An indtpondont nowipaper VoMro 07. Hutun <40 Wt DM SO AY MAY 1 19% INDEX TODAY Second installment of turnon u due (1/3 of assessed tmtum, plus any current and past due balance) INSIDE Students cm took to Duck's village, near Autzcn Stadium, for affordable homing Oregon 'j Bobby Bntsuell was hired as Cal Slate Sorthndge's head basketball coach (0 -4 WEATHER Ckmdv. iha/tct ttf rum High 6J Ijt* iS. Security solutions proposed ■ EMU: Vandalism and theft problems have forced officials to look into improving security By Brian Womack Commune ftttxn* Rising Mcuhty concerns at the EMU have brought discussion about changing the tucks or installing an iu-card security system in the building The EMU Board will consider installing a computerized secu rity system, at a coat of about $50,000, that allows only autho rised card holders to enter the building, said Dusty Miller, director of the EMU, Also, the board will consider replacing the locks end issuing new keys to authorized users el a cost of around $35,000 to $40,000 The system could track who used which doors si what time, to thieves and vandals could be more easily identified. Of the EMU's nearly 50 doors, only a few would be accessible from the outside. Miller said Though the board h*» yet to make s decision, one board member expressed reservations about installing the security sys tem Zachary Kelton. a member of the board and ASUO vice presi dent, said lie wants to make sure the issue* of security are bal anced with access for student* "I believe security is impor tant. but I don't want access put at risk," Kelton said “We have 24-hour radio programming and student groups that stay until 4 or 5 in the morning working on projects." Yet. current access into the stu Turn to EMU Page & ALLERGY By Jennifer Sc hmitt Hqfwt toursere fer*cvtw The spring lumhm* and warm wwither signal loon days of activity outdoor* But when the rain stop* and the run come* out, *0 do all of the pol len* that cause aller gws. making sprite a time of itchy, watery ayes and sinus congestion for some student* The Student Health Cen ter la preparing for allergy season by meeting with stu dent* individually and in group# to teach allergy pre vention technique#. When the pot ten count increases. practitioners aren't always able to mm at) the students suffering from allergies individually. To compensate, the Health (tenter created a new pro grain led year consisting of a group presentation with an emphasis on education and treatment options. During peek allergy tea i son. a practitioner end a nurse meet with aa many aa Turn 10 ALLS BOtCS. Fage 6 Three phases to a basic allergic reaction Pottwn toorvd *r> Ih# air i* m# ung*# b*Q9««< profclwm tot aINKgy »««®ws Pot W\om who hsvw «M**on«s i you» txxJy i PMASI 1 ■ A ragttWMl patten w*H b* out vumpte Anebod MM And m*n CAM AM both natural human body • Y Antibody mm_i PMASI ? ■ One* ltx» body rMkiM « Nm» an intruder tha afflt txxHa* March out human maai cafla PMASt 3 • Ftmtfty, wfMK> th# pomn come* tn contact with tfm anMtodtM and mat c«»* Nat symptom* tudh as nasal conpasfion runny noaa and actvy ayaa Bi zuaaa£ Th* Stwfcrt Hwtfft C*v Mr tm awMw) packs* o» ***** lor $8 (NM «tt NMp moot atudums *u«artng tnmx»om uni np- atawt ndudad « padurt AMo mdMMd an • l duct matt ■ t pack KMams mmm ■ 1 boa OpcorvA annum tmm aya drop* ■ 24 Owwtapp tabMts toVw mdcMoo mMM) UnW tfw m#t» larilon Mgna lo wortt, you may ^••<1 KImwmhi For r«Mt Of *y® tymptom* a* ; HCfttnQ pnO TIPS & HELP u ;e' A Jaw up* fiom 9m Mwafth C*r*M'» Up *P«#» AMI MU A ' AvaeMUfe w«f> «M pwcMrt ■ Show** m nagM and *lMm< poo hMf ifwwM poiwn) ■ WttMMdftr«naoA«m ■ Kmp window ctoMd *m» CM9y «Mt Maapmg A llargy/Asthma Clinic Pnoo* 2412770 local ton tJO Student Hm» Cant* A/mi C Mown: M WM.F 8am • 4 30 ? p m and U 9 a m * 4 30 p m PtMMB* by CM UM CHANG OflWNBa ml 0—by UAH QAM TON* w»Nd ■ ruesoay Comparing atacfcon turnout ■ TODAY: Kuoacumg n ■MTHURSOAY Wh*« your monay « going ■ FRIDAY looking «1 ViM yaar*a ASUO Despite difficulty publicizing, turn-out best ever ■ ASUO Elections took place early this year, creating the publicizing problems By Oouq Irving Smaam 4t» — fht**** The recent campus election* attracted 16 per cant of the University* student* In the polls. Bui this represent* the largest turn out ever, •aid Brandon Smith. a voter education coord ins toe with the ASUO Election* Board. ‘ft * my opinion that part of that was due to the shortened campaign.’ he said. ’The shortened length actually improved the way the campaign was run * The elections look place in early April this year, although they are usually run at the end of I ho month. The decision to change the date* wu mostly (or the benefit of the president and vice president. Smith said "When people are elected in late April they don't actually take office until May." he said He explained that this doe* not give the elected offi cer* adequate time to make the transition However, the Elections Board also bad to deal with a compressed publicity calendar. Smith ■aid Because the election* were held in eeriy April, advertising the campaigns had In occur ear tier than usual. "Our deadline* fell in the middle of spring break," Smith said "It affected the smount of time to campaign Most of our real advertising came at the end of spring break * This had an effect on the quality of tha public Ity. Smith Mid Many event time* were tilted incorrectly end « Cendidetee Fair ws» cam elwd facoiuM there "we* not a whole lot of internet.* he Mid 'Perl of (the publicity mistake*) wee mitcotn munlcation on the pert of the Election* Board.* he Mid. “We tentatively echeduled a bunch of thing* ahead of time, and aomelimee thing* would change Moat of our problem* were like a half-hour off* TImi board alao ttruggled with *chaduling con cern*. Smith tald. The Waahbum/Sunada ticket reeerved “the entire campus* for their lawn stake* after some scheduling confusion, he explained “Scheduling ha* a whole system in place for Turn to ASUO. P«g» 5