VIEWPOINTS f OlTOftlAlS OPINIONS If HfRS TO T HI f QtTQR University events help educate community ■ OUR OPINION Pride Week and Holocaust conference were needed In the midst of midterms and flush springtime air, the University held two very progressive and much-need ed events this week: Pride Week and the Holocaust ethic* conference And though you probably could not help hut notice these occurrences with functions such as Queerfest taking place in the EMU Courtyard, it is still important to recog nise and appreciate that the University is taking action to increase students' levels of acceptance and aware ness. Despite what tom* Orego nian* would argue, this state is riot one of the most diverse and accepting plains to inhabit Only last month, flyer* were ported around mmpui by a white supreme dM organization The lX‘.A's heathpiarter s are In* tied in Salem and despite our wish es, they continue to express their disgustingly dosed uiitide*! opinions On a national level, the FBI Just received a letter threatening to kill 1.200 Jewish executives and doc tors in the United States unless Israel withdraws its military forces from iehanon and pays SI2 bil lion in compensation by this Sunday A letter like this proves that this nation it not yet properly dealing with issues of diversity. This news article was buried inside the beck tuigtrs of the Oregonian, which is also quite disturbing A threat of this volume should be printed on the front page to warn these doctor* and executives of possible harm Though the validity of the letter ten not be proven, the issue should not be given less attention than a corrupt politician. One of the main reasons that racism, anti semitism and homophobia blossom ant because people appar ently prefer to ignore mat they exist This preferred ignorance only leeda to more long-term negative results and less tolerant atti tudes No on« expressed this view more eloquently than Kite Wiesel. whose parents and younger sister died at Auschwitz.. When Wiesel returned to Buchenwaid years ago to look for the remains of the ramp he found trees had been plant ed and that there was no plaque commemorating the dead lews A plaque was planned, however, for Nazi criminals who had died. One* we start to forget our progress and the terrible event* that have taken place as a result of previous gener ations' ignorance, we stop learning from history and start repeating it. The events supported by the JXdtA {lesbian. Gay, Bisexual Alliance), the Jew ish Student Union and other parties were of vital impor tance because their goal was not to allow people to forget two important things: that the Holocaust did occur, and that there are many nonheterosexual students on this campus. It is great that them minority factions are grow ing in numbers and strength and letting the entire Uni versity and surrounding i (immunity know it. This week's events, hosted by the University, are a major accomplishment for ail. 2 Oweon am erntmo Fnd*v KUy 10 19H :^S^pjUM>rW C4INA. QU/Z: FimO tv* CO n* UNrtiO JWm »$ MOfr CONO»NIO A*out^ a Compact CH9C Bean parking takes wrong detour The University K*« a wrm parking prob fern The One* of Public Safety rou tinaly itiuM fat mote parking permit* that it ha* cpam to fill OPS cam'I always guarantee aaaann ticket-hoi dart apace* during game* because of the* abort ago Commuter* have grown resigned to tin ling tb* campus •evaral tuna* liefore aecuring apace on a tide ttrwx At the urn* uma. the Uni varsity it accepting morn ouiof-ttaie vehicle dependent ttudanta than ever before And a» if living in Roan Cum plan weren't bad anougb aheadv tba University ha* lately dacid •d that adequate parking space might be too much of a luxury for it* dormitory raaidanU, too A lut wn wu < mated by «h* Untvenuty to rwpond to tho parking crunch Its aolu tt«n make mom lot commuter* by booting the rasidants of Boon Conphu from their park - ing lot on the nut tide of cun. pu» The problem with it* •olufkm bund old* never hauled anybody The “lot of c,hoi<*" feu tWt s clUpo««*s**