VIEWPOINTS f QUORUMS. OPimONS iHTtnt to the ioitor Jail recording violates rights, confidentiality ■ OUR OPINION: Tape recording steps on legal traditions and breaks law “Caution Any converse lions between incarcerated members and visitors may be recorded and/or moni tored within the visiting area at any time “ Theae 21 words (or at least a policy stating the same) could have poasibly kept the tana County fail out of its currant battle with Catholic Church offti ml* t onosrning a recording made of a meeting between a triple-murder suspect and a Cathoik Priest. Instead, the fail is begin ning to feel the wrath of the Catholic f'hurt h and other religious and legal organics lions. Conan Halt*, named by l-ane Quinty proem utors as a suspect in the murders of three teenager* found lain last Dm nmlw on a Spring field logging road, took the (uu rament of reconciliation (confession) from Timothy Mockaitis. priest of St, Paul's Catholic Church in Eugene in (ail on April 22 And |ail official* recorded that dialogna. According to mu< new* report. an official from the district attorney's office said Halo know about tha poasi bility of being recorded. But at cording to a Eugene spokesperson for the Catholic Church, the knowl edge that a confession might be recorded would keep a priest from even meeting with an individual who wanted to take the sacra ment of reconciliation Apparently. Mockaitis went into the meeting with the understanding that he ami Hale woulti be covered by the privilege of confiden tiality that the (Catholic Church lias had lor years The bottom lino it that lh« recording should not have boon mao* and it should be inadmissibln as evidence for the prosecution in court Not only does the record ing over-step religious boundaries end rights, it infringes on one's right to uphold th* 5th Amendment to the Constitution — the right to refrain from self incrimination. CC-— Not only doex the recording over-step religious boundaries and rights, it infringe i on .., ike right to nr/rain from seif incriminatum —---m m According to one Univer sity law professor, the only way prosecutors could use the recording at evidence would be if they could piove Main knew about the possibility of being tape recorded and had then waiver! hit right to confi dentiality District Attorney Doug Marc broad said the record ing wat made with the intention of gathering and developing evidence and not at an attack on the Catholic Church or any other church or religion. But the damage hat .dread v been done. If tbe tape tomehow makes its way into the courtroom, which i* an extremely tilm possibility, the results will be grave consequences for personal freedom and confidentiality traditions and laws This whole mess could have been avoided if only l-ane County [ait officials Iwd made it clear to both parties that somewhere at some point in the conversa tion. a tape recorder just might be turned on. Emerald ■ 'fcnt* ***• •» I: *"3T*' *«*•* Off tMhi^llahHiMhatNI t0*m * imm JOB M *•!•» Um* rnamm n»i« »mm>*> «M mu*i» k—mr • rnmmt *«•*• ttr’eiw* MMMUMM (MMteWMM «** hMttaMMtNMI *» •»<■* mmm mm mm !«Mbw«miM( tan uh«mra> DwlMiitam *M> Cm»mmum C«mM MB *■»»»■■ «wa*f tnM-iwi tiwt*U« *M*MHS**» «• **»■>B»'^w «w«v k«M> .« <« ft* *««£>. MS MMftW MaMk* ,Wm MBtM * MtiMft Non MOW* ««waM» mxOtWWr iMm ftlm ft Mm «*m» HHwmm cm mm t»* «m#k mm* wm mu Mm—■ •niMWi (**111 (Mil Mini (M1)M»4M> w **«»< »»“* IC<«h *»» ^ f*M» vOi/ «t A/jr fK tfto® «**t s ,» ro rwt<^ Support free community broadcastina How the Kell tan we expect new tech oologies to solve our problems when we don't effectively use whet we already have? Why do so many people talk about finding ways to build • sense of com inunity, and then completely ignore one of the moat powerful tool* available* Are we. as a cul ture, too stupid, ignorant and apathetic? Are we so conditioned by what is that we are incapable of seeing what amid he* Last week. 1 had the opportunity to see roost of the Ethic* After the Holocaust* conference front the unique vantage point of being part of the video crew that broadcasts most of the con ference over cable end satellite TV. Unlike TV viewers and conference attendees, my view of the event was a series of fnqpnents from each of the lectures interrupted by the need to change camera positions, twitch from one camera image to another, make sure name keys came and went as needed and to adjust audio levels as Conditions changed While this somewhat schisophrenic view pro vented me town hearing everything that each of the speakers said, it did provide me with an example of why our culture has no much trouble communicating with one another The i (inferenc e was a unique, perhaps even historic, assembly of some of the meat profound thinkers alive today in the areas of ethic s, social interactions and social responsibilities. For three day*, the speakers freely shared their knowledge and understanding with then audiences, and (or throe day* a crew from the IMC broadcasted live via table and satellite TV It was an atnaung experience, but it left me wondering The cable transmissions made the conference accessible to anyone in Eugene. Albany. Salem and Portland who were tied into TO cable. Satellite transmissions could be received by anyone tuned into that particular satellite from Mexico City up to Canada and as far east as the Mississippi River But what if you weren't tied into TCI and didn't have « satellite dtsi; i apahle of receiving the signals? Here was a tremendous wealth of information and insight being transmitted, and yet only a tmy fraction of the population of the entire western United States would see it because what was being said was not commercial It is unlikely that any commercial TV broad caster could find a sponsor to pay for the broad cast lime, the broadcasters couldn't make any money from the program, and therefore, none of them selected it To their credit, OPB is thinking about broad casting some of the tapes from the conference, especially the one-on one interview with Elie Weisel But what about the other lS-plus hours? That conference, like many such events, had the potential to help us better understand the many social problems that continue to haunt us *nd help us find workable solutions to those problems Everyone in the western United State* could have soon that conference. but as long as access to broadcast TV is limited to what is comamckU, they never will. The answer is community based local TV broadcasting. I'm not talking about cable TV; there is already community access to cable Only a fraction of households are plugged into it for a cost Virtually every household in America has a TV that is capable of receiving broadcasts at no coat. And I'm not talking about public broadcasting as it now exists. OPB faces ail of the economic pressures that commercial stations do If it doesn’t broadcast shows that attract and hold large audiences, it can t attract the money from viewers and corporations that it needs to operate. BTJny» taiy M I m talking about community w tou to broadcast TV Com men iai broadcaster* are cur rently pouring millions of dollar* into Washington in tinier to get more chunk* of the broadcast spectrum allocated to them by the PCC. The technology already exist* to allow these broadcast era to transmit two or more cnannats in uw same space (hal ihey now use for one channel. They plan to uw that extra bandwidth to sell paging and other telecommunication* service*. So why not force them to make at least one channel in every community open to local community aeons* programming? Why not have at W*t one channel in every community dedicated to broadcasting town hall meeting*, local government meeting*, commune tv action programs and even conference* like the one hist week? Instead of limiting access to those who are able to subscribe to a given cable system, why not make those programs accessible to the entire community st no cost? There are people who struggle every day to send worthwhile information to those who want it. There are people In every community who want to know what occurs in their community but do not have easy access to that information Local TV broadcasting can solve each of those problems Think of the power such a tool could bring to the shaping of a sense of community. The tech* nology already exist*. All that seems lacking is a vision and ihe willingness to pressure our NKt* «d officials to make true community access a requirement for broadcaster* who want more of the broadcast spectrum. Larry- Haftl. a senior maturing in fou malum. is a columnist for the Emerald.