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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1996)
Draft lures Camby, high school star from college ■ CAMAY: UMass star decides to lex go senior year for chance m NBA AMHERST. M«u (AP) - Th# Matter huaetU athletic depart ment hat a bn* hum it tend a la alumni aaking tbom (or money, "t flMaaa Athletic*." II mad*. 'bat Uw than a million buc k* ” Camby had hit thole* and look the latter wo Monday. fMtttnnx up hi* awitm and a c ham* al an NCAA champ! onahlp to mak* hinuetf eligible for Ih* NBA draft and !h* rich** available lo him Ibaf* ”1 fa*I I'm raady lo begin my It far long dream of playing In Ilia NBA," I ha college Uakelbalt player of the year told a packed new* conference al lb* Mullma Cantor ”1 will Mm* leave I kUu In my h«art A big part of me will alwaya be here " The fe int* j l ( Amin is aspect mi to let one of the top three picks in the June 26 draft ~ per hap* even No t overall, depending on which of the other Nt-AA under tlaMtnnn |ain him in the draft Also Monday, high school Miiiof Kobe Mryanl announced he * skipping milage altogether to enter the NBA draft The fe d forward, national player of the year according to several publh rations u espeeled to be among the lop )0 prospect*. The top pick tan make Ml million over three year* under the NBA s rookie salary rap Asked if that made the NBA loo tempting to pass up. famby said "Nest year Td still be the No t pick with that same three years and $li 1 million out tbrrw So it doesn't make much differ' ern e " But he also cited a desire to provide for his family. "I know my mother deaerve* better then whet *he tut* fight now." he mid. "So I took that into ton* (deration «t*a “ Still, Qunby Mid he would leave the door open to return to collage if he < tuirifpn hi* mind, or If he* fir*fieri by • team he doe* »*t like A* tong a* he tkmsnl hire an agent. hi* eligibility remain* intact "None of the team* that are going to draft me are good team* right now." he Mid "But I would lore to be part of a team that * going to he atwxoatfui ** But coach John (altperi put the < ham e* of hi* *tar tenter return ing at one in t million "The rheme* of that are dim and none," he Mid, while uimmend ing Camby lor leaving hi* option* open.. "For Martu* Qunby. he** mak ing the right detUion," Cali pan L Bryant follows in Garnett’s footsteps ARDMORK. Ps (AP) — Kotw Bryant. like Ravin liar natt l*»t ysmr. has dacidaid to skip t iillsp and pimp nght to tha NBA Bryant, a t loot « forward r«H as tha national player of tha vmi by wvsnl organisation*. including USA Today and Pamdr magajtitw* announced Mordav ha will bn oms ths sixth high school player to antes tbs NBA draft "I know that I'll have to work **tf* hard, and I know that it's a big stop." h« said at s nows cnofamu a in tha gym whsrs ha lad l^iwar Marion High School In tha ststa class AAAA championship "I ran do It.” Bryant 17. i* enpnrteH to bn among the lew 10 pmtparf* in the June draft IjMt ywur. Gar nett wwi directly In the NBA from Karr an ut Academy in Chicago. ha wra* picked fifth by lha Minnesota Timber •rtdvwa Garnett won a starting position mid tray through thU MM-Win Other NBA piavart who did not play in college ware Mraea Malone. Shawm Kamo. Darryl Dawkins and Bill Willoughby Bryant we* th* all time loading acomr in Moutheastern t’onnay Irani# with 2.883 career point* Hi* mmior year. Bryant load the Ace* to 28 ronset uttve win* by the end of the eeeaon waGRlHUnM M# CongmuMMon* *lprw l <***« < %*n i *4*0 !V»gw« ,W* A** Mai S #*$0 Mm M tncA0 x\+ Comma (Mn iimoTpi* x^»Tt£ me iw ptusomT OAT A MO CMMtTUW !,W» m * mm, out <t •xvncMteM*' »» CoS » Mk •* «HKKm f p <*0 Stta TO11? ( ugww OK SMOI. <*•**«• <»! UO Stogtar* «4SO&44? >THQ • MO roMtw M M«m KOM • OKAO SCNQOi *K«OYH> Mymm tawNor-our*! Tfnn |«|m Ft* mm) wr.«» l<*N>k» law |» ON CAMPOS’ Pro/Edit 1^1 • *'♦«** *»wKi»» * ***** C,MfK« v Yn( * «#»*■»»>, 7 4 1 -7553 HorOSCOpe by Frances Drake ajuki (Mint II k. Afatl »w Oml I* MM a> *>» a w TUMI tA»«rkl »U Ma, IK f-MAhM at* A taanwAataiiaei *Af atlt •*4*f^yn—4u^f llraaAaaihea* mH m lot M •*.< f.W>» tv "wKMIKI * ****'“"* ” * (Mar III* Jva* ■#> “caSSST »It to<Mr 33* y ^ais aft Hal MaiMi Pm\Mi1Iw«iIm«iw Ml lial UK) fcMr as u *«i in Y aa Ikeea UHa paatat* Aa* w M4M art* Ym lAamM aw mg #: — - ~- - - ^ f*— M— - - -A. , *. A --a. . -a a — .a 1 M*W® W*l f a aHUf ^V tkft^^^VrtJaeaia^v Ua« MlaSa** Zb M»(ti^ii»>9»i tmmm iKt«»»4* <JM illfclaka liajia tn-i liaatti w MW‘ JHawaai^ Ma I* w*ai *• laal iniaiuiinwl tat lm|IM la. law ha* aw At UtWU >Sat* OMU1 HI Yaw aaaat* fate i«*ai lawk nawllinviMaiwaMiiaiMt A aamr* waua* aaa I Ma MUM twi HgWaaAiS* aflat 4at a mxm&K) ItJm OaNa III * •#** * fWMf >1 A <«w «« t M«t &AafTTAjtJU'f Mw n mt*m ii» It • tow* t* «*y *«N»» fiwn Ww»> I'Wtot ««***. -•r- • wit*** l ft 'iruni giff>-|i an ttw winMI *•*> Char** aw«# cMnuotmn (Un 22 M j*> S» m» tMgii nan an— «»art mi — AfcJUAJHUI (J— DmU tt» ilW 4«t» mem lF«* «• m M«v*> *» A —«lan >»•»■ ms nga*4 af**A a Aabm* Van m m iIm i «n«M m «Aa ««» «* W««i IVtMO M* AiilllmiMMIM t*MM YOU WOMN T* *Mt a» M-Im— miA m> mAM m rttmm Mai fat. <«* A <AM<4MUM<1 ImM< nal a»a*« • |w* g'pi'MWMaM alfWW Cwwm nwtiii «od>a«i Wi»a» abaat—aa V—lawaran*apa*tm totot 4w IWM fij «MtfK*4l «KW«t> t* t4 m*i to » iaIwm ItoiNtoto «f J»«l CUytoarffe, «* Wtoa. IV*> ***** toft** IWi • tiNt • ■*<* Five For Flv«~l Ml. wit («* MMf M t! 346-4343 3 mmmm *r i<w»m izssjt aba mmm Rag hvmu tnpi» iwh* Contain amt HftOkQK) rs**s# **>. •*;•»:> 0 Of 0 **i© (MM. tap art M»a« ^Wtac# twndsitfi HVU}t «*m t*#*t*rt <W«ur .T» (am 9ta t iff «w» cftt Sawn* «* m »hm bMOma tbb&am •m Mmm Wa*o« CM. >. apart •*»* WsaStad tort. IIM Ha. njom OHM* rtpa* nattrta ISXKt’ttK *w» wwi \~tvk, onmp rurarwxg cat. #art **K» im.OOO «na». MOO trt MMmi mmmo iw tiqTQRCTCtfS StOOTtM i**» Momrt ba—bom H> «•* a 4a anaa aacrtam ctaaMart. M.1 H»xm **•» iMrtl Mm** MO 10.000 wart Mum mv lUOOMbo **»' SWOWawM ttM%!S naawg* ffnaa, mad* haa# a* (ha N * gnw quaan * rtua n«n hKa«hW4ittaM4i» Mamma Hua 10 apa w cert •taka rata o»« bat* mm. b*a toga uaxa tl»00 M6-IK66 W flf C«ummw CWtart. fMN On* tar* omart 0*m IfW »* ant UAtta «3l<Uta> ** Mac* nm*n mn mm i*A* amim XT ana Rum amp •MO MI-AO *» U"'*ii»y« Alpana MM !*• *»«al mm pmAma aanmtan Siwn*w n> w*mm jmrnrnmaxm H*M igr UK PO 7S*»n S4MM* oMfcfMMf PC * Uk comtMHf •»* OM» *!M CM Tm 4MMKAI m to»Ma»Tor^««,«MlM m »*> MMMO MAC CoMf ClntK UM %w«i utvmrnt ana mm am «.'k*.w» UadK 4 |HW •noopo kmim Hkmomi Partqmx 474 Mm 0km vmmqrn U. mkn If MO MMtifao tinwi e*»4uae MIFmUiM* ItCMIMU Son» *M*M. mumii • CO tmn> «**• IMMI 4 ttm* (hgwumsfiM Ana, sm-r/Ql C4*H! A* flu, SM 4 SMT»ntiM VMS vCHtmmjSmu timinwM IwwbkahjjOm M4«rs gp MONEY FOR COLLEGE!!!! Hundreds and thousands of grants and * h< ilarships nwulabk* to aR student! hmiuttaat qualification V> repayments EVER. CAUL ALL 1K00-S8S8A1I) iftQPPOwTumtj£$ mOPPORIUNTiES ATUMl^fiCS niZUafSMMlai n» t. opr* to *9 nwwdjr earn**. Ml Mr U «f 0 mMn*MmIn rwttaaentr** may fee ao bngrf lhaa SOW mad* Porir; rantnunti may tuteut up to fh<r parro Entrant* l m bodi frttm Winner* ml be anoouftfrd May 15. l**> CreaiH* Writing hrnfnMa (Mcc, 144 CohunMa IUU. PCADiWE TO! AFfUCAnOWSs Friday, May X, I MW al Doonesbuiy by GARRY TRUDEAU r 1 r muo* an. *** *«?>M* JM?' mu. / &**** lCMitMW* mar., an tr% tm, mnrr / / s i mms Attt NUK vc* m