Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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    UO family housing near completion
comptex will replace (he
old Amazon buildings
By Regtrva Brown
uygu* fduaesce tOtar
The first phase of construction
of the new farm I v housing coot
pie* at 22SO Patterson St. u welt
on it* way to completion The
132 apartment* with two and
three bedroom* ihoutd be reed)
for resident* by the end of Sep
tent bar
The University is building the
apartments to replace the Am*
son Family Housing units built
during World War II The Uni
versity went through trials in
both federal and circuit court*
before it could destroy the old
unit*, which official* felt were
run down and beyond repair,
said Mike Eystor, director erf Uni
versity Housing
The Coalition to Save A maxim
opposed the demolition of the
Amazon Family Housing com
plex because the group claimed
many student parents couldn't
afford to pay the higher rent for
new apartments
Eysier estimated that the coal
per unit would be less if the Uni
versity had not spent thousands
of dollars in court fighting the
Save Amazon Coalition's efforts
to preserve the old units.
"I would like to have had it
lower but I think the amount of
time in court and the delays
made the cost higher." Eyster
Outing Phaa* On*. 130 n*w ap*rtm*nt* w* wptac* Am**on
Houamg « 2290 P*n*r*on St. Th* apamrwnta at* acftoduMd
lo t* open fa* 1996
Two bedroom apt* {66) 666-790 M) |43ft p*< month
TTw** bedroom apt* (66) 606-666 «0 ft 1236 ptw month
laundry room* (6) 160 *Q 6
Ai*o inks «m8 tM « common cans*?. efstd ear* c*ni*r. offie*
tp*or m*0«*n*nc* and Morag*
«ouac* vmmutmmm ^ | _
The lum apartments coni men
then the Amazon units hut have
more *p*ce end are more ener
10 effit rent. Evster wild The new
apartments will m tuallv exceed
•tale energy efficiency standard*,
reducing residents' energy coats,
•aid Tom Williams, a new con
struction energy analyst for the
Eugene Water and Betide Board.
Unlike the buildings in the
Amazon Family Housing com
phot, the ground level apartments
will lx* wheelchair accessible or
easy to modify to accommodate
a whm»k hair. Eystnr said In addi
tion. the new complex offers free
internet access
University Housing is trying
to create a community atmos
phere with the new buildings by
arranging them in dusters cen
tered around a common building,
i vtter said.
The common building will be
surrounded by a lawn area and a
playground ft will provide office
space, a community room, main
tenaiue suppiiaa «nd a tww child
cam ( MiInn. which will hero** the
Affiumi c htld < are co op The
ct> «p will «hange it* name to tlx*
Family Onier and will provide
space tor 100 children. SO more
than the old child care center.
Eyster Mid
University Housing will add
another 140 apartment* in the
second phase id building expect
ed io begin in ihe l»U The set.
und phase la not expected to he
completed until the hdl of !*•?,
Eyster said
The housing department bor
rowed about SIS million in bond
money to build the new apart
men Is. said Nancy Wright, dims
tor of facility and capital
Improvement at University I bus
tng The money will he paid beck
over a JO-year period through stu
dent rent, she said
University Housing adminis
trators are already accepting
applications for the new apart
merits Eyster said.
Asian-American diversity often overlooked
■ CULTURE: Misperceptions are
perpetuated by a variety of forces,
including government and the media
By Jannfter Carter
AkxM* AcSv*m hHur
The diversity of the Aslan Araartt an population
is not recognized by the majority of the country,
said Donna Wong, an instruct*** and outnsa* h com
dinator for the University’* educational opportu
nines program
Wong, a past instructor of a class caller! The
A* tan-American E»pwl«nt.». Mid the government
and the media have contributed to the onsperrep
lion that all Asian-American* are the same
“The government ha* done a good Job of impoa
mg Asian/Patifk UUnder* into one category." *he
Thi* imposition haa occurred in a variety <4 forms,
site »aid fob and university application*, for mam
pie. often do not allow Asian-American* to Indi
cate their specific national origin, giving them only
the option to check off -Asian American "
Tom to CULTlme Page 8
Film Festival
The AuocMtrd Students o# lane Community Cotege <*r hosting
af «T» Test*.* on the U o# O uimpu* at Cotumtsa kw
Room ISO on t l ith Aw:, trews the «eet from the EMU
The Festival Showings on May 12 wtM feature:
f 2 00 4:15 p m Guest S*w**er 4 $$K*aetllSl
bySieven St*e*w§
4 iS • 6 TO p m sJfaJCCL b>-Fosse
6 45 9 10 p m tle-tct f!> f'.**>’ /rlftrr* ,,
tetarts .v!« oe auaMMr at the doer tor S’ 50 tor Iff students
$2 00 tor UO students and S100 tor general put*
The Festival will continue on May 10 and June 2.
Haircuts...* 10
n% IHw -tunyon A (onMhwrr
Perms....*3 2"
art ) w .idfewn. cM A iMr
U*|jpf. tulof Vnini Ikvf *&kNN •wit
CoajNNI food vtA firth
IU»di. tfcftwcok A Itatofe
(itMui thnm#b June HI t996
I <11 lint tin
’SMjU*®*'** fcVMMtW &**•§!%
ii> 1SIU
Tennis & Racquetball
Restring Specials [
t'luven&v irf Ofrftim
Muslim Student
ami Uuituuilurui (/enter
Peace in the
Middle East
Monday May I
1200 Noon I 30
tm Hr Room
"00 8 30 pm
EMU Ben Under Room
Muhanunad AlAsi
elected Imam
of Washington D C
ttrfrvikmmmb ini te wnmd
Is the imposed state of peace
in Palestine fair and just?
Fir Room
Situation in the
Middle East
\*VX Ml non
Ben Under Room
History of
Muhammad Al-Asi
World renown scholar on
issues in the Middle East