Summer Duck Cull Is Here. now tor 1 ( ' ^unintiT v l.isM>s, I’u k up ,1 ltvv su.miiH'i .hulk'lm w ith m lu-Juli- of i '•.m's in ' V> ( hvfci>n I l.i 11 Stay Online Free All Summer Long... With Ricochet Wireless Modem and Service Subscribe to Special Academic Package by May 31,1996, and get June, July & August Free.* ✓ With Ricochet, you can get online no matter where you are on or around campus and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area ✓ Plug Ricochet into your desktop or laptop and use your current software ✓ Avoid busy signals, computer labs, busy modem banks and get your work done ✓ Ricochet gives you unlimited airtime ~ no meter is running so you stay*ON*as long as you want or need to ✓ With speeds up to 28.8 kbps, you can get the latest information, news and happenings faster Ricochet The coolest way to get online wherever, whenever.™ Available at Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Cantor • 346 4402 • Monday - Friday • 9 00a* - 5 0Oa« • mail: mpp#*oragon • httptV/mpp.uoragon.adu tor UMJ a month you got «ha fttuxhat JMtaNu MoOrm and unDmftad Mini to your UntoarUty Kotworh. »■mal tht «M> and onlna tamfcat. PTffi (888) 4N0 WIRES tla« «a*ar No bury madam bantu No am. NophonajadL tbcochar - tha cootml way to 9at ontma ... * lofeuription.muit inOud* Vpirmfept inpayment JO day money batik guarantee °*>*' ,wn* **1 “P **• tW*»> »0 »M rxrM iutm npt>oni CaM loi motr dyiaih tUlitNO WlfctS REGIONAL NfWS fROM IMI MORTMWfST Environmentalists block logging, cite binft peril ■ HAMMER: Advocates are questioning the accuracy ot the methods used to locate the buds habitats PORTLAND (APJ — Lawyer* (or environmental groups asked • federal appeal* roun on Tues day to ovarium guideline* that reta* logging restriction* on old growth coastal forests inhabited by a threatened mm bird. the marbled murrelet US. District Court Judge Michael Hogan of Eugene ruled earlier ihia year ihai in order for lugging to be banned, there needed to be physical evidence, Mich a* egg tbelli, that murrelet* were nesting within a timber •ate Patti (ioldman. an attorney for the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, told a three Judge panel of the Bth U S. Circuit Court of Appeals that scientists had determined guidelines using physical evidence would not adequately protect the bird Marbled murrelets often nest in high branches that are diffl cult to spot. (Goldman Mid A bettor guideline for netting would include inti where the murrelei* are spotted circling, aha Mid. The 9th Circuit has blacked lagging on 74 timber uIm pend ing a ruling on the appeal Forests frequented by the rour mlet range from Northern Cali fornia through Oregon into Washington's Olympic Peninsu la. Hogan s guidelines adequate ty protect the bird while allow ing logging to continue. Mid Scott Horngren. n attorney for Scott Timber Co., which has a third of the sales Hogan threw out Ihe previous scientific protocol used by the U S Forest Service to determine where the threatened bird nests in coastal forests fits more strin gent standard makes it harrier to declare tracts off-limits to log ging Applying Hogan's standard to 147 pending timber sales in murrelet forests, the Forest Ser vice found evidence of nesting in 4ft Mies, precluding logging POLICE 8 F AI ■ AHo* two aludonta appaarod to Cm AgbOng at Hoywmrd fmtel on Aprt 23. too Irac* coach horn Wt Hood Commondy CoMogo m Or* •bam. UdomoCtw ttudonto • 23 yoatoto. to Mop ptttong on too otoo« fttuctont Whw, mo comet) grabbod mo 23 yoaroto too mu ch** Chon fWpowtj too coach ovor and grabbod twm by lb* hair, aaogody MBng too coach* ingot Irytog to eftow « oB * according to poAco toporto Tho Madam occur tod botwoon 4 45 and 4 SO pm Tho oiudom » acnodutod to •ppoorw court May 17 ■ A 10 tool »bck woo uood to oroah a wtndow ai to# ASUO a***** m f Mu Sumo 4 on Aprt 27 bolwoon 3 05 and 4 29 a m Ftvo poopto wont toon toavtog too ««ono woanng baggy ctotoos aoeotdtog to a womom' Matomom bom poaoo foport* • A 21 ywr oM tamale had har backpack stotan from a study room al ma Kmght Library last Thursday batwaan 1 30 and 3 pm tndudsdin (ha backpack on a MandanrVEngMsh atactromc tranatUor valued at S300 ■ A car sustained kay scratches on as hood. doom, root and trunk last Wednesday batwaan 4 and OOpm at 1390 Atdar St Tha oat's awxWaatd was also btokan. causing a total off 1,500 In dam ags ■ A dark at 7 Elavan, 1316 AJdar St was assaulted by a par son Wtth a glass bottta ms*de a sock, wtwch was tiad m knots on Tuesday at 1 40 a m , acoordng to pokes report* Tha dark w«* treat ad tor laceration* — compiled by Bnan Womack Skilling A UN*K OOP STY ICE ARENA Sunday 12-5 p.m. New Public Session through thr «*» Mil, Stualev ( up Tournament $4.00 Includes admission A skate rental * A0'' NHL toxkry poster* fh» ftm 50 cwaotom «-wrr> -MjiKto » *■ Lo»" NHL 32 o* souvenir cup nilcd with your favorite soft drink for $1 00 at the lee Grill! “FO.'WlllAl i 5 796 W. 13UI n» tJSt m nitMl »■» fm' UM —I Um