\ nif rs My party *• symbol U the «U phant Folklore tall* us tha >l» phant never forget* * Yat Republican U S Senate candidate Gordon Smith is now operating under tha notion that Oregonian* will forget his past support of discrimination in housing toward gays and la* bians. On May 20. tha U.S, Supreme Court struck down diecritnina tion against gays in bousirgt Gordoo Smith’s pious response? Tv* always boon uncomfortable with govarnmaot Imposing morality * Quita a reversal from bis words last December Smith also hop** voters will forget his efforts to 'impoae morality* in May J9#5 whan ha led the effort to criminalise physician* who did not first notify parents before providing safe abortions for Oregon teenage girls Fortunately, Smith failed In using government to enforce his morality on other Oregonians Do not be conned by Smith's calculated repositioning We fought too long and too hard In support of aqua! rights (or oil citizen* to now be deceived by the new packaged Gordon Smith Recognize tha difference between sincerity and mere political calculation* Gordon Smith is tha same man who accepted the OCA endorsement in his first run for U.S Senate. The beet packaging and white washing money can buy wilt never erase the harm Gordon Smith has already inflicted on gays, tha environment and pro tec ting a woman's right to choose Carol Barg Eugene Protact yoursotf Keith Cunningham s article (ODE. May 16) makes a good point about the stereotype of rape being out of a horror film, but the start of the article was very distasteful and insulting to the victim of last week's assault. It is true that date rap* occurs uWe Love Our Customers rt l/X PRICE SALE May 22 2 \ tO 30 r» 30 The Clothes Horse 720 E. 13th 345 5099 more often than people tealixs. and it isn't the only type of assault that Harm* women at tha University, Thaw Hava been many cases of woman getting sexually harassed and having thair br-eest* touched Cunninghams common! on how woman ara taught safety measure* such aa ruining self defense clanaa, car rying a w hut la and lamming to uaa pepper sprsv should ba taken vary seriously Thera am many man on cam put that, given a dimly lit corri dor. would lova to sexually haras* or Maault woman. Learning tail defense allows a woman to dafand herself horn strangers and acquaintances, and carry a lot mm con ft dance Moat people are too smbsr raasad to scream or (rwis horn being in shock as to whst juti happened This can be a very emotional experience that can happen to any woman at any plac e and time No matter what the situation —- stranger or acquaintance — if a woman knows now to scream, kick and punch, her chances of getting out of that situation are greater than if the woman had not been taught what to do Laura Stmpaon Oaftnar Psychology Springtime I was both amarad and amused as l read Robert L Was son Ill’s letter (ODE. May M). Granted. I cannot climb inside Keith Cunningham’s mind to know exactly whal his inten tions were in writing the spring column in question I can. however, assert that my reading leads me to the conclu sion that Wasson completely missed the point True. Cunningham’s column is a hit odd. but even the Enter aid editorial editor claimed there waa a degree of sarcasm included I hope must were able to see such a twist. However, read plainly in the text of the column, was s plea for people to relax and entoy spring Take Cunningham's advice, put on some shorts and stop worrying that your Itti might be visible by satellite Fsel free to •top and small the rose* Grab • fly tod and try to tool a beautiful rainbow on McKetutie Play catch Roil on the pm Play torn* basketball Ask thoaa working at Coffee Paopla just what 'back talk' really la Hava some fun Wa naad watchdogs, I grant you They provide a valuabla sendee sometimes However, whan It comas to spring and some sarcasm ... I beg you. sniff a tulip and smile Paul Klauoonburgnr Easy as 1,2,37 Is It the Emerald or the KMII that cannot count f How la it possible for the 'First Annual fir agon Grind* to take place when there Have been at least two Oregon Grinds before ill I hare the Second Annual Oregon Grind poster In front of me. and I am sure I attended that Oregon Grind concert two years The first sentence of Regina Brown's Polk Festival article did not make sense (DOR. May 22) It said. "The First Annual Ore Ron Grind will not take place on the EMU lawn as It has tor the past three years,* and I sm per plaxed as to bow Brown derived those numbers There have only been two Oregon Grinds and there was no grind concert last year If the concert had taken place in the past three years, this year's concert cannot be the "First Annual Oregon Grind.” Brown, the Emerald'* higher education editor, end the KM I' Cultural Forum staff need to begin counting with their fin* gars If they ere unable to do that, they may give higher education a had name Autumn On Poe Orwgoft Commence lor EDITOR S NOTE: The offi cial name of thm event is (he 'First Annua/ Oregon Grind" Wo are quit* confident in the EMIT* and the Emerald's abili ty to count Do you have asthma? Participants receive: ■ Examinations, breathing tests. EKG. laboratory testing and study medication at no charge • Payment for study participation Referral Not Required Allergy and Asthma Research Group M88 Oak Street. Eugene. OR 97401 *•14124 frag W Jacobson M D » Robert FrostJones, M O Self-Serve Computer DESIGN STATIONS • Power Mot • Premier soltwore • Color low printing • Stonnen • Portable hard drives kinko's 1?6S WiBaiwHt / 344-3SSS ’96 Grads „ This is your chance to write for the ODE' Tell us your best college memory in a letter ^ of 150 words or less i Be sure that • Touf name rs on me wner • AH events reported are verifiable • The letter a addressed to Nicoie Krueger • We recent the letter by 4 p m . May 31 Several submissions will be selected tor print All letters will be edited for grammar and style Potentially libelous letters will not be printed Sefti 300, fMU• PQ fc»3!M tug«» 0* WO)'(MUM*Silt they don’t have to be cod Theyr« dofi. they're riot tuppowd to do erythng coot, you >uft we* them when you ere not weemg your cool thoet Simpleshoes LAZAR'S BAZAR