Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1996, Image 14

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liitlmK team
i wee upon a „mc. all you needed was a coo) car a, a *,kh) pnee. But things change. Now you're loolong lor
a ear y..u can true. Youre looking for depcndahtltty, affordabtltty and safety; all in a near, sporty package.
Ihmk about... l-hats asktug a lot from a car. Enter the Cavalter. It's sens,He. stylish and comes complete wtth
one of today's latest safety features: Automatic Daytime Running Lamps. They illuminate automatically when
you turn on the ignition, to help make it easier for you to he seen. So whatever the driving conditions, you
can he sure that were there to look out for you. And what else would you expect? Were C*enuine Chevrolet.
Genuine Chevrolet*