NATIONAL N(W$ FROM AROUND IMF COUM1HV Long-lost footage shows chaos after Kennedy assasination ■ IMAGES: The film outtakes were salvaged Irom the garbage ol a television station DAI,LAS IAP) — TV font**# hfnwk **( tin the fir*! Km# Tim* Amy depfcl* event* lumiumlmj the a*«a**i»atkon of Praaidant Kennedy, including lean#* of him holding hand* with hi* wife, parhapa for the time — about 45 minute* before hi* death The client IS mm him. meant )> turned over to the indvfwndmit A machination Krx <»rd* Review Board, alao raptured a rare Image Summer Courses in Counseling Psychology (CPSY)! I ram about hnh helping *fcUH psyihiih^tKsl tr*li 3 pcrwmjJ irUi»m>Ju|H <w ptychMiirrapy pence***m these niunrs itrminrU ««» appeal to nstmiym m wen as helping j pmlrMneuh JJ UOSIOCasBiK^^Whi^iVopirlhonortohhPropir g 410 MO Pmtmlngirai T***» ta Connoting i 410110 hnwosl IrUtaxnhJp and Mtarhmmt S 49VW! TVtipy iMrrpmooai Prwcmes 5 /hr www fHfitnamthm. uaU Wfr MW or h liltuk U'omr* of Athtrxrmmt. ihf Wumm of Alpha Kappa Alpha & the Mm of Kappa Alpha I’m prnml the NCAAs Part# SP&HGFEST June 1st. 1996 University ot Oregon EMU Fountain Court 9:30 until... $4 before 10:30 P.m. $6 after $3 great 8 ereeks w/tetter ONt-fTEM* MEDIUM PiZZA Curt • medium 12* dm infradMii htu fer ONLY 9ft <Mi«**4 or ONLY |s v*f, «f «*, ptck it up •Ktt« cfuip tor xkfaUorml topping* Specialty it*m» tost mar* V+f v I HACK III WIN rUuLA 1809 FRANKLIN BIVD • 2511 W. I1TH & WILSON • Stw tent 2620 RIVER ROAD 484-2799 of lack Kut»v attending La* Mar vay (Hweld* meeting with reporter* iba night of the uhi ({nation, Roy (jwptt Jr , a photograph »»for tiltriiioB ititioB KTVT. now a CBS affiliate dog through the tratb to the day* following the **.«**«* nation to mw the out lake*. The lk)lia$ Morning .Vrw* reported Tuesday portion* of the film were atml Tuesday on lb* CBS Evening Mm%, the network mid The outteke* do not show the president'* motorcade under rifle fire on Noe 22. IWU. and otter no obvious evidence toward set tling the case's many controver sies. accord tn|t to the lew authorities who have viewed it The film does, however, show the chaos In Deeley Plata after the president we* stmt. Thu film fill* in little gap*. Mid **.«a*»i nation hutomn Gary Mack, who waa thown I hr tap** bt Cooper in the J»TOi "But I didn't mm anything in then* that (hanged any ugfuficani im 1* about the awuMainatton " (Uxipor took home the dips he wdrafpid hum the ttaeh. and a km yean later apltced them together with a friend. Eli Si urge* Producer let down by 0 J. video sales ■ FLOP: Large video outlets including Blockbuster boycotted setting the tape LOS ANGELES (AP> — The producer of O I Simpsons oammmt 1*1 video blame* a cable TV ml boycott for disappointing sale* but said Tuesday h*s confident that Simpson* rivi! trial will at trad new buyer* The tape ha* earned perhaps $4150.000 tlno* it* release in February, (ar lower than other video tape* marketed on television. an Infomercial mar keting expert said Tony Huffman, who ha* been wiling Simpson's videotaped alibi for the killing of ht* ex-wife and her friend refused to *av bow many unpin* of the 2 1/2 hour video have told at $20 05 each. But Steve Dworman. publisher of the Infomer cial Marketing Report. *aid he ha* gathered data showing that aired marketing sales were between JO 000 and 40.000 over the past three months, a figure he said we* confirmed by an associate of Hoffman ». By oeijariKw, Oworman said, some of the wild animal videotapes marketed on television sell 304100 copies a week Dworman said ll cost Hoffman Si$0,000 to $200,000 to produce and distribute the tape, and it hat probably grossed more than $900,000 "It was • flop insofar at It wasn't hugely suc cessful But it wasn't a financial disaster," Dwor man Mid "It was a single it wasn't a boot** run " Hoffman Mid Dworman "doesn't have any clue" what the real m1«* figures am Ha Mid ha will never disclose tham. nor hi* financial arrangement with Simpson, who was acquitted last October in tha June t‘»<M slayings of Nicola Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman Ha bitterly denounced TV executives for rofus tng to run paid ads for O.l Simpson The Interview and Mid major video outlets including the giant "Blockbuster" chain refused to market it. "It’s a shame that three or four nuijor players can decide whether the American public should see this video," he Mid Hoffman said he's negotiating with distributors in Canada. Europe, South Africa, New Zealand and Asia to send the Simpson video abroad. And Simpson's continuing legal entanglements could be a boon to video sales, he Mid. "The civil trial is coming up in September," Hoffman Mid "Hit story doesn't change, and that trial won't be on TV, So there may be a new demand from those who haven't seen him lell his story." Crippled plane makes emergency landing ■ AIRLINE No one was injured wt>en eight of the aircrafts tires blew BOSTON IAP} — A crippled pattengor pH unable to um IU flap* apoiior* or automata anti •kid *y»t*m mad® an amwfpHM v lands ns Tusawtay after loting the nto of it* navigational inatru manta. Eight of the Urwt on th* Boa ing ?#? blow out and the brake* caught Tir« when Ih« plane car rying 204 people hum A mater dam to Orlando. Fla., touched down at 2:21 p m at Logan International Airport No one wa* injured, airport official* said The plana landed at about 190 ouIm par hour, compared to the normal 144 mph. and the pilot had to hit the brake* »inee the flap* and spoiler* weren't work ing. **Tbay’tl take a couple of blown tires. bui the point is to gut that plane down and stopped." said Thomas J. Kinton |r.. hogan Airport's aviation director "'The flight crew did a won derful job coming in. even though it was a faster titan-usual landing.” A Martinair spokesman in Amsterdam. Udo Buys, said the instruments apparently had been affected by an electrical problem "LET US PAY YOUR WAY THROUGH COLLEGE" WE PROVIDE the following benefit 1 Your own room in a furnished 2 Hr Apt 2 Paid telephone service. 4 Free laundry pm ilcgcs 4 Paid cable TV A. <»reat starting pay and flexible hours 6. 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