^^TarthbUv Policy addresses issue of campus material use By XwMtini EAnnti Graduate student* in I ho Department of Planning. Pub lie Policy and Management drafted an environmental pulley few ih** University and are now Making comment born ih» (4m|wi community The draft v which it •mo of only a ferw in the e«un try, include* Imum turh a* energy um». environmental edm at ion. environmentally responsible ytmhaimg. w«i». and *u*tain*hl* diagn |»indplM, aaid Carol kosskam. who work* on the propel The one tuyr policy state went, which wa» inlialed by Pnwiikml Dave Prdwiwryw'i office. It an important atap for the Untvertity. the tala (itllmgm all over the country ute a lot of materiaU and have a lot of waste An approved policy will affect everyone on tbia < arnpu* and in the Eugene community 'I low w* choose to include or **< lode environ mental cone not on thi* c am put will show whether w« want to tw a leader.** Ratskom Mid. ~Tht» univer *lljr has decided to be a The group. part of the com munily planning workshop, look dt<« from tMMttb on the University's use of water, efectrkity and other utilities •ltd figured out a per student coot. These dal* were used to lUwtRn a set of guideline* that will kulp tlmniltm the Uni versify** material «m Laurie MiIimi. who nun age* ihe energy department on campus. helped the group with the propel end pmtriii «sd lhe del* front the turvon her office conducts The idee was generated in 1#H> when iiudinti apprnat bed the adminUtr* lion about addressing emi mnmentai issue* on campus. The president** office estab lished the Env tmnmenisl Issues Committee, which is made up of students, faculty and staff member* For the past two years, graduate student groups have worked an Thu year * group drafted the statement from their work. "We don 't own this place, though we act as if we did tt belongs to the children of our children's kids." -Robert Hunter 17th & Willamette 683-4064 I I L LAZAR'S BAZAR * fS7 pug** «B nM). howuvnr. ihm are many other way* to not only ttduM will*, but to ninwtM nwwn w and prevent ha/arduut material* from corrupting the environment Mon* in a law HoowHoid Harare!* Many everyday product* In your bom* contain ingredient* ibat an* ttwfc. cnrmaivr or flam triable Not only do wti product* threaten the Minty id families in ih* hum*, but if they am not di» imimm! of property. may rnuld bn hatardout to tbn environment When the** watt a* am dumped in landfill*, limy can w«p through tbn anil into ground wa tan Would you drink water out of an empty Winder* bottle? To eliminate tbit problem iin •a let alternative* to the** prod ucta • Uaw *alt or baking w*da mttmd of oven ( leaner t Inatim am harmful to the akin, eye* and internal organ* a IlMl (lea comb in at rad of flea powder on your pet* Flea powder* are considered baa ardout m*w licide* • Crow indoor hou*e plant* that help eliminate haiatdou* waste English Ivy abvord* ben icnr (paint) and aloe Vera and * hryaantbemuma absorb many WASTE FACTS —aw Ol VM ««•* •** V** " •*• U S “1 rnm f N US PoMf S**v*c* « 1993 \ (Mfroisriivf« n^l of wow* 10 pwxJuqoSifnmy^nmtnpaymn tor on* MtiiiKKffi Gl’te^ei IhcMn Numbw o» yooory bog* pfJjjjfcKl by or* 15y**»-oM »•• Dm* 4 taMw lot • » Omcompomm * • tondMl / M^sSiKTlMl 01 ^ pw*^ t»» ^ 1 o» tow rwviwt im - TKHHwjwww** other lotint A Water World Water ten he used in a multi tude of way*, but it* mini tmpor taut ue* is a* a beverage People need to drink water to survive There are many simple way* to uunMrvt) water • Install a faucet aerator. Thu device alow* the flow of water tram vour tap, instilling air into the stream and reducing the amount of water used If every American utilised this device, we «<»dd save more than 2!MJ million gallon* of water every day. • CM down on watering your lawn During dry period*, leave the gras* dipping* on your lawn aft nr you mow. Threw will reduce lha amount of water your lawn need*. Also, water early in the morning or in the evening to reduce the amount of water that evaporate* • Replace your shower head with an energy efficient model. This will cut down an the amount of water wasted when you shower. Then) ore counties* other way* to protect the environment With a little research, you can learn anough tu make a difference River clean-up opportunities offered Brook# Bryant immtuxmHH Flood water* have receded and much of the damage ha* hewn repaired. but Oregon t* Kill feeling the effect of the heavy rain* that *w*pt the »tat» U*t February - Many river* are *till Uttered with garbage and defat* creating both Methetic and imvtr»mn«n tal CMKMtlt ft a the m «»iogi< ally minded For resident* the lingering damage tend* stgnincam u to the upcoming National River Cleanup Week. which will take plat e (rum May 1118 Concerned tommunity mem l*et* will have the chance to do their part restoring damaged waterway* during National Riv er Cleanup Wank, and at the came lime have a little fun and gain valuable river tkill* in the Srocets. thank* to Al'» Wild /atm Adventure* The rafting company will be conducting combination cleanup trip* and white water workshop* cm several occasion* during that week Participant* will pick up iraah along the river and learn WHITEWATER ADVENTURE DATES AT* W*J Water Adventure* orter* outdoor enthusiasts the opportu nity lo gmn tmlung enpenenc* and help the environment The toftowng t» a few of me tr«» ava*tat*r • Oeechutee River - May 10-12 * Rafting from Warm springs to Maupm * Coet *195 ■ Oeechutee River - May 11-12 * Rafting from Buck Hoko* to Cotumto** Rtoer/Hentage Landing •Cow. 1129 • Rogue River - May 17*19 * Hefting from Crave Creek to Foster Bar * CoW *2*9 ■ John Day River - May 19-19 * ftayawngfrom Service Creek to Ciamo * C0$$ $tw5 Contact Aft Wnd Water Adventure* at 1 800 AT WILD H20 peddling ami rafting skills "W* Have eslrw heavy-duty garbage bags We'll tie souring the (tank* looking hit trash, Mop ping at area* where the thing* that float down river accumulate and picking that up and ju*t inspecting for damage." said Melinda Allan, operations man ager for Al‘*. The company is offering these special cleanup/workshop trips at a reduced rate as an incentive to get involved Anyone inter «**ted in helping nul *hoult! ton Uni Al‘* WIW Wafer Adventures *t moo ATWHJDH20 National River (llmnup Week »* a project in MMjpnrattnn with fedeml partnership* Ulu* the For eat Service. the Bureau of laind Management and the National Pari Service "ThU U our way of giving the river* a helping hand." Allan said "If also increase* fhe pub Ik awamn»M that we need man power In help clean thing* up *