Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1996, Page 10, Image 10

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Eight climbers believed dead in Everest blizzard
■ DISASTER: One victim
called his wife hours
before his death
KATMANDU, Napa! {AFJ - lit
bW«f told md howling wind*,
with tha jawk of Mount h«m!
hMt sao hwt abova him. Hob Hull
»Had hit pragnanl wife fan on
hi* hdns radio to my gtxidbya
Hall, a ISwWHNd New
Zaaiandar. had |u»t rant hod th«
f**»k of tha world * higha*t
mountain Friday for hi* fifth «uc
tattful »*«ant Hut on tha way
down hi* trailed othar* m hi*
axpadition in # futila afforl to
balp 44 ywar old Doug Hanwn of
Ronton. VVa»h , who w<u Iti and
•trujaling. aa a ftarta blixxard
l«h*ii i ho mountain
Hanwn dim! Friday night Hall
waa nmu doath whan ha cal lad
hi* wife Saturday
On anothar anctlon of the
IMM kwl high patk. Saaboma
H Waathar* of tlialta* ttrugglad
down to about 20.000 faat and
wa* plucfcad off Monday in tha
world'* highatt avar halicoptar
maw tni**ion
"I am OK; I'm batfar now,'*
IVaathan *aid a* ha arnvad at tha
Katmandu airport, hi* fata raw
«>d blitterwd by windborrt hit
hand* crippled by fratibite
Ufe tad death luck and
' ham* la all. tight climber* at*
behaved to beta perithed thlt
wwakaad la on* of tha worrt dfct
Wtan time Evwrow w*> find am
quered in 1#M
Vasuio Mamba. 4?. of Tokyo.
**»» reported dead by another
expedition member after be. mi
inn °®ty 'he tacond Japan***
*«M» ***r to reach the lop of
Fxereti with her climb Friday
Sratt Fiwher. 40. of Seattle and
Andy lUmi 31. of New Zealand
w*r* preaumed dead, at wall at
'hr** climber* from India who
bewan an *K«nt bom the Odom*
tide of Inmtt
Although their death* have not
been confirmed, alpine expert*
aaid no one ha* mm tun ived two
night* in the open without oxy
gen on the moot hem tutnmi! of
Hall and Han ten were trapped
on the mountain without oxygen,
fluid#, a lent or a tleepmg bag
Hall turvived the night and wat
able to nude a latt call Saturday
to hi* wvwn month* tmypumt wife
at their borne in Chmithurcb.
Mew Zealand, bit friend Geoff
(while* taid Monday
"I dun'l know what hi* last
*»«rd* were ll ««* a mmumI
rnnvm*ii»n bMwwn him and
fen We era *ur*> Rah did nr* sur
vive another night out In the
Mid Gabite* who t* also
dual «*« ulive of the Advwjtur*
Totmim Cmwdl
Other friend* Mid Hall wo
experienced enough to know be
m going to die
"A bivouac without equipment
ISO motor* fSOO feet) Mow the
•ummit in bod weather mwni at
th* very lees* you're going to got
fro*thit«. and it could go right
through 10 death." Mid Peter
Hillary, who climbed Everest
with Hall sis year* ago "He
would have been aware of that "
Slnca Hillary'* father. Sir
Edmund Hillary, conquered it 43
Cm ago. Everest * summit ha*
«> reached «3« time* Thou
Mild* more i:Umber* came rloae
The elder Hillary himself ha*
complained that the track i* now
co Unultar it has become a tourist
But that hardly reduce* the
danger More than HXi people
have been killed on it* icy slope*.
Near the peak, must people need
a lank of oxygen Dehydration in
the arid atmosphere ran kill,
Nep«l ha* no imnw procedures
for climber* in danger. and
rnquirmi ouch expedition to take
responsibility for in own tainty.
Colonel Madam K Cham. fly
ir»g a French-built Squirral hell
copter, hovered over the site
where Weather * was. then land
•*d in the highest-altitude rescue
flight on record.
"The Nepal army did a heroic
h*b." said Weathers. The heli
copter, which was chartered by
the U.S Embassy, also brought
back a Taiwanese climber
Liberian refugee boat still seeking safe port for passenoers
■ SUPPLIES: One slop m Ghana
promised much needed medicine
and food, but refugees were nol
allowed to touch dry land
ABIDJAN. Ivory Coast JAP) — A ruity
fmtghtor moAidm • port of wtoga fc* thousands
of ski mmI wnarv lilmmn mfufpws was farced
chi! to mm y«t Monday altar rwatoddo*
ur*«mtly n«md«d food and madteal supplies
in Chios
Chanalan authorillas would no! Ui the
3.000 lo 4,000 rslugews diswohajk. although
alght sari oust y ill paopia warw allowed off
Two of th«n w«r» IxMpttalUnd in (Titkal tin
"li it rwally h uni bio and scandalous that
lha poopla warn no! allowed lo coma down
(rum (hi boat avan if it was only for a fow
hours. Just to con* down far soma rtr* “ said
Mt* h«l Loro with tha International i*li»|
group Doctors Without Hard*** "It is rwallv
inhumane *’
The *hip Ml the part about 8pm kxal time
and it wa* not clear where tt wu headed
Ghanaian official* raid it was returning to
liberie Other port official* raid they believed
the freighter would try to make it to Ugo*.
Nigeria. where government official* have indi
cated they would consider taking in the
A» the Bulk Challenge continued it* eight
day ordeal at um. 3 000 more people were
• rambling to board another freighter in Mon
fighting broke out among the people dee
perale to buy fro ticket*, and African peace
keeper* beat them with belt* and baton* to
restore order
The Nigerian owned Bulk Challenge, ear
n*ing 3.000 to 4.000 liberum., many *kk with
diarrhea, ha* been reeking West African
refuge since it set mi! May 5
The ship wa* allowed to dock at Takuradi.
a port in svmtam Ghana. where auihurioae had
made it dear the refugee* would only he giv
en medical help and then be sent back to mm
The vessel. which has been found to have
no mechanical fault. was provided food end
water and medicine,” aaid a government statu*
men!. "The captain was then directed to
return to Monrovia, when* BGQMOG has cn*
•ted a safe haven.”
It referred to the West African peacekeep
ing force, which has don* little to contain six
week* of brutal violence among rival factions
that has destroyed the Uberlart capital.
Phil Doherty, head of the Liberian mission
for Doctors Without Borders said there was
only on* toilet on board the freighter and poo
pie had been forced to defecate on docl A
woman died Sunday from hemorrhaging and
her body was removed from the ship by
Ghanaian authorities
It's |ust getting wore* ” said Doherty. "We
have no confirmation of specific diseases, but
wa ve known for many days of severe diar
rhea among many of the people,”
Diarrhea is often a sign of cholera, a high
ly contagious disease that earn be fatal if left
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