Rating •yatam *•* Lmkm Tfttcmcm *•* Lmkm Mtcht&mn • * • Qrmmt Bmtt Lmkm *• Lmkm Hmvmmu Paul W**t«rb«rg tvm nhwit) * * * * If Hiutr SfMtitgMnn it the B»«, then Paul WtttoWqi » the Rtnl — • duttt. mail tint miutuuiaui twit « kna(« tatk full of Mottrt and tnftgt lot ftmtl (Unwin anon » mrtberg tame* the kind at mum tnu tike pertmuilr tbn* are iIk xw|p nxtl he hk^ MKd nnu beer abet yma t*bh nrrvuut breakdown I irmnu/t nptrn «mfc 'fW Ait IVe Dm,* a netting tum(«lr ut '*Vueebrtg » pint KrpU. tmmtt pf wnuWnin tit the vein of h« null few the Sin gfei miftdirtik. itm and a handful at twher piMti pop pmt an hrmtutlit ant Sk cttrthrtg * trump rand* the man tan mil put a lump «n yuut rhnnat. though thnk 'Hide and Scrim a mmSif beau ttful k»IW about growing old tlont. and tHt mean a timing track. 'I tmc Hat Tomttmin ‘ Wruetbrtg «• Itm uattrufed »iih the .ontpttu outiy Haider ruck tongt - 'You vr Had It VCuh You* i«no at ton a bit lotted and pmtt much m vtfea the ‘llown Low gtutar nil limit fen Utt album I ten d fee t lou a urp on tfee uukerv Vl ear erbetg » w»t it twilt getting better with age and kn •tv wotd plav baa never iwen tttongrt St«v« lari* I JUr+fjtrt •Vw* Ins For * few ihimni moment* tn the rtil; ‘X)», Steve f ji lc nuik country tUngnou* *mnn Mu full fronttl Muuii tm Slat»I*c » rtctmtfgrnrirv ;«rikni «uh the tnufttljr |lt*l (miM' lem-H *lbum. *n unKolj *liumr of hmIiihhuI iwnm end oulitw held lock 'hit finked *» like no one umt Hunk U tihatoi '•fit Iwott wd lituff pM the hew of t afic U> ihn »!t*l 't illumil. iml he tfiittlnl into imimiHi, (wttftv and finjf trhab Rick >n«J puipotudlt tlrtn, Ink make* * tmtoft ok foi Hunaril tank / / ar ’ <«» tuntflt he tafirt n.unlit . ..Idol ‘iltcalm kr«t" template and makrt 11 intrmtmg one tan time the haak to htfck td "The Inteprn tarn* and “tX.ICMP* ftode talk raging agamu tut deenema, t hereinal and otheewne. through haed mefc and aid athuol tuunto inpevtiwK ll eou'vc new liked enutwty mum. Steve Earle » ymtt man Me t nevee liked COtUKty muut etehet at lean the kind *<. l*fmt M • * * I hr Jrbul album (turn Allinu t Utrw Hsj; Sew Thing Imlu off with thr nto gcttpcl 'I ict" and the Htnally de«M *T bought Pun «•»»,* two ituli Mt unri| in Ihc i^jut mjijot Uhd rtf' iKnc nothing mu, tht “»f sociii a ittuihh dewitfttitf idIr. one that tat tin thtough RMMt of the album S*mJ P**d t» ptilnl with drttetuu* thymet and tstftfinf tto tie*, and tbe*e foot Ml t tan hold thru out* agattnt anyone making record* tight tuna The brat* on the other hand, ate aimott untfotmly weak- and that • going to keefi tioudac Mob hunt teally blowing up Null, another album, anoihci podwti and who Umn‘ ■utthol* Surfan * * * Ihe Hutthok Surfcri have alwjv* walked the thin Itne between implied lunar* and |u*t plain lunjuv SSTwn implied. they te Itatlm. tunny and untj'r jkai'lv, unknowable wettd Whtn they'te not »o implied. they tend to tome off *1 * hutuh of demented, auj head manual. »h«h they ate Htitrtt litrjUnd, w > M^xumuHx ifkiw lot nufo# L«»rl ( 4IH tol iind t 'tb o*ctill), find* the hand mottly implied on. r again SI tub of iht Surim depend* on bow hi yem'ir fitting u> hdlm* them into iben mined whU of diup. wild n. bid tone puun. oupwi in pdtri and anatomical frmhe* *1 A ’ u a luiiboec tmkn ami ptobabb the beat •on* <*« ibe album 'Ini I alh About l at*.' on ibt oebet band tealutn a momaonoui hacking na.k and a lu mmult tomtiui«ai in I troth li t letta me til lo (he Suilrn duiabdilt ihai ihet haven I tun oui of wend nieai m (“The laud a a .Mimknr * it deeply twined and truly nek. You'll turn itj titan, l jrryUmd turrit* ihnr'iv going to be t ireping u» out bar vran to tome Our Picks Mr dm erw omM mntm ft wan mi Mr aw M, -la* Ofciy To Mt'T iGM 9*t M 007 Zmv Gtmrttf M m*tium