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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1996)
BLUBS JAM $1.00 IVIIIY MOWMYl TONICHT JAVOV BROWN WED 14 APR Tone Dawg THU 25 APR I New Rider** Of ? Thr Purple S«gr | FRI 26 APR RUBBERNECK What is sexy? TO* bodyt *rpnr\M* v%* But tf *f m*Kj ool' tsatoy* Simple LAZAR'S BAZAR M74W 57 W. Rr<HHh*«r ADVERTISE IN OREOOM P>/\ I EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS! 346-4343 Thousands gather to mourn quarterback ■ FUNERAL: Huskef Brook Berr*ng©r was expected to be drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs GOOD LAND, Kan IAP} — In a aarvice wbnn Ihe number at muunwr* nearly wjuaimi the >tu> of hi* hometown. Nebraak* quarter hwi Brook wa» eulogiaad Monday by * xMn^i coach w • greet eaaropl* of how la live your life* " Friend*. family <uxl t***mm*tw« filled a ht#h •cbool ftatdhouae (nr a Joint funeral service In which • Nebraska football helmet r*»i*d on Herringer'a<a*k«*t ”1 can honestly aay that there w« nobodv I umkWI that had better charw«« than Brook B*nlnn*r," Nebraska lootlnll coach Tom Osborne Mid “He **» |u*1 who he appeared to he. and fro cerlainly a better person for knowing him ** In a town of about SjOOO people, aorne 4XU0 mourner* attended the funeral lor Barringer and Tuhey lake, a fneod who mm in the amall plane that crashed last week near Lincoln. Neb. with Berringer at the control* Nebratk* quarterback* coach Turner Gill addressed hi* eulogy to Bemnger "You w«r» (tut definition of a loom pUv «rGUI aald i wm m pwud lo have roadbed you and to hare known you You war* a great of how to lire four Ufa “ Oil broke down In torn after hi* eulogy Around town, many people wore rod an.l white ribbon*. the Nabraak* color*. *nd rib bon* w*f» I tod to *tto*t *»*n* The acfcoota were clewed, wi were many busimww* Two ta*kei* on wheel* were mi up In lb* Max |<>ne* Ftoldhou*#. whan* Berringer played baaketball On on* caaket »*•* * Nebraaka helmet. on the other • heap of tod torn* The number* l» and m regulated on the scoreboard *— 18 far Barringer* number *« Nebraska. «u for taka'* number a* a high «cbool football player al (kindland Mourner* watched highlight* of the two men'* live* on two Urge «teen television* Herring** wax shown reading to children and playing football • fVewneruM* » a key to my Ufa. Barringer •aid on lb* tap* “I know my dad i* watch ing me everywhere I go " Barringer wa* 7 when hi* father died The funeral wa* delayed about 45 minute* by lb* arrival ol a bu* from Lincoln carrying derringer * liKtnw taaaMMlaa end onaclwe A reaerve quarterback who helped Nebn*# k* win the i«H *n<! \WS national thampi onahip* derringer. 22. ako hm>d to hunt, ftv airplane* and iMul time with school f.hil drwn end other Nebraska football fern The crash in the aHalfet field occurred two day* before the NFt dr*ft and derringer wn expected to be among thoe* chosen Uke. 32, of Aurora. Colo , wa* the broth er of derringer* girlfriend. Tiffini t.akr l.akt>. •l*o a licensed pilot, managed an interior fin s%htng business in Denver derringer *pent mo«t of hit career back ing up tua quarterback Tommie Frazier But he *t*pp*d into a darting role in 1»»4 when Frazier wa* iniured and led Nebraska to sev en ctraight victories. deapite having a partially collapsed lung Strong, dependable and intelligent, derringer wa* expected to be a middle- round •election He might have been taken by Kansas City, one of 14 team* for whom he worked out derringer t* *urvived by hi* mother, fan. and two *Uter* Nicteil Neaseri of Kansas Oty and Drue derringer, a junior at Kansas State Ducks sweep and get swept over weekend The Dragon Club Sport* he** t««ll loom * weekend **«* turn parable lo a rid* on a roller rowlH. Oregon walloped North wmt (hn«ti«n (lollop* (NOQ, of Kirk lend. Waah. 7-4 end 1*« on Sal urdav A day later. the team wa» downed Iwne hv Western Wash ingltin 4-3 and M Behind Mike Ro*«" aaven itrtkeoul performance, Oregon : defeated NCI'- in the first game of th* doubiahnadot Kavin Daugbarly lad I he Duck* in tbair mund |*me against NOG with a & few.5 day — including (our run* ac*M*<f. fiw KHW two double#* turo tin aim and a bom* run C thru Gar cia got ihv win with an right •tnkaout pnrfnrtnanca Evan though lha Duck* played without «wn all day. th« war* iwept by Wastern Washington on Sunday, In Ottyin't fir*t gam* on Sun day, Wastam Washington bwal th* Ducks in th* unvanth inning Oregon U schndulad to play Central Oregon today and Southern Oregon Wedn—day. hut both game* are likely to he nonet) out Short-handed soccer team unable to win The Oregon Club Sport* women'* *«x»r te*m we* downed 4 1 by (ietwge Fa* but weekend “We played OK,* Oregon'* Denied* Hall *aid "We didn't hava (our of our Maher*, and we only had one «ub,“ The Duck*' Iom at Georg* Fox Collpgit ramp a w*«l attar ih**v Iwnat Cantral Orwgoti (U>m munity Colt«R« 11-0 in Eugime — ftynn Frank Coach uses reverse psychology for protest LOS ANGELES (AF! — UCLA cDith Gary Adam* *aid h» ordered cuw* of ht» plblwn to hit an Aitaooa Suit* hatter during the Bruin*' 16 « victory over the Sun Devil* on Sunday lo prot««t the NCAA * leniency on *uch tncl deni* Adam* challanfd the NCAA lo give him a *!ifl«<f penalty than t* normally handed out lo coach m of player* involved in healing* Adam* taid he ordered pilch or Pete Zamora lo hil Ariaon* Slate * Mikel Moreno wilh the fir*t pitch of Sunday'* game Aitnota and Adam* were tnune dtatoh wfacted, and than* »•» no othar toctdants in thr pww "t Mtfotwl it, I told Pufa to hit him to th* ribs 01 tn tha l«« i. but I told him specifically noi to g« hr#il hunting.' Adams told thu Los Anpafaa Timn* l havt» nul to my vmh *• • coach ordered « pitcher to throw ai * hatter before this But ww had hi send a motwy to Ancona State I toil lto*y could mil throw ai our players ' Ariuuu Slit* pltihw Ryan Bradley hit IXXA toflalder Troy (.Uus fa* the second tlm» this mm •no to a ww Sal unlay On Muck JO. Brad lay wu «to* ted from a game #1 Tempe. Art* . and su* pended far to games alto* to» hit Claus to the bead with a pitch On Saturday Bradley hit CUaua in iho bwi on an 0*2 pitch in the ninth inning of Ahwma Suin'* » 4 ’ over t 43.A, but waa iu»l egated because mn films mind the act was not intentional. “Wo )u*t didn't foot *«ti*fiod with the penalties," Adam* Mtid. ‘I think th<’ penalties should ton *tiff*t Troy could have boon killed at ASU If that had hit him in tha (ban, hia om would have beam over" Adam* mot with hi* loam beforo tho gamo. ordering the Bruin* not to retaliate on then own lie *aid he then look Zamo ra aside and told him to hit tha fir*i batter Dave Minch, a Pacific 10 Cam TODAY IN SPORTS le rente ipokutiMn, Mid the league would wait to review the umpire*' report Wore ruling on the metier Under NCAA rules. Adam* muil nerve a one game suspension, while /amors must sit out Tour games "The coach should at least be suspended aa long as the player .'* Adams said. Tm wtlluig to he the «« rifkml lamb in this The Nl AA should suspend me fur four games I invite them I encourage them I dare them to do it ** mat mi MAY BETWEEN vj33isi/;\y 3>*3i:j;\i. 50% OFF BILLIARDS BETWEEN REC CENTER j ffmm ' ‘ Group Rates Available call 346-4378