Kearney: Johnson mars memory by using the NBA for attention ■ Continued from P*9* 11 td, the ffiwt Johnson crept hath. the more speculation there was stonit hi* return to the NBA And why not? tt was a *tgn of lib*, * sign of hope And most of all. ft wu t *i«n of Magt< So it wasn't * big surprise whan ha did return tor the 1992 season But whit# the ton* and modi* basked in lh* glow of his first teal orturn. Johnson wasn't exactly welcomed hack to the NBA with often arm* Some player* didn't went to play with Johnson because of his disease, and pud over a month later he toft again But that toft a bad aftertaste And net (her a stint as an announcer not a brief try at coaching could erase that taste Nor did part-ownership of the lakers, shoot-arounds. pickup games or basket bail tours with his team. Magic John •mi’s All-Stars. So in Isnuary. he came back for the second time as a player And sgam. why not? He had the abilities and opportuni ties to do it. so to deny him would be discrimination To deny him of that chance [u»! Ikk iuw hi* dt*«a*e or hi* retirement or whatever would Ju*t not be right At Ant! wh a big *k»ptk But when i v*«u hmt him.! readied ho mod* basket ball fun Ho mode me laugh. ho made mo tmh and **hh Thai big grin and no took (an Ho w*» lh« big over grown kid that bamkoihall had boon mtuing for 4 1/2 year* Sura, bo wi* out of *hape Ho »**n t tho Magic of old But it waa )u»l plain fun to watch him play again h waa right to use Magii out on tha court again Magic Mttwan retired from tho N'B A for I ho third timo Moo day. citing hi* doaira to return to hi* butinm inter oat* aa tha tm entice to leave tho game ho love* When U ihit ait (uat going to endf Tha running count ia throe retire metiu and two comebacks aa a player, one «tint aa an announcer and one aa a coach, and miacallanaoua basketball related appearance* and promotkmt Sura, lonnaon ia content with hi* buitOM* IniMMii (or now. but b* ha* proved In the past that bo can't live without the (tome of basketball Me ho* proved that hi* thirst lor compel it ion. the playoffs. the no look |ou«i and even the controversy at biMUtb*ll it something that only suiting up and tab injt to the court can quench Maybe I am Just out of the loop, at maybe I ju*t didn't reed into the *igrt» ft tie disputes with team management at the end and Mtiuan't displeasure with teammate*' attitude* and performance*), but this cornea a* a big shock to me I thought all of the piece* had fallen back together again No mure playing for three month* and auintag only to come hark again I thought the turmoil and dispute* were a thing of the peat, and Magic waa hack But I guess he footed me it* fooled me into cheering him on. he footed me into uniting el that big grin, and he (tailed me into thinking he w« back because he loved the sport of ha* ketball What Johnson was realty doing waa getting his quick fix of basket ball — the rush and ilimfiua that ho umhnI to thrive) on during hi* career And when he didn't get to play the point or he had to thuuldw ihe heavy leader*htp ruk> on the youngi taUn *qoad. he [ikkod up and mm «*d on HI* yo yo retirement ha* made * mot kerv of Ii4ikrft«l! He turned hi* player *talu* on and oil tike * hunt*, turning it on when ho era* thir*ty for the game and turning it all wtum thing* didn't go |wt hi* way It U malty too b«d tlu»t |ohn*on ha* to he added to the lint o| athlete* that ttnoar their memory by putting a «tmi colon rather than an exclamation point on the end of their career* Like a great athlete the! *impty played live veat* too long, fohnaon him made the end ol hi* career a bore rather than a celebrated event The only difforonc e la that |ohn*on ha* done It three time* now — and counting Trevor Attorney, a tumor motoring in joumallem. it the tportt editor for the Hmerald Small tkeorney&glad ttone uoregon edu Emerald Call 346-4.14.1 to place your ad unlay AXO A XU Alpha etc ccngraAcacaa out >99»•«? **ac amcmv Pros«xn • Xortnay j V P Ffat AaNMona- Kate « V P f manat Mato** B VP C«S» Jam* S A XU A XU A XU A maciaHhflr* you ■> out pun**** UaraMa Ingram lot dang an «a«aorr* (uO torn ttmr Um. y«# A XU A XU A XU | UO Singlet * 400-442'7090 * * 10 Tou t™* ALASKA BOUND SaUung com, paaon a fcMght h> chant **;«<•» a* 27,000 •'*» adtarcura lawntig Pummd S'l Local nMncnoac »* dated Cat |6C0rf4B4N* Shea, am mu «n !<*»*, * Again Mad P*a**e cat Ot» M», j?4» »OU DON'T HAVI TO SC GAY* The* a a way at el homataxuat Sy Cat ot «m*b Freedom itemni-ap PO Boa 70* 12. Eugene, ON 87401 ***** ST XL OAT AMO CHKISTUH7 Own M orvtcttan attoganca gm youdoam TK«yrt» *e» SU»*m rtaw* ween duty natm payciwmc -I,— U / ».* . 4 fLei !■.. . ... m !ot>9 •AT**s >UMR l*W« ** gtcnana put Try Ammmm O*» 0*» ">o»* ur** Un***rm*» 0*V QtT PSYCHE t> fram put* aawftotS Vo th* OM*d*no* hoR * grow* (wum «wm n* mow pm» [woun Sigr> up twgm* * S JGom m m* Pwn*m amm alams mumatrrt Two qurmm mtrmamm ttxt IKMtR )60«*cruOtM M> 4U4 round •« nc(a (WWW txAsKRR V»tc On Ml C4» Hop In OwcrSM *»& t,tgi nsTTPiMG *1 H40TM 00BIX 4 OOAO SCHOOL AWVOVtO ,0)*W 9 w*i* 'OVovMwi Wvon tsKRgrounfl Twm pApafll R*l» lammua *wv«a» f-JWnj U**f» OH CAMPUS) Dissertations & Tiiksks «.«• m SI* «*» pan **«"» rnuil wt mNMtOft* JA-IWJWftMMO M CuCMM SufWOm tMftft «nl Tl'IniliirUlWt flf# tlljiniTTl •M 1* *» «M OlipoftwwlV (LaftaMg Mi caumf) v>«* tNrft^pf*' RJKWBRl I > rdr *»> ft too to taw 4*m) 4314001 *19 / Are you one of the natural helpers of people in your community? PARAPROFESStONAL HELPERS CLASS Fall Term I .cam and practice communication, problem-solving, resource anti referral, support group feu. ilitatHJn.aiKl conflict management skills with a multicultural perspective Academic credit available. Students who arc ethnic and non-ethnic minorities arc strongly encouraged to enroll For more information contact the instructor. Nancy Taylor Kemp at the University Counseling Cower 546-3227 All classes and tncrnngs are accessible to individuals with disabilities Contact 5463227 for accommodations *# n VW Cm. WaM— MM* »**■« RtnM | CM VU-0 tOB M VW MM * Om S •*»! **» *f*» jr«< 3M -*»ng» ah sm crson oMMMnrr M Ikwi l* S Mxl ♦ * >« pmt mm. cam* m mm MmMr MW mu. SIMS<:«• 4*14363 ••37 VW Crnnp— VwwwwW* W«J up, IV* JAM# III P lM «h*w w **> «mp SMOGr «*» JOP-31 tt M OoPga Am* 4 Ouw wy*. 13 600 Rum f.-mUmr* pmt 0 »**« *f*vVm «»»»*•» «>.«*» «***«. *9* mi 3LU-MPP *1 MOHM CPI .*). 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H./» Sal I tevu VMS ml Theawaon law K«n ,«m httfth molpQrd & i rraovr todnttiuab Thrt ts j Vtrtru iMttHUWltrtg wHit 0nid muUon, pknw Mup In the RIM aAct in 10.’ iv'ltmpf tppifcjBum ait due tw Mat 22 >ofe mttmi toncmml Catm# SunvMjr K ifnww* Hwi *«kmbw» moMI* lufepart urn* **» 0mmn at (***» NM*T can* eampam MfMfMlknQ .n*) Otgon «*m * ■•»*? m§ ALASKA EMPLOYMENT tmMnm. port.*. mwortP lam up •o 1) 000 U OOO monPW vmmi/RoomSI tMumpgrtniiarti i«l VI040 » pmgraiw Uditt *!• TMMfrtl VWRtClj Coi Ml <*•*» *11 I4M Ml a*7 Kidd Prize Announcements Did you cater Ike Kidd Writing Competition? Did you win? Come find out at TK Mummer's reading in honor of his new book of poetry, Watt Whitman in Hell Wrditrarfay, May IS. 1996 (krttiigcr iMuigr, 7:30 p.m. Total prtiri of $3000 la each fearr (poetry and fid ton).