Painting the Digital Cave WITH TECHNOLOGY R speed. Kick Nmolan snapshot of the info ideas — and the support of ihou Hours in Cyberspace was born. I wrmy luui Hnuit (Http i7»»» cybcr24 <.ojtt) ttlinl on photoiounulittt (tom Jitiumi the wmld I Ho tom pi led no net (torn ill five ,ontinentt on l eH 8 deoiling the million, at am hn lomputn tn htudogv twin U INt; FORWARD M lit.MINIM, decided it mi time to take a (nation superhighway. NX'ith ho ands of people worldwide 2-1 iki KiJ Mutlcnn pul lopihfi t «ti wutt luniem Inun Km niwul <4 pKtinuo Umi on haxnr mnlkil inunf kin ’Vfr 2S ttutknn working on ike plufni.* 1 iwktcf un * l lm in learning * iin ibntu km the Intrmrr work* MimJ iKr nom* Muorms imm urmt iht V) iiiin the |IUUf) liutU* mem hint cum puttit are changing their live* uni their uunwuutK* Smoi*n * w o i I <1 - renowned (the ■ »)mu r n 4! i* t. ipciihtnkJ 1 he protect He wy» iiitrlinj; around the world 4ltd dot umcnilR( diHtrrni culture* during I he pril dnren year* m4*1** him * natural to coord* nate the rtlutt lor Mudent*. Smutan **»■», the protect * *• 4 chance Z3 a u Mudtau at IU.SU Inund dit frtent um Km iW Internet on %*m j*ui end in *u< luttm BtiSU ioimimIuia (irnfmoi Ham ttWh Ini 4 |e« iHe |uimi on I he W*H. *1 thought it be 4 good et ample of How photo uonn will He mid in the neat tututr.* nwH 1 u» ua*t cnrir lutmo on me » *u* o* me itjU itn ‘M'kn profile u« no I rh I •» um|4t ifvr it|> of the nrfen|t' he un StuJrnH front non (tun 100 col IlhJ high la. he milt, irttiutiing the V at tutky uni Bowling tiimi Suit U... ( vimmhutril to H Hoot* U at Kentucky peofcMOt Ruhett 1JJ 3 un It nau to hr the hi^rit (fomh tin >fl fihutofnwttultMB * Siauljii un (hr ptotrvt will iuikludr with 4 (Wfiiuntni Wtfc ulc. t huuk tmi i U> ROM Afhra. U 90 tUm9ac9f / Merry Men How U*ts !Ht. OUHM All MAI I. collegiate, imitical. burlcwjuc comcdjr troupe m the nation will make people laugh alter I OH yean of performing? 'Iker* « tomrtkmg mhtftMly hum. ihoui i |u< ful4 ibe Vtn* 4ml 'A tg t Ink •' ihr l ot 1‘tMnluru fk4t mu he mur. but (be reel krr to iuurti lui Milk ind \k ig Itti in to r*o .binging ml mem Wn, who tit imnng the hinlcn walking men in ibaw hutinevt Fui mute thin 4 century, ike lung ming ul Muk mil Wig iM-tlniu rn bn kept Penn end t’hilidclphu guttiwing with ihm ouifigenut hunj oi tinging. .liming inJ .nm diming humut l ketl tin iWi ire iktn t«> the (!nuJun uwkJv •{usntet KiJi in the Matt, twi "mw (mnhniufti lie man like nennln niuuak. . b. * k lull uf rtibaritr umg imi Jin.1 number. I he (foupe't 40 pim membeti wmk neatly every di» *11 veil king wining, ceheintng, building ten. petlntming mj male Muk iflJ Wig in entirely itudent tun pt«Jui nun each (ill end pet bum. i nmltUHiiiilli ducted thaw every weekend (lam ike end ill Jinuiiy ihiuugh Mitch Alt (hi*, plui 1 tpung beeik Itnii. mein, tbil the guv. don i gel i lot ol liee lime mil nevet gri time *wiy Imm each inbei *ll i me. V« mu ttwnuetow , but Ve ywu today. * un ieni.ii prtfutmei imi to. ul chart Mm HmIr Nunetbeleci. ibe mem bet* id ihn ptrvtigUHM club v.ioliin i ene it un Itu i.i.lhot* ... ibe wtuU Itiultl ia»* All of ihf Mitk 4mi V fori a bond much like 4 fraternity ot family 1K41 May* with them aftet graduation A mony network of ilumni ha* hr Id I hr unu rryjiil fot the troupe lot .'O V), rvrn 75 km< A tttong fan hate haoi 1 huit mhri. 41 yeat tftrt ttu iiutlrnK Hoik to aev the men perform I hr Muk 4ml Wkiggrtt *»r one of the frj(uinJ aura* Horn «i the annual ipimj fling, a tampuiwidr entertainment blowout Ihtt allow* them to utut their ttuff fot an audietwr uf thouuodt 'They're talented, genuinely funny guy* who uy tute the ifintt of the itnnnuty.* uri 1**00 frethman |r**K4 Hoar If hut or* prevail*. Maak and Wig will omnnur pet lotming for another I OH year* under the tame motto *Ju>tur to the urge, trrdn to the uniarraity Ben franklin - Penn * founding father —- would he proud feet* if he never wore a drew Big Dan and the Big Irony IWi into ton parho* ’ «H—U mad* wBmi at fcim WT yftftr coeere* catena *part* But tttMnr* NwtNeiictfl'ni U tf |4 ntfnfl p4jfy ton Kraft mm aaftad IB wdi a column tor Sfwrfr dtooftatod - < tor Ire* — NCAA npMm fnrtoioiitii Mu hri^1 • ■onto feu Mto*»N * commmul enttf* m§ <*» product •* i Ml an Mira* *1 tom «ftftr**»»** NCAA rawutadtona tot," u«r* Kraft, often* nifty Weft pope end eeMder'i rtoer af Me ae « top Ten Con torenco eftdeto cawpM to* attention erf fndenftj (toe NCAA) eundd rathe, too*** toe ******* toe* ymAe ere WNer Kuril %0f%. *tScwI fortM wt 'tfHrirffff onto anytoeup. and remonwe nuuto rruMUl A A * K/eft ui> to* reputation — Art) - cto WSJ I a* to* NCAA coneiftirtton — I* parttcutoty eento toune to* *tont tod OH to*y don't nvee* iTMfMfMN I0.4I1 firings * nrn— itftftnry In * rft**e*n Ntoeitoe^to, too* y to KrvH, whmm p^f**^-** Kh# ft