon women
The team ended the weekend
with only five point* in the iwn
•tending*, hut there were *tii)
tonic *pet ttu ni.tr gterformant:m
fdo».u we the top fitmiier hit
the Out k* After flnuhtng first
tn the remifittal* of the 3.000
meter run Wednesday, die wa*
*et for the final* Friday night.
Il we* * different (yfM» of rti t
than DitJgun fan* had toon
(•Iumk: run in the In the
term final*. < ;iu»*< derided thal
lb* per* wa* loo (tow and ran
mo*l of ib« r«« bv Harwell in
front of I ho p*il tint pace w a*
*U« (low n lho final*, and
whan il eventually *{*atf up.
tduMK w»* teughi off guard
"Il win a kn knr* t*n." *he
*ald "I wo *ur timed whan il
got f«*ler I had In turn II un
with one lap to go “
Whan Gluon found her*«lf
hwing laft bahimi with ■41X1
malar* l»* go. *ha quit k.mml hot
pa*:» and ovanltudly pa»*«d w
ami ruitnar* in order to flni*h
*1*1 h Her lime of li mimitn*.
Turn 10 OREGON Page !?
LSU sprinters clinch Tigers’ 10th-straight title
■ CHAMPIONS: D*Andre Hill, Zundra Feagm
and Ksm Carson won champonsFiip races
By Travor Kaamey
Su« i m* has it* price Ju*t »»k D'A mire Hill and Zim
dr* Fwsgln, senior (priniera for ihe NCAA women'*
track and field champion Umisian* Slate Tiger*.
Sure. Hill won the JOOmelef dash in 11 03 second*
|u*i l*nluw the old Hay ward Field record of 11 OH and
better than Feagin'a second place clocking of 11,20
And nearly a half hour later, tt wa* Fpagin'* turn. as *he
notched a field record in ihe 200-meter d«*h with a
22 4-1 second performance, edging out the old record of
22 Aft and Hill, who took second with a 22 49
But mobbed with photographer* and meet official*
immediately after the 200. Hill and Feegtn were rushed
off to the awaiting media before getting a chance to take
the customary victory |og around the track
"We ate going to celebrate tonight. We didn't even get
i<* do our victory la-;**." Hill smid Saturday
“I waa telling Dee. we have to take our victory lap* —
we didn't gel to take our victory lap*." Feagin added
That'* okay, though, because the Tiger*' 10th straight
women's team title made up for it
Coming into the fourth and final day of the NCAA
Track and Field Championship* on Saturday. LSU waa
behind by 10 points in the team race But Saturday waa
the lime few the Tigers' big guns — their sprinter* — to
pul the king on the championship cab*
And they did Kwa|alein Buffer added a fifth place
finish in ibe too with an 11 41 second performance,
and senior Kim Cation won the too motet hurdle* in
12 *2 second*, tying a Hayward Field record
But it ww the 200 that clinched the victory The
Tiger* swept the event, a* sophomore Asti* Walker took
third in 12 SO seconds All three performances were
personal record*
But all hype about the streak aside, LSU coach Fat
Henry was confident that hit team could make the
record hook*.
Our girls were intent on being she team to win the
10th one * Henry said "Coming into! Saturday I we held
our destiny in our own hands .
But that in itself got to some Tiger*
-We were nervous getting into the van, we were ner
vous down in the warmup area ft was premeet litter*
definitely, hut we overcame it and we realty did a great
M> today as a group,” Hill said “It is so nice to have it
done We can breathe now We can relax and enjoy Ore
gon ’
“I haven't slept the last four day*. I have been so u«r
vous. I have been shaking,- Feagin said *f am so happy
to be through running. Coming to the track these four
days, I could not sit down “
After her race. Carson donnsd an “1.SU National
Champions* T shirt
LSU sprint** Zundra Feegtn ed»e* out iMmmtli OAndr*
H«l tn ttw 200-meter das*. ®tvtrvg th« Ttpera th* team tttt*
"Thi» i» 1**1 year'*,” **id Cvwn. about an hour and a
half be fora the Tiger* clinched the title, "but we have a
new one for y’all tala year *
And they broke those out at th* award* ceremony after
the meet — fu«t before HDI, Keaain and the mat of th* team
took a long awaited and tnoch-deaerved victory lap.