NFL no place for domestic violence Th*1 Nmw Kngtand Patriots sot a prarwdsmt tor th« ontirw National Football t^ague Iasi wmk wlwm thoy rotmu«d (lm tian Prrtar. thrrtr fifth-mum) pick In th» April 20-2! MU. draft, after teaming (if hi* histo ry of a bus® towards woman wnu« h is curious and doubtful that « crimi' nal history slipped past the Patriots' front office and coaching staff before the draft, owner Kotwrl Kraft. ponton net director Bobby Grier and head roach Bill Par cells did not hesitate to h««d to public out rapt and cut Peters throe day* after they drafted him. Peter is currently awaiting a May 21 sentencing after plead ing no contest to charges that he grabbed a woman around the throat and harassed her in a bar following a Nebraska foot ball banquet last month He far es up to three months in (ail and a $500 fine In May 1994, he pleaded no contest and received IB months probation on a charge of third degree sexual assault on Natalie kuijvenhoven. a former Miss Nebraska who alleged that he grabbed her twice between the tegs and vert wily abused her in a bar Peter also ha* been named in a federal sex discrimination suit that alleges he twice raped a Nebraska toed in 1991 and ha* been accused of threatening the life of a parking lot alien dant. Not to mention his COBVk liou for urinating tn public Peter is now unemployed arid with all the publicity his release from the Patriots has garnered, any NFL team that tries to sign him will face a public relations disaster Ironically. Peter's Nebraska lea inmate Lawrence Philips, who last fall was suspended from the team after dragging his former girlfriend down three flights of stairs by her hair and then beating the crap out of her, is settling in nicety with tire St. Louis {buns and about to sign a million-dollar contract. So what gives? Are the morals of the Patriots that much stronger than those of the Rams? Or do the Patriots buckle under the weight of public scrutiny easier than the Rams? Whatever the reason, it was definitely not based upon foot ball talent While Lawrence was the premier player in the draft. Peter was protected to be an easy first-year starter at nose tackle. Conventional wisdom would have us believe that Parcel!* and company were drooling at Turn to HANSEN Page 12 Braswell hired as head coach at Northridge ■ COACH: The Oregon assistant was offcialfy hired as (he Matadors' head coach By Trevor Kearney $pamtMBt The hunl is over for Bobby Braswell Two week* after being past over by bong Beech State and |u»t over * week •her interviewing (or the Job «t Cal State Northridge. the Oregon assistant men * basketball coai h of Tour year* was offi dally named head coach at Northridge. his alma mater Braswell was an assistant at Long Beach State before being hired by head coach Jerry Green in his first year at Ore gon But after Long Beach State named Wayne Morgan head coach. Braswell's beat chance emerged at Northridge BRASWELL And it maleritlixerf Hraiwetl lake* ovm for Ijit Stale North rnlge't winning**! coach. Pei* Cattidy tn 25 yean. Cataiiiy com piled over 70 percent of the tchooTt ail lime ■ wiiu (.I34| But after I Seat MNtton « H 20 I record, and tn toting yeart before It. Cttt tidy * raatiKi *»*,* not HMWM. A Southern (jdifomia native. Braswell Mid before hit interview with Lon# Bench Stale that hi* decision on whether to take a lob in that are* would be highly dependent upon his family — some of which la located in California Bra* well who earned a degree in Eng iUh and a minor In African American Studie* from tal Slain Northridge in t##i, will coach the Matador* in their f«r*l year in the Big Sky Conference and in only I ho Imam* *eventh DivUion I tea *t*n With hi* lie* lo l ha alma and I ho Matador* emerging Into a now confor ont o. Cal Stale Northridge athletic* dime tor Paul Bubb *atd in a *tatomont Br*.«weii wa* a good fit for tho loam at thi* point *1 am plMMxi that wo worn able lo attract a coach of Bobby Bra* wet I'* qua! ifkalion* to lead the Matador* Into the Big Sky Conference,” Hubb »aid "Coach lira, well not only ha.* Soul ham California tie* fw recruiting, but alto a connection with the Valley amt an intern*! in return tng to hi* alma mater u head cuach.” M,* P -m (*» 11 ■* I « m, | -1|| 411 Mnnrtm Franc** acorad m* winning run In tha bottom oi tha aavanth Inning 9**>9 «*• Oucfc* • 1-0 victory ov*r Portland Scat* on Tuaaday Oregon’s solid play sinks Vikings’ ship ■ SOFTBALL: The Docks' pitching dominates m its sweep of Portland State By Chris Kansan $$*** The Oregon softball team rode the pitching arm* of fresh man |»#ni# Conk mil lopbo mure Fvtrtna Mart urn*. re« wived clutch hitting hum the offense amt played emu free defense a* It *w»p! 4 ill inhtelwnwlef against thii Portland Stale Vikings Tues day nftermxift at lliwe Field Oregon WOO the first game t o and the Mconti game Jl, improving it* overall retotit to 20 22 and remaining 5 to in the Pacific -tOConfereia« Portland State dropped to 41 18 overall Cook came back strong after a tough weekend In the circle and pitched a complete game shutout in the Drat of yetter they used a five run fourth inning to take a com furtabie 5 1 lead that the Viking* would never challenge Oregon received consecutive two out double* from Franci* and sophomore Maegan Christie. a tingle from Kokn. an error from the centerflelder on junior Angie I.eKoy't fly ball and a double from Stab! that brought In all five of the ( begem runs Martinez pitched five tlrung Innings, giving up only one hit. Unking out three and allowing only on* unearned run in ihe first A scary moment came in the top of the fifth inning, how ever, when Martinez took a line drive off what appeared to be her pitching arm She enmpiet ed the inning but was replated by frethman Katie Mackey to start (he sixth Ducks drop one place in Pac-10 tournament ■ GOLF: Oregon is in last place going into the final round of play By Trevor Kearney Spotm tatei The Oregon men * golf team dropped inl< U*l pW* during the Mcood day of the f*m if k-10 Conference Championships Tuesday leaving the Dui ks only one day to lift them *elve* out of the conference cellar The three day. HI (earn tournament COO elude* Wednesday with the fourth and final round Arizona State hold* a 25 stroke lead over Southern (4) end California Oregon rophomon# Jeff Barney led the Ore son contingent with «two day total of 223 — well behind Stanford iopbo mow Tiger Wood*. who led after three rounds Redshirt freshman Derek Croaknry ended the second day of the tournament with a combined total of 225. good for second plat* among the Duclut participating Sopho mum Chris time (232). freshmen Ben Crane (232). Adrien Hun nor (238) and tusk* Ryan <-hacked (241) rounded out the Oregon con tlngem. After the first day of play, the (luck* shot * 'M two round tote), good for ninth pine* But UCLA came back with a third-round team total of 3? t and lumped ahead of the thick*. despite the fact that (hngon improved four stroke* from the previous round Going Into Wednesday's action, Barney was tied for 15th overall and Croskroy was lied for 25th