Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1996, Page 13, Image 13

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    Ducks look to avenoe WSU loss
■ TENNIS Oregon travels
to Pullman to take on a
team that beat them at
home earlier this month
By Ryan Prank
Keven** will b# on the mind til
•he Oregon wnm'i tanni* town
today when it travel* to Pullman.
W'a*h . to taka on Washington
Siate at 2 00 p m
OnfOB (14-61 w«* dropped by
th» Cmigart 6 3 at home on April
6 After winning two of the m
matt hint in single* play, the
buck* were able to win only ana
doubt** match
"We want 2 4 in tingle* If we
would have swept double*, we
would have won the match."
hoed coach Wade lutty said 'The
entire match t an be decided on
three or four point*, and we )u*1
tis try t«* turn it around “
Fmhmvti Ail Napier and
Simw’ll* haneahiro manlMl all
•h**»e Dui k points in that matrh
with Winn in
tingle* and
double* Nani
m beat Narelle
Hall at No 3
tingle* and
, S h * n » 11 *
downed Helen F rankUnd at No
S tingle* Napier and Kanethitn
than teemed up to take out Tumi*
Nauv and Mart ia Senn at No I
Napier will go lor her team
leading 17th single* win today
and, along with haneahtro. her
fourth straight double* win
If the it healthy, teniot Klite
Adam* will take to the t mirt for
lhe first tune tince the loti to
Washington State « Andrea Retta
*1 No 2 (ingles
The Ducks’ trip north follow*
beck to-beck i*m»pi over Port
lend end Eastern Washington in
"I think the lest couple of
melt he* gave u* nmw confi
dence. * |udy will "It's always
nice to pick up *om* wins “
c begun * rood trip to Pullman
will be it* firs* since * trip to Afl
*«n* before spring break but
Judy is comfortable with It
“It is always lough to play In
Pullman, but I think our travel
sc hedule will make it easier.”
ludy said
Today's match will end Ore
gon's dual meet season, but the
thicks will com (tele in the *ea
*« ending Pacific -10 Conference
individual championship* April
2S4I in (Hat. lab I
Women: Carlson sisters will run 5,000
■ Continued from Pegs 11
thu meet will outwore • first and last place finish
rht* type of voting has mirknd in our hv«r over
th» long haul, bul Nebraska ami Washington are
good at this game "
This will be the first of two !im« the I hi* k* wit)
fiun the Huskies this season The two teams will
see each other again in a dual meet in Seattle the
first weekend of May.
According to Hemonen. the Huskies have mod
"led their program after Oregon, and although he
say* it’s flattering, he concedes that they have got
ten "pretty good at it "
Washington has two athletes who will be mak
tog an appearance at the NCAA Championships in
June Aretha Hill has thrown a inti 1 in the shot
put to earn the trip, and Tara Carlson will be
returning to Kugene for the NCAA Championships
to take part in the 5.00a*meter run after picking up
a time of !6 minute*. 2.19 seconds this season
Carlson is the younger sister of Dot k stand out
senior Jenna Carlson, who is slated to compete in
the 5.000 on Saturday
Also •xpertad to iomp«t<* in that rat:• t* ftirifnn
“iphoBont Mt!*(u Gluwc. who poked up •
NCAA aulo tiiiM* in the 3,000 Iasi weekend
Weber SOM* is the fourth t omjMHii.tr in the meet,
but I bn Wildcats will bring « small twm hnruw
•hey have already lost six athlete* to irnmn end
mg injuries.
(hm athletecoming i» llumrei Salahuddin who
was in Kugene last weekend fur thn Oregon tnvila
ttonal and picked up »h* win in ihn 400 meter
Thn Ducks will be at full strength. with all nth
lnin« extracted lu compete Senior Melody
Filrchiln is still recovering from running ih»
10,000 last weekend. but Meinonnn expected her
to get bark into the flow in practice this week am)
compete in the 3.000 on Saturday
After finishing first tn their two previous team
scoring meets, the Ducks will he looking for a
strong performanc e from all athletes to take the
Pepsi Team Invitational
Former Nebraska quarterback killed in crash
■ FOOTBALL: The 1994
backup Huskef play
caller dies after Ns plane
goes down
Brook Barringer. th* backup quar
trrhai k who helped Nebraska
win the 1994 national till*, was
killed Thursday when the small
plane he was piloting crashed in
a farm held
Plane owner Harry Barr said
the other person killed in the
two seal plane was Toby Lake,
the brother of Barringer's girl
Remnger. 22. who was expect
ed to b* drafted by the NFL this
weekend, held a pilot's license
and often flew the two seat plane.
Barr said Barringer had often
said he wanted to lie a manner
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<:»*! airline pilot
The small plan* struggled to
• height of 250 fort before crash
ing In a fluid near this Mat'Con
tra I Nebraska village minute*
after takeoff from a gras* airstrip
"We could tell it was going
alow." said Jim (offpm. who live*
about a mil* from the craah *it»
11 mil** northwest of Lincoln
"After takeoff, when the wing
dropped. 1 knew it wa* going to
hit the ground "
Lam aster County Sheriff Ter
ry Wagner »al<i the bodies were
twiwwd from the crash site about
®2S p m and were taken to a Lin
coln hospital for official identl
The sheriff said dental record*
would be uaad to identify the
badly burned bodies
The plane, which Barr ha*
owned fnr about IS year*.
crashed about on* eighth of a
mile from the airstrip
Wagner said he teas told the
plane took off. then began to
shake He astd the left wing
dropped as the plane attempted
to turn around and strong winds
slammed the plane into the
ground, where It burst into
Wagner said the pilot did not
issue a distress call before the
2 30 pro crash He was not
required to file a flight plan, and
air traffic control tors weren't fed
lowing the flight
Herring* r had flown the plane,
a ItMl Piper Cub with a 30-foot
wingspan, earlier in the week.
Barr said
Barringer was 7 0 as a starter
during the ISHM season when
Tommie Frazier was sidelined
with blood clots in his teg
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