Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1996, Page 8, Image 8

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FIRST YEAR GERMAN <.EK 104.104 (T credits rath
Gcr 104 90012 20 MtlWHF June 24 July 19 cm 42?29 106 Fit
(er IM 9001220 Mt'WHF July U Aurum 16 cm 427)0 106 FI
SEC ON!) YEAR GERMAN GER 204.209 06 credits rad)
l*cr 204 9 0011 40 Mi wm June 24 JuH 19 cm427)1 214 Fit
<»« 204 9001140 MUWHf JuH 22 Au#u*i 16 cm 427)2 214 Fit
l,m 199 Oil Ctetit» June 1MH. 1996
cm 4)605 106 fR
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Visiting journalist known
as ‘Chinas Conscience’
■ SPEAKER: Former
Communis! Liu Minyan
discussed ins support erf
democracy in Taiwan
By Mfcoto WadCMI
f 'MPGIlYW <%|g!3R3rtp'
Fortner Chinese joumtliii Uu
Minyan hosted a question and
answer session Friday in the
Knight Library. Minyan dis
cussed ionic* ranging from hi*
view of democracy to human
right* issue* In Chitu
Stephen Durrani, di reel or of
the Unlmtify Canter for Asian
and Parifk Studies. < ommentod
on the significance of Minyan**
viait to the University
"He in on# of the moat impor
lant voire* of China He Joined
the Communist Party early, uw
the Cultural Revolution, uw
everything up ctoaa.** Durrani
•aid “He ia sometime* railed,
China* OmdnK*.**
Minyan i* «vk iated with the
Princetun China Initiative at
Primal on University. The group
support* Chinese dissidents
who cannot return home
According to Minyan, some of
the (ample who PG supports are
still on China s "most wanted**
list, which include* one of the
student leaders of the Tianan
men Square incident
He see* the free elections in
Taiwan as an example of what
he Itelieves must happen in
order for democracy to tale hold
in a nation.
“For ordinary j>*ople. if the
new form of government It not
supplemented by a change in
•octal •tructtir*. it will not
work." ha said “In the Taiwan
Parliament. 20 t«»t of the 40 Mai
bolder* *r* wither supported by
— or members el — the man* *
Minyan also explained how
ovarpopuiaiion ha* become a
problem in China. Ha aaid than?
i« not enough land or work to
•ustain China* population, and
tha extreme proximity of people
cause* high crime rate*
in addition to overpopulation.
Minyan cited human right* vio
lation* a* one of China * greatest
area* of concern.
"In the first half of 1995 more
(ban 2.000 people were execut
ed," he said. "Thit year the
number will double or triple,"
Minyan was a member of the
Communist Parly and a promi
nent pro malt'd from 1944-1957
Ha wifbe**wd fir*! hand Chair
man Mao T*e-Tung‘s Cultural
Revolution. An outspoken crit
ic of the Communist Party, he
wa» kicked oul in 1957 in an
anti-rightist campaign and sub
sequently left the country.
Following the death of Mao,
Minyan was rehabilitated in
1979. For the next eight year* he
reported on corruption within
the Communist Party for China's
leading newspaper, the Pmmh's
Daily Minyan was again ban
ished m 1907 and arrived in the
United States in HMMI
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