Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1996, Page 16, Image 15

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    Career Opportunities
with a Growth Company
The Fastenal Company. a nationwide wholnwle
distributor of construction and Industrial supplies
will be conducting on <ampin* recruiting May
i5th for industrial marketing |xmltlon* in the
Pacific North went.
Faafrn.ll has been on Forbes magazine list erf the
top 200 small businesses In America ft*r the last
seven years Learn more about u» at your career
('enter or cheek us otJt at:
We will be on campus May 15th
at the Career Center
Show T^om You Care
For Mother's Day
May 6-12
lovtOQ Thought*'
Mw * iHr ft** >«*tr you |«t IVnrn
N) ftrmrmHrr hum Mir MnHrt}> H
Eugene’* Flower Home .
flirt oi ftowort
Eugene’s Flower Home
MO t l'ih *l fSitrinon »4H V *•
Ownm arc U of O aJurnm
NAM^6 Project
Memorial Quilt.
V * —
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, May 8th, 1998
HIV Prevention Came Show
Presented by Doug Moon, HIV Alliance
6:00-8:00 p.rn., Ben Under Room, EMU
Wednesday, May 8th, 1996
Sexuality and Safer Sex Workshop for
IxsbianJM Women
7:00 p m., Cedar Room D, EMU
Wednesday, May 15th, 1996
What '$ Stopping Us Now A Look at
Racism, HIV/A IDS Prevention and
Activism, A Panel Discussion
Facilitated by Michelle Maher, Health
Education Program, Student Health Center
6 00-8 00 p m,. Ben Under Room, EMU
Wednesday, May 22nd, 1996
Hot and Healthy Safer Sex for Women
Educational Workshop
Kittle Apple Productions
6:00-8:00 p m., Ben Under Room. EMU
Bill and Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell
and Kervnit hit commencement circuit
president received more
than 100 invitations to
speak at universities
pupp«t cap and gown. Kar
mil (h* Prof join* iba com
msm euwii circuit thi* year to
offer advtt* to tb« etna of 1906
•ions with baavv hitter* like Pm»
idant Clinton and retired Can
Colin Pawti)
Qiniun up* mum than 100 invi
tation* Powell, who ha* ancand
ed to naar folk ham ttafu* in
Amaru*, received call* and (at
tar* from about JO college* and
univartilia* He will *peak at
Sort barn Virginia (immunity
College <md Howto Vavt m- er
*ily in Maryland
Attorney Ganerat fanet Reno
got a doren requecta to iectum
graduate* And Bill Coeby. who
na* bean lighting up graduation
marquee* tor 15 yuan, got five
Betide* politician* and other
Wa»hington par*onalitia*. thi*
year'* commencement podium*
will be graced by bu*ine«*men.
*< tenti*t» judge*, musician*,
actor* and cporl* and new* per
wmalitia*. according to an Infor
mal check at mom than 100 inatl
“A big time sneak** twi t every
thing IT* a highly ebargad ante
liana) tin ft’* the kid* and the
parent*. mt» Rotelyn Hieherl.
tpuLmwnmtn for I he National
Association of Slat* Universities
and Land (want Odiagns "It's a
wonderful dav even If the speech
is boring"
The iT.S Coeat Guard Auda
my. Pennsylvania Slaia Univnr
ally and Princeton University
landed t he biggest name of all —
Clinton He plana to talk about
economic policy, moral*, value*
and securing America's leader
•hip role In lb« world,
spokesman Mike McCarty mays.
Some univeraiiie*. though,
were looking for a lighter touch.
Fred McFeely "Miner" Roger*
will be in tha Raleigh. N.C..
neighborhood thi* month to
speak at North Carolina State
hermit the Frog, one of the late
lim Menacin'* Muppet personals
tie*, ha* appeared at Harvard and
Oxford universities before, but
hi* speech (through puppeteer
Steve Whitmire) at Long Island
University's Southampton Col
lege will be his firsi commence
ment address He is to receive an
honorary Doctoral* of Amphibi
ous Letters from the college,
which has a strong program on
marine and environmental sci
"We Ihink it's a match," says
collage spokeswoman )ane Final
bw*o Hi* mm — Its Not Easy
Bein' Green' — ha* become • rat
lying cry (nr the environmental
Washingtonians. how»»»r,
dominate comawnccmcnl pro
First Lady Hillary Rodham
Clinton accepted invitations (nan
the University of Arkanaa* and
lha University of Maryland
"We wore, lucky.'* My* Raid
Crawford, vica president at tha
Uniwraity of Mruyland "It was
a ca*a of being at tha right plain
at tha right time “
Formal President (ieurg* Bu*h
to *paakititt at John* Hopkirt* Uni
versity in Baltimore and at
William* Collaga in Massachu
setts And Senate Maturity leader
Bob Dole to speaking at Gallautfel
Univaraity in Washington.
Speech writer* are busy writ
ing commencement addresses for
the (Cabinet too.
Defense Secretary William Per
ry. not surprisingly, is going to
the U.S. Military Academy at
West Point, and Agriculture Sac
retarv Dan Glickman will go to
Chicago High School for Agri
cultural Sciences
This year, the comedian-actor
philanthropist Bill Cosby is going
to the University of Connecticut,
Lafayette College in Pennsylva
nia. Temple University in
Philadelphia and Boston College.
College partiers throw bottles, yell ‘gas us’
■ POLICE: Annual parlies in Ohio and
Wisconsin result m tear gas and arrests
AKRON. Ohio (AP) — An oft-campus street par
ly erupted in violence when members of • crowd
pelted (milit* wilh beer bottles ami u mtmsd “Gaa
u»“ m officer* sprayed tear and pepper gas to break
up ih* mol) Tw*iv» people wen* arrested,
"Th*y absolutely would nol leave/' Mid Lt.
Michael Madden, who commanded 100 officers
at the annual spring gathering near the University
of Akrnn aarly Saturday
A similar disturbance disrupted an annua) block
party off Ihe 1 'ntvertity of Wisconsin Madison cam
pus late Saturday and aarly Sunday Two police
officers and a firefighter were treated for minor
Injuria*, and night people were arrested
About 400 people had gathered along a block of
off campus student housing in Akmn early Satur
day Members of the crowd set fires and attacked
poopln who triad to put out thn damns They also
paltod firefighter* with bottle* Several people
warn injured
Pollen eventually put barricade* at both end* of
the street and formed a line to prevent people from
joining the crowd
Moat of those arrested were charged with diaor
derly conduct Two teens ware charged with
underage drinking
The parties have been held for about 15 years
and have resulted in clashes with police since
World Free
m Violence
May 1996
Sexual Assault
Awareness Month
Sexual Assault
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