NEWS BRIEFING A l OQK AT THIS MORNING S HfAOllNIS Protesters hstt IOfpR| 01 OlagrOWtll tlwifrl ■ ■ 11 litk ■ « - Al, , 11 urnoer wiin ruduOiocK N0ft?MW(3T ROSE8URG, Of* {AP)-~Lo* **r* • topped cut ting tree* on » limber tale Mon nay suer protester* put mem selva* In the way of falling tram* and created a roadhlot k of peo ple lock ad to umortK filled bar r»U. "We (topped for today bantu** they made the situation unsafe tor themselves and orhet people." •aid Howard Sohfl, president of Sun Stud*, a Koseburg lumber mill that bought the limber Sohn *aid th* company had not decided when work would resume on the filial* Wildcat timber sale Th* sale is outside th* community of Tenmi I* c« the U.S. Bureau of Land Manage ment's Roseburg District The protest was staged by •IsHtl 15 people who complained logging would send sediment into streams and choke spawn ing gravels needed by coho salmon and cutthroat trout No one was arrested Kaczynsfci's cabin town HELENA, Mont. (AP)~FBI «g«mla tMrt hmt liMbomtwr iui p*d Thcodof* MrJvmll • cabin InuMt aridrwaa *• of cnrponli eaecuHvaa, map* of San Frtnuu n bin « hmiutm. ' guna and a bottle of anirdepre* \ •am rnedidne. according lo an inventory teleoaed Monday In a filing released in federal court. the FBI aim confirmed publithml report* of threw type writer* found In the cabin, a* well a* several unspecified doc ument* and note* None of the document* were identified a* the original teat of ihe Unabomber manifesto the .15.QOO-wurd tract publuhed last year A murce told The Assort ated Pre** la*I week that agent* found what appeared to be the original of the diatribe again*! modern technology. hat rvnskt. 53. w«* arrested at the cabin near Lincoln two week* ago and t* being held on charge* of poaseaatng bomb component* Israel seeds mixed StffR9t$ 10 LCMIMJn regarding peece talks WOK 10 BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Uta«l open llw door la p<wc* talk* Mon day but sent bomber* and gun •hip* against new target* In labtoon, rocketing iu«p«itwl HeabolUh hideout* «nd tending smoke and name* billowing into the thy above Beirut Heibollah launched more rocket* into northern Itraei and claimed to have dormt of sui tide bomber* ready to attach 'Our human bomb brigade t* going to concentrate vengeance on Itraei We'll tlrihe at the United Stale* when it directly intervenes again*! ut." Ileibnl lah's second-in command. Sheik Naim QaMetn. told the labtnmt Broadcatling Corp in a tele vlted interview Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Pare* said his country was pre pared to talk peac e, hut would not set talks in motion Pern* said Irucaa with tkrsbolleh have proven fragile New scholarship to honor movie producer ■ MEMORIAL: Don Simpson's family acknowledges their son’s fondness for his alma mater by setting up grant By J«*n M Bond Htg/hmf t<$uc4Hson f'twfion— The family of a prominent Hollywood movie producer has created an endowed scholarship (or University student». said Ann Mack of the Univer sity of Oregon Foundation Don Simpson, a 1967 University alumnus, and his business partner. Jerry Bruckheimer, produced a number of highly successful films, including Top Cun. Flashdance. bays of Thunder and Beverly Hills (kip. During their partnership. Simpson and Bruck heimer received ten Academy Award nomina tion* Resent film* produced by Simpson include Dangerous Minds. Bad Boys, and Crimson Tide Simpson and Bruckheimer's last effort. The Rock, will be released this summer Simpson died In January at the age of 52 of an accidental drug overdose Simpson’s brother. Lary Simpson, a lutvB Uni varsity alumnus, set up the memorial endowment lucw's fondness fur the Univer because of the prod *ity. Mack Mid. Around $*.550 of the $7$,000 needed lo fully endow the scholarship ha* l»en donated to the scholarship fund *o far. Mar k Mid "The family is going to see how much comm in from donation* and then make up the difference.’ »h* Mid The endowment will be Invested to keep enough money available each year to award the scholar *hip. Mid Nadine Faith. University of Oregon Foundation assistant director for gift planning Preference for the *cholar«hip will be given to student* studying molecular biology or journalism lie* *UM of Simpaon » interest in those area* Faith Mid if no qualified journalism or biology students apply for the scholarship, it will be awarded lo a student in another mayor The scholarship will be a Presidential scholar ship, which means rec ipient* must be Oregon res idents. have an outstanding academic record, and should have performed tome community service. Faith Mid. Once tha scholarship become* available, stu dents will apply for It using the financial aid office * standard scholarship application TV Envmmnmul /.Mac* Commmtr w vrtkin0 Homumtwtu for University Environmental Citizen Of Th« Year ‘S*"* «wm* MuaMa«h>('MpM .! f\>« ftm* *W» r°m «*•*. who ftm'vt nmmmmpt. (hew phww rad * !»«***** a* (hew t*wnmm*md <mmt*htp Comm* via t yj» ** mwmnt* SmmifmliMu dm* April 19. I SUM Participants receive: • Examinations, breathing tests, EKG. laboratory testing and study medication at no charge • Payment for study participation CmU Mr office to «m If jroo quality Referral Not Required Allergy and Asthma Research Group 1488 Oat Street. Eugene. OS 97401 *13-4124 w Jacotnof), m D « Room fnx t jones. M.D Behind Safeway & Hirons Hours 7am to 11pm Don *1 be confused... 50c Wash All Day Every Day! Speed Queen Washers & Dryers Double, Triple & 401b Front Loader Machines htt/n■ hi w i \im then ' I, >hn L_> Exercise your right to vote In the 1996 A5U0 Elections Visit q General Presidential The Elections Debatc - Web 6:00pm, Columbia 150 Site! The Elections Board Suite 4, EMU, 546-0611, asuoelec@gladstone. Absentee Ballots are available in Suite 4, EMU