Clarissa release conveys emotion By Lm Stwmmre StBpQrtS. dart mm i* • band famed from the a.h«» of the tnw'ly unknown yet brilliant band Snatches of Pink, who produced the critically acclaimed acoustic album. Sent *1ih Prey With I heir now album. Sihm. Clarissa uim mom electric guitar., but the mum remain* fairly «,ft and mallow Silver u along tha Horn of dark, folk tinged rock With high intensity. somewhere in tha soundscape of Mark Unttgan REM and Cowboy funkies. Thl* is definitely music for a rainy Sunday Him Oamw ++ + + morning. If* full of —Iwtnoljf. sadness and a general (aaling of to** and emptiness What la atnasing on thi* album is tha amount of amotion and powar of tha tong* carried by tha toft voice of tha guitarist and *ingar, Micbaal Rank Sometime* Rank just whisper*. making him •ound desperate and isolated. ju*t barely reach ing out to tne listener The tonga have a crisp feel to them The combi nation of tne friendly voice, mintly strummed gui tars. bass and drums sound familiar and pleasant, yet the music is original in its own way Clarissa doesn't break any new ground in the spectrum of rock music, they fust create intense and beautiful songs. The record starts off with "For You." a catchy ballad that folia along nicely and sets the mood for the album. "High Horses" is one of the best tracks on the album, s pretty yat depressing melody accumpa nied by s violin, which contributes to the emo tional content of the sound In the middle of the song, the music quiets down and Rank is fast whispering before a rocking guitar solo comes in It's these kinds of interesting changes and emo CtorteM • tataat (Mnm. ’Maw/ inctudaa drastic tn^rumwtM ami amotion* aMtta that add vartaty tkmsl swing* that nulu> Sifom so iikumIuI “Sail Away" (• th«» kind of i«lt hv. folktlngnd nick song that would make Michaaf Slip* proud f "Ilhams" recall* tha band * more acoustic sida. but in splla of th«* )a< k of volume and dntmv ClUritM pulls off a great tuna "Bandit*" is th* most rocking number on tha album, and whiia it‘» a good song on it* own. It reams out of placa on this record But it's a plus that tha band ian't afraid to try diffarent sounds and < hanga stylos a bit Tha album ami* with "Strangs Plat sa.~ a parfw t closing track that includes bongo drum* and soma rreat vocal harmonta* that makas dnrtsaa sound a bit lika tha W * version of Ooabv. Stills and Nash What la impresstvs on this album ia that ovary 'mumming nmxmmMi 683-8464 r* VMO APVWTUW" »WW¥WV¥W* ADVERTISE IN OREGON DA | L'Y' EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS! 346-4343 8 Taco Loco "TTk LAttno Store Con SAbor" Now aorvins brcAkfASt. Ivmcb gt Mnner SaIvaSotcah €r MexkAn foot* / \ Open 7 days a week ' \ 764 Blair Btvd • Eugene • 683-5531 ji “Check Us Out»* f VIDEOS • TOYS • GIFTS 1166 South A Sfrtr^fjcW, 726-tfttft Open 24 Houn (Alimwi) It Juan t kme to be Jnty to be good Buy a Mac baton* you pack. Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 • Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm e-mail: mpp@oregon •