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J 51 For mow ntaman ronun Ms?w Gvpmtt* Drcaw tom»»p*« Aim unguaar p>uo>«m M6 W<fo Msr»mFfc*»^>nuO*w)ci««lu e a IY i e Find : (movies & shows personal messages computers, real estate job opportunities & more) Horoscope by Frances Drake r« m sm KMtl» (Man* tl to Ayrt It) >•"» •< im ttm *m!t ft to m* tank auto* mm mm aaaauto UmI to ImnM tut yi»>nf 4|i&s*i; t}. *W rawalf «at At mnatn « **» tAUttUS (*«•*» * to Mm m Tow *Uat* fat MM *|M» to Um taafwtatoo V ton** aatoaadpm HaattAnpto ■« trttolw Wto* maw* to Mi|iM dMM >:M«y 31 to Jam *H A p artaia* pauvadna a taattoaA at l i)l"H to* pa* *•»**. m aa*4 «t •Max TVat toatAp (tonal tOwto* im 1 HMiip to r*M» arm al M*at*toto t i,.; m llbi# CANCSIt U«tl! to .top Xf> HMA at toato* aa*» at to *.. Ukmfa at* anatpnp alaap ^ptnAlp ^t palattta •At to to aitutit w> tiiiaatfciim toi l (alto* da atoata - ia tto aal, •*> to IkaMit rt >.Wl » to Aa* XD f (maAt aaa wat ia a atotpatat**a •««« At aifkt. ( vuno (Aaf St to Sap* 33l paw waU aaaAa aaato aaaara to pwtl #?«*•*>*. At ki<M. itnuf mtit AwiMMt't aftaa wtUt p*a atout to-Aoal ft aaaaaa Ufa* up UtoltoaaatwaaaiM UWtA (Sana £1 to (Jkl TO Yatt'ra t«( Ap »a*t pm toaa to/aufA * UttaA paatp atoat mmm •atato TV* a* sowoto ftfct XU awmwma* ft **mfc*4 Wl rnx*m «rf •rn-mt rn W* *0m*wm+*A **mbs#+ %mM *? p*mr*4 t&i# f&M j#J f tM ««;rmiia» 12 let** JH fm* mr* ******* mmmitwImH *##»■ *W* *t«lM fottlMMMi «•*£<*£%. t«u4 y*** <Mn» »>—« Umm* t* «** iriwytlM*# f*a* «#»•** *M® $*«* *• C43N«(XW< 0*t fcttoJ** Itj Wkmm ***** mmm *# W*w»rMMl *t * few* I# #*** ««k fMi wm*. rfv ******* V«i» mmm9 I# ««** M*a «s» r*»rf* 4m4 fa* fcMHtlV» • mM A mown Mil in fftlgriil Hm* p) "wSuHOU u«* nor* to ■1 aV-At ^bia — • - — — WK * *9“v ift-t# ■ m aatarffW ptiwlwfiii MomW) >l«* t)> aiiaatlm Imh Uw (riMmnUiai I# awamn pmciai ttafc ISkMwk 3D! Pw> W» aw* fan. ywv fM atom •><«ttmn<M<mi4lw taW* tntfca dar *>»»«■»»> • !■■***«>*«• Ml mi* Ow l M Uw »nm llil raw 'n^WTiuK? » «iu< I««l| l««MWllr Imm towM *w4«i amun mUa m4 a* iwwkwt Wfcda «Uwr> mat |r». r>» MHI^k MMttif Mm j’*Tlft U*l*tltMn| l; f \fotm. t#»*•**» mmsrni Y«j |r (nfwfl tftl I# WMA til# twrw* kMMb yw 1* • MfMI «A «i*Mi Urn ***• «f Um ywriwnAua^ *rt* Y#w **«• III# *ii«U * %m U «*» Ail m4m UMM VUA A fMAt £g# (UMMA N»w t«l <ur» Carnal ttaka* •ttrtm, Jttm Kwlot mmt c .waw t—a I «n j OowM* Mon an* MOM Iran* ks WttOlO p+mmmt *mf‘ Cm mmw '*■ CARS 'BUCH >*w ctwrr ttmmrnm u*» maa *9* iun» •** «M*e to* Wua *** **M tMTSuMOHS Mm *500 must mutk' MSI Manas *ec«n) a*#***#*.. «*# „ Ann* 0AtAT» On* mmm mmm. pm** r* t *jt m Iff Xanr «*** DOM 13*30 Jt*»M0«0 t«»« HOMO* KKiMTH* WK »«MCMcrMM»s« OuankMjmnaMn ** unm*ga *T ****** S*n* *<m Am* Vx*» <*♦'*»•* isaooaatte 3MJ.JW# • Spoon Man* Mia. <*« orli , atom u»t lift 080. • m*m bm. 'uzmwmuKmHiis P-mpPM Aaukaxl Art iQ XJDCC pmmum SO** Sntti CO ACM town »J »r»M* JOC MS* (MM Mac ConOM lio MO. COftc* ***** Uw*w Kitfuamo ***** «*M* UkrroM;* Wen* *M' M* •m i MBMtf ^ **a* *i ■ r wa , mm- v >»■ ***v «• Hii an*. lw * Mr | SWOOP HMSOHM Mac Ohm lea urn Mon*w kay toua pnntoc S aM*W* AO ino *M«no UMI MS rtrOjantoN* Oaal**uamtauMr ’** Tv SOyW €Ou»^MtiiT CAN** W* Bu) Sm * Sane* VW» y\*.**w jWHWWHME tPOMpHNi —■■ i ii» i Mil witrni V V , ***** BON Tm NUMMSN’ QxMr.MIBtKMM.tMM, MfcM JOMM WtAMKttV OwNM *««) N«| ftMM Iff (»C«MM CWKMKM t??V0*O CNWftrn MmIW MMoft »on» tap mil 4 tug VKSBwtxi tnMB* '•v • «P?«p *r*iertt<s ■NatM im nan n«ki eomm <*Ml 1*06 m~nt fc*» 4»WR AmOOYl JOOB t?t**oun, MNtms NO f *B NfC WU THAW *m 4MTO l-KOUN-3040 bu^lk blttKkl * W . «.%**, f IIMMM ** if » «* <«MMM « * fRHUFWM Need a Job? Beat the Rush NOW H ! R I N <> for summer and/or fail University erf Oregon Annual Giving Program A P P I. Y TODAY! Agate Hall, room 124 a&pOcathom avafeM# *am9ixn «»•>««« I <»Wn »|||—m m <»»ya» . Jtttmn AAAHHHHH! 5*» <* •amngjet ws«m mmi N«td aarrm FMtDON m pour W*i irn% «** VJWCW SPORTS MINDED"’ NM«ntWuH«Witl>ll>N» •»p***ne * f«wi>an oo rxJ&’l KciOunt tmrung «3t t2M *»* rou • toMtar? Oo you hM *•> m«o lUWIa back tom* « aehtnn *«* gm « waMW ■** « aiahoM pnjgrarr. ww put om« cwnmurataac*' p»o(*« pMnmrg Me MM* to aok & CAPE *«•« Si*.c»M a tManng i*> pM<SKAMan c»«J» and • mon**y «PMW »*> mdMOwMk mUmg M> "«•» • »•» long oowmhoh to •torttmg mm ESCAPE an) <m cn**%n*r Pm up m appaoa ton m Tm EMM m Mm. c* ta* JAA-U6I HIGH GPA? t««*« «**» mm, mmmrnwt •■mu ***«■* mm mm ami lOGonm* im«w> Cllwyt u» mt**-**** an« won* «ns fvmam MtMU MMH CHAfT CCMTVft WWWIUtfy pMAWW ■vO>**« tor MW* » )»»»••> phOto?**?. A*«*, around knr n EMU MMH Mowa»OP atm opart tW *u«ww oxi tel *i«*. * EMU CRATT CENTER around NWOIEMU SMM36! HOE* TYPMTS PC man ,mo rn* W4 000 mootm pt**** CM !■*»•* <J4S43«*( »W47 |1 TS6 WMMy pmmtm «W( OM ««MW* Eormte iJtefyy <1 >»m»m CwnpOtor nfe*Nr« MHtM ■OB good putac mow* «*** «0««id » aw* m Oocwnwm* Hmm Hnowsaapa <* Wm*», •*- WMWMt WWW. a*i •«••<• •ecm* HMS *«■* pa .«-* te >a*» k> mwi Apply n Com|AMHJ Com try #T **44£k. * mm wnew yaw *<%», « moots m JWantotv Stare bfitaan Mift Mtof mt N . tUQM •UNOAV Ntmwr. rn*y «** caaona tor am* pnmm O***** mm mh to w rama Pm*** ouatoy cam m Cramm armor* mao* cm cmnmcmon, natural aMt> vetanran wjured Sun**, mermnqa * Otoicft lawtont, ij. •a wmo. j*r» * or apim m «u> <■* wura a uarv't CfMtocw CStortfv fO 80* SMB* Eugene s/«06 avctnmmamm Mrrm Student Stour* Sarto a nmhq a tXractoi to toad a n*» and ua mg program Mae to man m mm »6 no*** a wa> tor a StSCwnpran *H**« otamcmam avaaata* «n *9U0 Ctotoa *««c*»tan amt «war tofetr due June S. IW ft»» SSf « an AMEO aototore* tma*** w«t« cmmw ho** oom Appro* 360 aa« **mw part am* poaMon* Cugm wj Am* IM> Many paaarora •* U* »a**m*a throughout m* WWW however mere <» r» 9u*nv*MK$ -srt* <)t hour* <jr tong* at employment SatamtUM tuncuon*: AM*y 10 pwtorm « t*nnv* mmt cembutg. waatmg pro*c«9*d Mans, darning. math mg and commuracaaon mtn i**m toad* Qua**' Waahng wthm »*•*, woodwork. mopping, va cuuming. mowing turnout* »*■ mowing ttaah, ctaantng teat 'com* alwwar*. making twit* «K Requirement* WuM be a atudara during the arrant Spring anchor pton to be « atvMi m tn* Fa*. be av*«ata* on an *as ktOmtukefcaam- um through <** aia *anmar Apptcaaon* ** o* dawtbtaad at tout anparaM on «aw aaaatona m th# Bean Oompto* located at in* comer or ta*i Av* ana Moaa St Onant# Don tummon attendance mat b* <l**«gn**M ****** mam st •our taw name At May SB, •JM W J»h M / _ May 830^fl0pm tor tnoa* unaCt* to mtna <*Bwt ot the tow peavPu* aawwon* to*, JO 1 00-?3Qpm 0» 9 30-BCQprh You muat atMn.1 ana ot tie tod onaraaaon aa* More *1 cedar to wgn up tor no* application* muat be meumao m paraon to Oougtaa* Matt tarn Av* and .Agate St cm June am. *«» or 9th between 2 00pm . 900pm At Ota tana at wgnup you mut* have a (tooto lO, Sue 5acur»y Card and proot at ag* tar «oa* U <? ywara at age the. tow S9C appacant* *« te ugneo up to mark Apugrenants mad* Cihrw»«iteg*ea|iy. aipweax:* *« Da ghan cunuiwwcv EOaa ADA mtaauaon eaermmm) to cut SUM**.)* JOBS at CAUFOMMU tsamnotjn Camp* pdval*. coed oampa have a *aa poatcma spam Atotartnant Omtoor **h **p and *SvtOJ . »«to*g 0»tKto< wan toacfeng tup tonang. nang am •<*»» ocrur*# an**>uc*o**. court man to* Soy* catena Cm u» at* tad at •**. «h*-9n« or Cana* *to**Ayoal#aa<com tot apptraru • m mcaa mtormwwh T h e ODE Cl a s s i f i e d s More than just a place for the... Doonesbury by GARRY TRUDEAU 'J runstom m*A6oce f*#**>& THf M*T* mutjtt Butts At f-iats ■ BA* BUNPT 4» It* au JW It* 6UY BiAS A C4MVU Tg tun# *i4v (WcjAuy CHJKJN6 OOH0*rwm ^ *euset>)060 70 $446QHAnP ANT UH \