Sunshiny thesis AnAVW Ihrtwfdl a French mayor. Uke» Ml ac^vantagc of flto worm WM0I•* by mm hta old faah •onod lypvwiMf 10 work on Na thM« papor Soiuntey GIVE BLOOD UMD EMU Fir Room Tuesday & Wednesday April 30 & May 1 10 am - 3 pm /T SAVE LIVES UJ Don't forget your picture ID and blood donor card! fill wflte tor the usual pub «rub? Our new expanded men >nnwesi bourmet cmwne has been created lor those appreciate life's tastier pleasures Reasonably paced specials iMKft taw^oUk ►***» • DR 4 (Mk m («pn* XI SV» <5w4*> Bomb threat immobilizes University of South Florida ■ SECURITY A $en»f tent to the student newspaper Has been turned over to the FBI for investigation TAMPA. Ft* (AP| ~ viu Songhandith fust wanted to study with * friend (nf *n accounting mmua «i I he University of South Florid* WHb the university virtually *hut down because of a bomb ituwM. she had to fUih hot II) |u*» to get on campus. and then lei poll** *»*rr.h Im book b*g to get Into the library "h*f kind of i iwjiv At first. t w*» like Let's (test f|o Mtnmt'hem •la*."* Songhandith said "But it'* OIC now If* quiet Security wu increased after th* student newspaper. theOru ch. received *n anonymous let tar March 25 threatening to bomb • university building, killa whit*, female prt>fc*M»w and sat off a lake detonator in a crowd on April 29 The statement wa* signed The One. I he lawder of the War Purg No on* had hoard of the group, which c laimed tie* both to neo Na«i« and two Paieatinian ter rorist group* On* professor described the threats a* "gob bledygook." But just to be safe, final exams were moved up a week to most ol th# 11,000 student* were of) ompiM No mail or p*< kag*« worn adapted. No visitor* wwte allowed - only student* and «Mft with photo Ilk Only about 1,000 people *m» on ih» t 7tio et ns (ampui, com pawd with about 30.000 student* and «»*ft on a normal day I don't Ida (hr fading that to could b» intimidated aa a uni' vanity," »aid university Prest dent Betty Castor "But ifw# had ignored it. we would have bean severely criticized We had to address It." The data of the threatened attack was 10 day* after th* fin! anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing In October. a former part time professor at the university. Ramadan Abdullah Shallah. sur faced in Syria as the new loader of the Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad, just months sfter leaving <m sabbatical In an interview published in Beirut this month, Shaliah promised new suicide bombings against Israel. Affidavits unsealed this month in an unrelated investiga tion indicate federal agents believe an Islamic think lank once connected with the school and run by another professor was a front to bring terrorists into the country. Workshop: Designs invite student cultural interaction ■ Continued from Page 1 liM cultural perspective erf white. able-bodied main*. Mid workshop pertu tpant Dan Hunter Huniw, who U in • wheelchair. Mid building* ara not designed lor whmdt hair kom. In addition, their angular shape r»n«.n Western culture People from other athum whom different shapes and color w heme* are emphasised might feel a* though they are not wantod in the building* here. he Mid. Mo*t building* have visual and spatial cue* that indicate to minor!tie* that they don't belong there. Hunter Mid Some «tudent» u*ed the pioneer mother and father to *how bow they think dominant culture emphasises the male perspective, Jone* •aid Be* euse the pioneer father t* in a prominent place and the pio neer mother is in a more secluded location )one* Mid the pioneer fathw t* mote «patially dominant To bring more attention to tl» nice near mother. itudenU hung wind chime* on her The pioneer father, on the other hand was ahnmded with plastic wrap in an attempt to ravers* their role*, he Mid i Po you have asthma? Enrollment it New Open for a (iinirai Resf arch Trill of on Participants receive: ■ Examinations, breathing tests, EKG, laboratory testing and study medication at no charge ■ Payment for study participation Call Mir offtem to too if you quality Referral Not Reouired Allergy and Asthma Research Group 1488 Oak Street. Eugene. OR 97401 MS4I24 iCra»g W Jacobson, M D » Room Frost Jones, M P