READING THIS AD COULD B€ HAZARDOUS TO YOUR CURRENT LIVING ENVIRONMENT PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS I Doc* your current residence provide you with an individual Irtir* 2. Is your current residence brand new and furnished with great looking furniture with a microwave oven in the lutchrn' 5 Does your current residence give you a choice between l. 2.5 A 4 bedroom floor plans' 4 Doc* your current residence offer flexible payment plans' 5, Doe* your current residence have a targr heated swimming pool, year round spa. fitness center and recreation mom' 6 Does your current residence offer you 24 hour management access and night time security? If your answer to any of these questions in NO!, you owe it to yourself to visit Docks Village to see just what you have been missing Mop by our rental office anytime. M E H-5 or Sat V 5 Ducks Village 3225 KinsrowAve .Eugene. • (541) 4*tS>?200 r oucksuok are still available. Stop by suite 300, EMU to pick op yours TODAY! MONDAY S FRANSACTIONS BASEBALL ■ MlTMOBE ■ CUWUMO MOWAB 4gn« *+ • TORONTO «U* JATMtoa*# WTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ■ AOCMIfTt* BCD «NBS~AetoaM OMtr, fowanneimOM* fSONTfd LEAGUE ■ JOMCETOMM StUi-«vw« or OmMKcNMW AOf jMCP#|nr»M C Abb awawwft ■ M1AMA200 KOOMK&~«Brwl f ■ CMO VAUfV niOCOA7S~«V*•«* NuBW northern league ■ OLAUTH SURTAOW DUKE$--SbnmI AHA a** f-tmumm*+ Wto Rmnwa wU * w w iMBUm JJP*W»A TlXASLCXttSiANA LEAGUE ■ alcxanotm Kxs-Gwa mr •A*** Colt mi wr-or ft** Aotw BASKETBALL NBA ■ PHLAO&MA 7KRS~r*M Mr Uoa caaoMna Aon Adana am Tom mmw Own, wwi watt US BASKETBALL league ■ ATLANTA TWCUANS- W«N«l«6 f Smba Haman ana f Fiad WBam» AcMM F K*nn AnMar and 0 A**» NeNnaen»f««waquM ■ *TL*#ne art swouus MHwatCAgMNnA Ummat a comcron arvwuMcs fC^WWMaCMi IcmmC ■ »c.*s&t*iLt a**Max*& RmM f am tag* CM tw r|M MMntlM k»amf TmBunau&m FOOTBALL ■ TAMP* BAY tUOCAMEGRB-SiVM PTowa^BAiaftwtintfWWChMlM I PtagQM *»»•«*« HOCKEY ■ (MEMO SABRES R»«p»d LW A*** tamp » • •N»y*M anna INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ■ KANSAS OTYauMS^-BgrMdRW Dmp S**«Nm M A mMvmt aamntet ROLLER HOCKEY INTERNATIONAL a *« * JERSEY ROCK* ROLLERS T«M 0 Ow* *•***> id Mm** tolANamMm ■ ORLAMDO JACKALS—TrMM f Pmck Owmp* u Mortwai tw r t|i«< SOCCER UNITED SYSTEMS Of INDEPENDENT SOCCER LEAGUES ■ CENTRAL ERSE Y RaTOC-fignM f Owta»ua*iB»tm rwrootia MDOntNMPunjSKMYiEMt) COLLEGE ■ BALL ST ATE -AnreMwd l» tmgm M# ol B*n Mom, mMHH km ima •gw » M* * trNta peMon a Atocn ■ GEORGIA-Airarad tm wgmaon ol Stow Watt* MmOM osacn 1 Buy a Mac bafora you pack. Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 546-4402 • Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm e-mail: mpp@oregon •