Wanted! Students to hetp Program... A community M*n «*nr hdpttg residents 'get things done' to improve the future Part*(pants reterve a RARE service Applications are due May 1st. 1996 information and Workshop University of Oregon I tefMUtmcnt trf Hitnaittyt Publfc Policy and Mwu^rmrnt ADVERTISE IN O REG O M DA I LV EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS! 3^<S-^3-43 Asian economy, politics to be subject of lectures ■ FUTURE: Lecture* will focus oo the increasing effect As<a will have on the rest of the world By P*ta* UcKintey Threw University pn>l«twn •tv giving kittiw on point ml and ernnumk change* wr nmtly taking place through out A*i*. Th* Iwrturw tetri**. "Contempt*!ing A*ia*' eon Unu*i through May IS an threw different college cam |wm in Oregon On Twahy, miiltnt pro fwttor of geography Canlyn Cartier diatusawd thing hong * integration into Chin*. ire Jud ing tmnwhon* in Hi>ng hong* manufacturing community, th* rolw of migrant labor and relafionahip* aero** the bar d*r The n«*t lactur** in the aerie* to take plat* at thw Uni rmily wilt b* hold in Roma 231 Gilbert On May t. history prufeaaur Gl«nn May will diacuaa the political and social unmt in iIm Philippine* On May I ft, Jeffrey Hmm. assistant pro lessor of history. will talk about the future of Japan. both it* pr«U*fM and prospect* "These lecture* provide an opportunity few Oregonian* to pause and realise how largo an impact the change* in Asia will have an the world enter log fh* twenty’Ant century." •aid Stephen Durrani, direc tor of the University tenter few Asian and Pacific Studies "We believe Asia and the Pacific Rim will play an important polilicai and eco nomic role in Ihe world over the nest centuryhe said. Other lectures will be con ducted in Portland and in Bend The talks are being sponsored by the University of Oregon (afllsr for Asian and Pacific Studies and Lewis and Clark Collage of Portland Par more information on the •arias, contact the Universi ty Centra few Asian and Pacif ic studies at }RMM2« or Lewi* and Clark College LTD board gains Springfield resident Springfield school leather Mery Murphy we* approved to Ibe Lene Tranrit District Board last Thursday by the Oregon riele Senate. Only one tenetor. Bob Ktntigh {representative of Lene end Dw* gla* com title*) voted against Murphy, however. state Sen Pete Soreneon defended Mur phy end urged her confirmation Murphy'* eppointmenl come* efter another Springfield reel* dent. )ohn Lively, we* replied by the Oregon *tete Senate In November IM) by e vote of It to nine Appointment* by the Governor mutt receive lb vote* to win con firm* Man Croup seeking hosts for exchange program The nonprofit organisation. EurAupeir {pronounced your o pair) Intercultursi Child Cere Program. i* Keeking local fami lies interested in hosting an au pair eat hange participant from a European country. By hotting an au pair from France. Germany, Spain. Scan dinavia. Australia or New Zealand families with children will benefit from dependable live-in care while gaining the oooortumtv to eachanee culture Hie VofO HawaH Club’* 21st Annual Lwaw Authentic Hawaiian Dinner and Entertainment Sunday, April 21,1996 © EMU Ballroom i/1 $ lUimmi $1« wafer $» CM*m «*> 12$)8 Sam>rv$18 A T«ta*i atoakb »Irnm ftatoan Hal aal at iW UO baton 0*aia*ai»alUnas«4?44S nod language The program imnin (or young adult* between I be age* of 19 end 29 to comm to the United State* u au point TW young adult* live a* put of bun ily and aw* for the children Au pair* offer familie* flexible hour* of owe and individuahred attention in the mm ure. familiar turrounding* of the family * own home For more information, call (S03H29 I10S or toll free at 1(900)713 2002 University professor speaks to City Council The City Council ami the Eugene Planning Commission will hoar and discuss a presen tatton by John Baldwin. director of the Institute of Sustainable Environment at the University, in a public forum Thursday at 5 30 p.m. In the City Hall McNutt Room. 777 Pearl St. Baldwin's discussion ia part of tb« city of Eugene’s long* range planning project. Shaping Eugene's Future, established to determitwi the city's role in man* aging future growth. ODE MOVING GUIDE a //// Adverse your moving services to students making summer plans r uuItSncS nwjf orfl m yum tt PHffl fMT spa |spy Visit the Elections Web site! http://gladstone.uoregon.edu/-asuoelec Vote today in the 1996 ASUO General Elections SSsi££i& mam. fciMai Best BBQ. Best Beers Best Bar N \Ui aiMua 1461 E. 19TH & AGATE • 344-2295