SUBSHOP 1225 I ALDER 345*2434 Football: Ducks need big-play guy ■ Continued from Page 1 |y li i< like Orman to French or something like that.* Koetter retd "Everybody run* the Mfiw Slavs, give or lak* « (aw thing* low you communicate that to the players — the words you tire, the catch phrases you use. the terminology about the way your often** 1* ret up — that t* where difference la * “He it realty easy to work with.* starling quarterback Tony Grecian* said 'We have pretty much been on tha same page since he hes been here, and the transition has teem pret ty smooth ” The other obstac le* may not he so simple to ft*, however The tailfwck situation is rumored to be s bark-by com* mitlee situation, and the long term wide receiver prospect* remain a question mark. But. while replacing departed Ricky Whittle and Cristtn Mclemore will be no easy leak. Koetter believes the thick* have serious potential at both spot* "We have e talented group of tailback* that are working to replace Rick, and 1 also think that we are deeper at wide receiver than peopia give us credit for," Koetter said. At the wide receiver posi tions. senior* to be Dameron Ricketts and Jibri Hodge and tuniortobe jamaai Wallace have shown up big st times this spring, and the Ducks will have tnird-year receiver Pat lohnson beck next fail A* far as tailbacks go. the Ducks may go with a back-by committee approach more out of desire than out of necessity. Koetter Mid, pointing out lh*i Whittle sustained some Mrtoui injuries down the straith last HNHon because of the physical nature of the position Rwithin freshman Darien Latimer snd sophomore* David Crump and Kevin Parker are the strongest candidate* for that committee “With the pounding that post lion lakM. M is hard far that guy lo May haalfhv .* Koetter said ‘So if you don't haw three or four guy* at that position. 1 think you are in trouble** only the luckiest of team* k«*p tbeir tailback healthy all year round It it |u»t tough to keep that guy healthy *1 think we will need them all. Them it a lot to be Mid about having good depth * And depth i* something the Duck* haw at several positions At fullback, junior*-to-be A.J. Jelk* and Eric Winn both got torn* experience last year, and Winn ha* Impressed both Koet ter and head coach Mike Ballot ti this spring Oregon's offensive line it a swooned group, and the starling lineup will probably be all seniors led bv Paul Wiggins, a second team Pac-10 selection at tackle At tight end. |o*h Wilcox and (Christian Anderson are entering their senior seasons, while junior-to-be Blake Spence •howed srune consistency last year. And Koetter. who didn’t us* the fullback position at Boston College. Mid he isn't unaccustomed to using three tight ends in a formation, with lb* third being • fullbei k/tight end frp* of position The Oregon contingent of quarierbeckt played well on Saturday. utilising a combina tion of running backs and wide receiver* to drive toward the endcone Sanlors to be Craztani and Ryan Perry-Smith, along with sophomore Jason Maa* and red *hirt (reahman Juatin Wilco*. give the Duck* good depth at a position that Koettar work* closely with. And. Graziani mid. Kcerttar is a nk» fit into the pass-oriented oflwnu that the first -string play caller favor* *1 am really comfortable with what we are doing." Graziani said "We are kind of getting a little hit more into my strengths, and that is helping me a great deal — getting guys down the field a little bit more and getting a little bit mom vertical like we tried to do last year hut we kind of shied away from. It has kind of catered to my needs some. "It is kind of refreshing to have a coach that wants to do what you are good at. I think that has only helped me " But there is still one question lingering in Koetler's mind. “When you lose two great offensive players like Ricky Whittle and CHstin McLatntvre. who were two big-play type of guys, the biggest question mark in my mlndls who is going to step up and be that big-play guy.” For that, the Ducks will just have to wait and see. your HEALTH ^ Learn How To > Save A Life SIS Fee Includes 4 Hour Class • Instruction loolrft • Rod Cross C.F.PL CsrtMcatkm Card 29 Monday 30 Tuesday APRIL 5:00-9:00 5.00-9:00 1st Aid Adult CPR Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 13 Monday 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday HAY 500-900 5:30-9:30 5:00-900 5:30-9:30 5:00-9:00 5:30-9:30 500-900 5:30-9:30 1st Aid Adult CPR 1st Aid Adult CPR I st Aid Child/Infant Adult CPR I st Aid • for registered UO students onty • Cancellations must be 24 hours n advance or student wrtt be charged hr workshop • Students ttgnmg up lor first Aid must have current CPR Card prior to class time • Classes held in Student Health Center Cafeteria Register Early 346- 2770 Workshop! 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