Rodman won’t give the shirt off his back ■ MBA: The eccentric Chicago Butts forward wdl have his tattoos preliminarily protected from being put on T-shirts NKWAKK. N J, f AF) — Far the time being Pen ni« Hodman. tattoo* wilt remain an hi* body, not on T -Shirt* Hul he may have in hare hi* bank in (mibite to make that ruling rtkl A federal (udge ruled Tue*dav that a New |er *ey T *hirt maker appear* to be unfairly profiting from Rodman'* fame and tattoo* He iaaued a preliminary inpinction continuing to liar Fanatkx Apuaret Inc and it* 24 year old tire* idem from marketing a long thwve. cruam-toiored T *tmt that ha* image* of tattoo* on the bark. abwve* and front U S, District fudge Alfred M Wolln. who had Clod a retraining order tought liy Rodman ear thi* month, ruled following a half hour hear tug in federal court Rodman, who** Chicago Bolt* < line heel a *(JOt In the NBA Final* on Monday, did not attend But VVohn al*o ruled lliat lawyer* few T shirt entre preneur Micky (told** hmidt have the right to take a tbqwwtiion town Rodman two week* after the Bull*' *mmn conclude* And Wolin left open the possibility that Rodman c»uld he required to remove hi* *hlrt to *how the doom tattoo* on hi* upjwr body and arm* title* I) /aIon. Rodman'* lawver *aid there *«• lea* intrusive method* to show omxt.tng lawyer* the tattoo* but added he ha* not decided whether to seek a protective order limiting what Rodman J* required to do lie likened Goldschmidt to a bootlegger capital izing on Rodman'* personality by tolling Tshirt* that depict tattoo* "virtually identical'* to thorn worn by th* player. Goldschmidt claim* that few would equate th* T*hirt with Rodman But Woltn. meing that tamtam tram Fanatic ttwdf callad th* garment th* Denni* Rodman Tattoo T Shirt." Mid that buver* incorrectly believed ihey am gutting an ttara endormd by th# player Rodman « natn* or imam dona not appear on th* dim*, but Woltn examined mm and **id th* design* w«r» kttnilar to thorn on Rodman * body. Rodman ha* about « doem tattoo* on hi* upper hody. including that of a baby * tmm Th# T shirt *l*o feature* a baby'* lac* *1 *»n greetly offended and disturbed by having my tattoo*, particularly wy daughter * image, mi* appropriated and hum produced on a Tdsirt and •old nationwide. Rodman **id in a declaration attached to hi* lawsuit Itavid S Rata, Cotdachmidl** lawyer, told the |ud«* that the *hirt* *rtt*t would testify th* baby wa* the artist'* nephew He maintained that the *hirt* are only "looaady baaed" on thorn wont by Rodman. Rodman * lawmit. Bled May 7, want* Renal lx to give him all profit* from the shirt*. any untold over i hands** and production equipment. and II mil lion in damage* The thirl*, wiling for more than a year for about 120 In *torm and via a Fanatic web tile on the Inter net . gtrf a big boot! when they x«n thown during a national telecast of a Bull* gam* this winter Thai led to huge mfet of lit* "bootleg" *hirtt In tnaior chain ctore* and supermarket*, imperially around Chicago. Rodman lawyer* Mid Goldschmidt had sought Rodman'* endorsement lot the product but never received it. ABL offers women chance to be pro basketball players ■ BASKETBALL: The league has 44 rosier spots on e«« Mi *■ kiwn wa mamm im»mi mr*% LOOKING FOR NEWS ABOUT THE NCAA TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS? rWell...JlooJi lusMt&i... I The Emerald Sperti Staff starts corerap Tliiirsdas NO MATTE R HOW FAH YOU TRAVEL., YOU’RE ALWAYS CLOSE TO CAMPUS. o.d.s. ob tho world wids wsb: httj»s//darkwiaf.uorogon.«du/~od« •HHttl* MWMIIV, ItMIK HtftfMHtt* yfoAtTAtfir; INMUMML Executive Director of the Women ’$ Sports foundation imnmssk abc/eopn Sports Broadcaster SKIMS MMS, Vuy President of Marketing for the National Basketball Association's (NBA) Portland Trail Blazers miSmMIKE'S Women s Sports Marketing Manager THf JAMES H. WARSAW SPIRTS MARKETING CENTER Of THE IUNDQUIST (OllEGE Of BUSINESS PRESENTS A SYMPOSIUM ■PrcjMrhtf far the Cyra vth fa \rpt>n*en's£ports: Women ns Participants, Marketers and Consumers ■ '' ■ ' " ■ THURSDAY. MAY 30 180 PIC 4 P.M. . • ,