Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1996, Image 1

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    MONDAY MAY U 19%
EOkxtti 2
NWri 4
MttonoiNvwm n
Innimaowl H**% 12
Sports t3
CtswMiods 14
Fall class u hedules can
he picked up at the VO
Bookstore and the Cam*
pm Convenience Store
Darnel Dm Seves and the nest of the backs
tuned up at the Ontg<m Twilight meet
Mayor candidate* Seale Hum and Dave
Sweet give their view-1 an the ivtuei
a> u
Ham (A t uNe thmndrr
tlttrm High mud 60't.
University ot Oregon
Eugene. Oregon
An independent newspaper
Vofcjrna 97, mm t4«
Pow Wow celebrates tribal culture
■ EVENT: Traditional dances,
songs and storytelling honored
elders and veterans
By Jennifer Carter
Susan AcSY'Se* * <**y
Chair* line the walls, leaving a circle in
the middle of the room (or the dancers
The floor's vibrations echo the dancers'
movements as they move to the beet of the
drum Feathers frame their heads, accent
their multicolored outfits and wave soft
lv in their hands as they dance.
The Pow Wow, a traditional celebration
that began about SOO year* ago, was
brought lo Gerlinger Hall this Saturday
and Sunday for the 28th Annual Native
American Student Union Pow Wow The
event was organized to celebrate and
honor the Native American traditions of
University students, community members
snd visitors from states as near as Wash
ington and as far away as North Dakota.
Through a combination of traditional
dances, songs and atoryteliing, the Pow
Wow honors tribal culture, elder* and vet
erans Graduate* were also honored at the
Pow Wow in an honor dance.
Kristen Parr. ASUO recruitment and
retention coordinator, said the Pow Wow
is important for preserving Native Ameri
can cultures
"It s really important fur us to always
have this." she said "ft’s necessary for our
cultural survival.’*
David Lewis, a NASU co-director, said
the Pow Wow is about community
“It help* bring the Eugene community
together." he said. "A lot of it is lommu
oily involvement, celebrating tradition* ~
Michelle Joye. NASU’t treasurer, said
the community that tomes together dur
ing the Pow Wow u very diverse.
"We have a lot a* different tribes here."
she said "I couldn't even give you a itotalj
number because there are so many."
Joye fell the turnout at this year’s Pow
Wow was good, despite the fact that the
student group usually holds the annual
Turn to EVENT Page 9
Aaron Wright show* tom* o4 his movaa to ths boat o4 drums and chanting H4s costums mclud
•d two bustis* and an aiaborata hssddrssa Wright, who draws and paints Msttvs Amsrtcan
ranWOona of classic Otonsy char ac tor*. writ b* appsartng in Ihs movta , Oaad Man
BB shots
in arrests
■ mAPOM: Two UO
students were jailed for
firing a BB gun
By Brian Womack
Si***"*#** *«•&•*»
Two University students wm>
arrested lor shooting at a bulk!
ing with a Ull gun around mid
night on Thursday. which
resulted in no injuries. said a
spokesman for the Eugene
Department of Public Safety
William Shields. a 21-year old
anthropology major. and
Christopher Mattina. a 22 veer
uld biology major. »hot ih* air
powered gun from the *«x mid
floor of a building at tMt» Alder
St toward the building at 1414
Alder Si. raid Brian Terrell.
Eugene public calefy
Tha two students were armsi
mi for reckless endangerment
and unlawful uw of a weapon
The polit e report said the pair
were perplexed a* to what was
wrong with shooting the
weapon because it was "only a
HH gun "
Hut Terrett said guns should
not be used flippantly
"People need to be conation
thru* about weapons," he said.
Unlawful use of a weapon i* a
Class C felony with « maximum
sentence of five year* in prison
ami f 100.000 In fines, Terrell
said He. kb -.a endangrrmrnl is a
Class A misdemeanor with a
maximum sentence of one year
In prison and S5.0U0 tn fines
They were released from the
Lane County (ail on iheir own
recognisance Friday and should
he arraigned later this week, said
a clerk at the jail
TWISTER blows through theaters
> from Btmm ScmKmws
•nd Qmoryt Luca*, mm *w No. t Urn
9m mmtma. gummy an mwnma
S3? 5 maun mduairy kuw mmt
Wha* m amount w UPm t^uyast
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btom 9m S52* iNtton hksomi naU by Bmm Fomm
wtwh opaoM ft x*m t»S
1 TMMar S37 5 mtton
ID* Croft S3 9 m*on
3 Tfm Than About Cat* *»«r Oops, S3 7 nMfeon
4 Prtmat Fmmr, *8.3 mttton
5 Thm Ou—t, $2 tnmon
6 ID* SMc«f(, St 45 MMan
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S .taw and Om Omni NmoD. St 2 iWon
9 (**) Ortgtowi Omny&rnm, It mrMon
to CM) m* PmMmmrw. Si mate*
SCMCf: *9
Former fraternity leader suspected of rape
■ CRIME: Kyle© Brooks was found hiding m
the cemetery soon after the reported assault
By Sherry Rainey
CwasMg tiim»
kytee lualin Brook*, former president of Sigma Alpha
Kotilon. U being held a! the Lane County Jail on charge*
of rape, sodomy. sexual abuse and kidnap
The i l year old sociology undergraduate. who la alto
known a* Tyron. w«* arrested Sunday morning after a
police dog found him in the Pioneer Cemetery
According to police report*, a IS-veer-old University
•ludeni wa* attacked and sexually aaaaulted at i 42 a m
a* the wa* walking on a sidewalk near the cemetery on
the comer of 18th Avenue and Potter Street
The ft-foot. 163-pound tuspect. whom the victim aaid
•he wu not acquainted with, approached her from
behind and dragged her into the cemetery where be sex
ually assaulted her. police report* *aid.
Police reports also aaid witnesses observed the tuspect
run into the i emntery
Multipin pulim unit* responded
and surrounded the turn.
A police K 9 unit wu called In
search for the suspect A Orman
Shepherd polite dog track ml lint sus
por t through the graveyard and Itxal *
®d him hiding in bushes near *
The suspect, was taken into cus
tody and lodged m the |j»ne County
jail where' he will rwu.mi until
arraignment on Monday at 1:30 p m
uuiy iw* own un hi jnu.imo (inly IU pertenl nnmlt
to b*> paid (of Brook* to bn rttleawd
Brian T«rr«t, Kugnne public aafcrty spokntman. and
Sgl Rick Gilliam. hn<*d of Irmntlgahon*. vmr* unavail
able for s moment Sunday.
AUo. a mombef of Sigma Alpha Epuilon declined
comment Sunday.