u als MSCXILAMEOUS Cmmm Cm*m w* oRw *n f apwtoftop toUtoy iiwn 2 lo 3)0 pm • r mmnf Cunapf ri*i|iniiir»i town 4 lo 4 30 p m «nd • Comtw* totowmn Pmyim WtoWton town 4 30 to 5» pm in Room 12 HvmMoMr For mw ntonniwi CttoUd Room 244 or G«( 34* 4001 »r> «fwm*ton UtM twtey from 3 to? p m m f MU Gonhjry Room C For mom mtonrmmon comma Room 244 m*oWk4» or caiMOOOOt C*wC«W*aiccwtMk •0/ trtta/Vtaart iHIft I*'# toApawig cam&nm* kxtay Worthatium Mutual Trut> Jo»*i Uk MBriatV lady Footedm Uarvyn* Mart/ Mao. Cort) KnMt food* OMart MGM T ahrtti todapaodaot mauranc* Agant* oiOnagpon Wat lac* Comp***/, rmwra Shop Mem Aga t*«o*y*t*m» Saryirat Naan* ad B*«afte«ai Mortgaga Company nagawahon a m*A«* ta*y Fot too** wAwtatert raraact noom ?*a Handneka o* aril MO mot « ft Taco Loco "TH classified a* "larry." aha mad Thaw classifications ara lacking in I hair um of ahntifii data. r»t they aia Mill taught in every uni vanity around tha world, thereby promoting in»tl tutionalized racism, she said A|uan Mama, an assistant professor of English at tha Unhandy. said people of color ran also mutm in# and refect massagas of tha dominant culture through organizing together Claim* made by a minority of academics that eth nd and cultural organizations furthm segregation am Intonsd. Mama said Instead of promoting segregation, she said, these group* provide people rtf color with MUMMfy sup port "When African American woman use organiza tions like BWA. I hay" re dismissing an entire social order on which instiluliottalized racism depends," she said The t.urmni claims made by academics arise out of fear because these groups and their models of identity challenge the current power structure, she said. "And you can't dominate a people who refus ea to acknowledge your power to dominate them ' l.yllye Parker, an academic advisor In the Office of Multicultural Affairs, said the support system that organizations and individuals offer am nec essary to achieving educational and personal goal* Parker said she credits her success as a t’r.ivnr sity student to her support network. “This campus ran lie very alienating for black women," she said She encourages African American women to keep their "eyes on the prize" and not allow any thing to gei in the way of achieving their dreams Students who am able to make it into college through the front door, she said, have the right to Uuive through the front door, “I hope it for you," she said “And I expect it of you ” Restaurant owners ban negative patrons PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The welt-dtw«aed businessman ftared at a band -printed «tgn warning that the owmn of a «mall restaurant will continue to refuae nerving negative poo pk" "I'd never eat there," he Mild, turning away Tough * »«td the owner* of Dardanelles restaurant "II people don’t like the *tgn, or don't like at, that’* their problem, not nun,” wild Invent Yuektel. who own* the trendy 32-anal restaurant with hi* wife. Sheen Kane "I know it’s bad few business But I don’t cam. "There are two kind* of poo pie you don’t dbnmpm t The We offer American Breakfast Lunch Dinner (open Sunday too!) C**ctu»n, Beef & Tofu w* Stw-Ffy VsgQMW onocns TO OO AVAILABLE U S 7 a»| «w • Sun • M* mm Try our Homestyle W# now MTV* tMMT A win* HOMAN KOOO NOUNS US IMN 343*1542 • 1689 Wkltsmetts |eom» of 17th A WtlUmUU) m IU« r*Mm«*ro tor (MrttM up to 2S people who heal you and the people who feed you," he uud Yuaktel, 34, and kane. 27. have grown tired of Cttilomm who demand their food in a hurry Weary of diner* who are rude Bothered by patron* who want them to turn down their wuiit: Annoyed by jteople who waul to u*e credit card* Di* gutted with Kinoknr* So they muted the warning •ign. which begin* Thi* i» a private restaurant Very »oon. we will open for our regular* Until then, we wilt gladly wirve •elected newcomer* ..** — DO YOU KNOW WHAT * TO DO ON A fviday ni^htt then tell the WORLD the ODE IS LOOKING FOR FREELANCE ENTERTAINMENT REPORTERS CALL 3*6551 I FOR MORE INFORMATION OR STOP BY EMU SUITE 300 MON-FRl 8-5. ’It's just a sign." said Yuekset recently as he and Kane tended to a brisk dinner crowd "We let everyone in." The sign also, however, uses a common, earthy term for part of the human anatomy to describe "negative people’’ they’d just as soon see turn around and leave. The sign outrages some would be customers ‘Someone pul Crazy (due on the locks.” Yueksel said ”Peo pie call and say Tm going to ruin you.”* The menu is largely seafood with a Mediterranean flair And it's reasonably priced for a restaurant that ha* been recog ntzed by at least one critic as being among the top 100 reslau* rant* in a city that has several of the nation’s best DINE iowi Hum CONTENT AT i eny^iKi 1306 Hilyard • 345-9555 (MMiMlhagMK tM> ml tttfwdt ADVERTISE IN OREGON D>/\ I L'Y' EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS! 3-4-6--4-3-4-3