REGIONAL HfWS f ROW TMl MORfHWtSi Federal judge delays ruling on assisted suicide ■ COURTS: An injunction blocking Oregon's law will remain while a Washington case is examined EtXiENE (API — A federal judge let stand kin injunction blocking Oregon » physician assisted suicide law Tuesday unlit ha ran consider whether an appeeis court ruling in a Washington state case affects Oregon U S District Judge Michael Hogan said ha would give "prompt and careful considera tion” to arguments to lift the injunction he first Issued in December 1994, |u*t a day before the law approved by voters that November was to take effect Last month, the 9th U.S Circuit of Appeals in San Francisco ruled 8 3 there ts a constitutional right to die The March 8 opinion said Washington state could not paas a law against assisted suicide, and the majority specifically criticised Hogan, say ing he erred by ruling Oregon's Taw was unconstitutional Hogan said the law violates the equal pro tection guarantee of the 14th Amendment, failing to adequately safeguard those most vulnerable to pressure to end their Uvea. Thomas Balmer. Oregon deputy attorney general, repeated arguments Tuesday he pre viously made to Hogan, saying the ‘Jth Cir cuit ruling has removed any doubts about a right to die or adequate safeguards The law of ihu circuit ha* changed dr# main ally aim * wait decision." Bairoer said "Now that* t* a constitutional right to aunt ed suicide." But Richard (lolMtm. rwpre*enting oppo nents of assisted suicide. said the 9th Circuit ruling wm tiawd st Washington slat* and was not binding on Hogan Tha injunction blocking the Oregon law should stand at laast until th* 9th Circuit ruins, and possibly until iha US Supreme Court is asked to rule, Coleaon said People who are depressed or who are nth erwise incompetent to make • decision about ending their own lire* are not pro tected no matter whether the courts rule there is a right to assisted suicide. Coleton said. “Simply quoting the mantra that people have the right to choose doesn't resolve the issue," Coleson said "Tha 9th Circuit has simply misunderstood what this case is ebmil." Supporters of the lew were disappointed by Hogan's delay, but they were not sur trued Many backers of assisted suicide eve said Hogan has lei religious beliefs guide his decision, rather than legal princi ples “Every day he can delay the case is a saved soul for him." said Derek Humphry, founder of the Hemlock Society, a national group that idvactim euthanasia. and author of ihn best selling book Final Fxil. a suicide guide far the terminally ill Hogan ha* Mid hi* Christian be It* ft had m> affect on hi* ruling Altar Hogan decide* whether to lift hi* injunction, both tide* expect an immediate appeal to the SHh Qrcuil The injunction decision is taparale from the appeal the ttale already ha* filed with the Oth Circuit challenging Hogan'* ruling that the assisted suicide law i* unconstitu tional The 2nd IJ S Circuit Court of Appeals early this month struck down a New York law prohibiting physician assisted suicide, but that decision is not binding on Oregon and other stataa in the «th Circuit However, it did increase the likelihood the isaue will have to be resolved by the U S Supreme Court Coleson argued the poaaibility of a Supreme Court ruling was mason enough fur Hogan to maintain hit injunction But Eli Stutsman, a Portland attorney rep resenting supporter* of the Oregon law. said the main basis for Hogan to decide whether to lift his injunction was whether opponent* were likely to win their case in the Oth Cir cuit, Given the March 8 ruling, Stutsman said, opponent* are likely to lose Waste not, want not PsMfetg on • eonowvaOon nnugt, Dh*on Kh«n*trt Htt hou» •no residents m the Carton Hai aMnu lo pul *»•« tood waste m •ducted tm* mooed ot in t» gorttnge deposst Tuesday afternoon FREE Pick-up & mfrrm Monday throush Friday 8 to 5 kinko's 1265 Willamette / 344-3555 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER! Springfield Library collecting new books to add to food boxes Thu Springfield Library u hotting a (rook collection drive u a ihow of c ommitment to the children in the c ommunity People can bring net* hooka, or money to buy new hooka, for Ftrwachool age children to the ibrary at the Springfield City Hall. Fifth and A atreeta The book* thou Id be either paper back or hardback picture book* for pretchoul through Aral grade age children Check* Humid be made payable to Friend* of the Springfield Public library The library and Food for Lane County are working with enter Jency food agem le* in Spring laid to identify recipient famitiea and to match children with age-appropriate book* The goat ia to collect enough hooka by )une 1 to put at teaal MX) or more in food boaee For more information, call Library asks public to turn off its TVs during one-week fast Friend* of the Eugene Public Library an* asking people to Join i hem for a tut* wiwl television fast They want people to unplug ihair TV during National TV Turnoff Wm.Il. April 24 30 You t:an participate by filling out a pledge card at the library. 100 W 13th Ave All pertici r>ant* will receive a TV Turnoff button to wear during the week Everyone who »uti«**fully complete* the turnoff u invited to a free special program to take place April 30 at 7 p m at the Firs! United Method!*! Church, 13 7ft Olive St, featuring master juggler Tim Milter and the A craw Juggling Show Do You Want (>ood Teachers? Help us reward them. If you have had an outstanding teacher this year in an English composition class (any class with a "WR" prefix), nominate him or her for an Outstanding Composition Teacher Award. leave a note or a detailed letter with the Kngiish Department or mail i* to Anne lutslutya. Department tO : 683-8464 VWOAPVWmjK • MW t\AXA .vwvwvvwvvvv • < Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sat. Smith Fanil!) Bookstore 768 E. 13th I Bl«