LETTERS Merciless media Wot* you frustrated by having to choose th* IwMt of two >rib in this v*ar'» election? Do you want to vent your frustrations on w—Iwdjyf tart me suggest )««s» Bobrar Clancy His column contained a litany of moderately colorful adtecltve* to describe this year's ASUO presidential candidates who obviously ara not up to his "standards' (OOS, April 10) He can't seem to understand why nobody with "any brains” is running. Well, |«»se, probably for the same reason that so few good presidential candidates appear at the federal level The only people who would subvert them selves to the amount of abuse dealt by the media ara the naive and the masochistic. last year, I ran with Kantrowitr I thought I could make a difference and genuinely wanted to see change occur within the ASUO. I predicted some personal scrutiny based on relevant issues that dealt with my capa bility to govern the ASIK) What 1 did not expect was a tirade of personal attacks Now, a year later. I'm casually referred to a> the "bimbo" kantrowitz ran with. I'm pretty thick skinned, but that hurt Receiving this sexist insult would hurt anyone who has worked as hard and devotes! a* much energy over the past four years to this University as I have I want to make a statement about what the media is doing to our “democracy." We trash politicians for being sieazehatls. hut who else would willingly submit themselves to this kind of abuse when they can maintain leadership roles elsewhere? Think about ft. Niki Scott Marketing Bigfoot sighted Is lhe Emerald becoming • tabloid paper? Reeding the col umn by I jicry Hah I lOtXE. April 9). one would think so Haiti lout ed the investigations of one Richard HoegUnd. who claim* that photo* by NASA and other spec® agenda* show evidence of arti filially constructed structure* on the moon A maxim that I* moat apt In this owe i* “extraordinary claim* require extraordinary evidence I've examined the "evidence a* prevented by Hoag land (avail able via world wide web at http;//www art hell rom/art/hoagl and html) and tbe only oxtraor dinary thing shout all of it i* Just how much he can read into »im h thing* a* shadows, km* flam* ami glare The structures to which he point* are more likely baaed in the limitation* of photographic equipment than artificial slruc ture* on the moon Where I «*•* a glint of light cm a ten*, he sees a cattle floating in the sky (to he fair, he *ay* that thU "canla"* I* *up(Mined on a glass-like struc ture which, upon clo*# exami nation. can be seen a* light shin ing on the dust that's gathered on the faceplate of Alan bean's hel met) His approach to these pho tographs is completely unscien tific, and I think the (XX does the University community a great disservice by printing this son of nonsense What's nest? Bigfoot sightings? Elvis on campus? I know that some people read ing this may think I'm not being open- minded. I would hope that we find evidence — conclusive evidence that there is life beyond our tiny planet But the pictures touted by Hoagland are nut that proof The universe has enough wan der without ttie need to fill it with imaginary castles on the moon Leave this stuff to the supermarket tabloids. It has no business in the Emerald Jim Craig Department of Sociology undergraduate secretary Blatant sexism While di*,uMtn* ihe vinoui candidate* for Iht* year * ASUO Executive race. )e« Hohrer Clancy Mid (.hr!* Kantrowitt selected 'another blonde htmho to run with* (ODE, April 101 After labeling Farrah Boat!*: tn Ihia way. he then described her a* "the (anheal thing hum a htmho * BohrerClamy ha* the audact tv to think that label* can be applied or removed on a whim Where doea he get of! calling anyone a bimbo in the Uni placet The word i» *e*i*t. igno rant. and perpetuate* a ttereo lype that is demeaning to women, whether or not they are blonde Doe* Bohrer Clancy think all blonde women are automatical ly htmho*' What about blonde men? Was Robert larUhoH. blonde candidate for A5DO Eresident, called a bimbo? No. 9 was not Why are women to often fudged solely on their appear anew' How doe* being blonde make wm«on» le»» of a person ’ Society continue* to took at women a* objects. MnualUing them In a manner that ia dehu tnanliing and can potentially lead to violence If the media continue* to rep resent women aa simple bodies, not people with thoughts and feeling*, sexual harassment and sexual a*aault will continue to increase. Obviously, ttohrer Clartcy ba* never met Niki Scott. Chris Kantrowttx's running male last year, or he would know her a* the intelligent, creative, thought ful person that she is. The world will be a better place when neither she nor any oilier woman u put in a place to defend themselves against this kind of ignorance and blatant sexism. Bonnie Kant*' Women's Center interim 0vector iPlzxa ^Pipeline. Cel ttie Real Deal 4 t«i< k Wnl< e tiiHl «i I «ilv I vk ♦»' Eugene Hotline I SI - |S| S 824 Charnelton Street JUKE BAR GRAND OPENING! 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